Diskussion:Westward the course of empire takes its way

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Dies ist die aktuelle Version dieser Seite, zuletzt bearbeitet am 30. Januar 2013 um 15:34 Uhr durch imported>Quinbus Flestrin(1004721) (Neuer Abschnitt →‎1723? 1726!).
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1723? 1726!

Berkeleys Gedicht wurde geschrieben nicht 1723, sondern 1726, überarbeitet veröffentlicht 1752, lt. Berkeley-Ausgabe von 1901, ed. A.C. Fraser, The Works of George Berkeley, Oxford 1901, Bd IV. S. 365-366 Internet Archive):

The Muse, disgusted at an age and clime/Barren of every glorious theme,/In distant lands now waits a better time/Producing subjects worthy fame;

In happy climes, where from the genial sun/And virgin earth such scenes ensue,/The force of art by nature seems outdone,/And fancied beauties by the true:

In happy climes, the seat of innocence,/Where nature guides, and virtue rules;/Where men shall not impose for truth and sense/The pedantry of courts and schools.

There shall be sung another golden age,/The rise of empire and of arts,/The good and great inspiring epic rage,/The wisest heads and noblest hearts.

Not such as Europe breeds in her decay;/Such as she bred when fresh and young,/When heavenly flame did animate her clay,/By future poets shall be sung.

Westward the course of empire takes its way:/The four first acts already past,/A fifth shall close the drama with the day:/Time's noblest offspring is the last.

Vielleicht kann man das auf Wikisource einbauen, damit kenn' ich mich nicht aus--Quinbus Flestrin (Diskussion) 16:34, 30. Jan. 2013 (CET)