Benutzer:Mbr76/Sebastian Voltmer (English Version)

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Sebastian Voltmer (* 1. December 1981) is a German film-maker, composer and internationally critically acclaimed astrophotographer[1]. Between 2002 and 2004 his film "The Face of the Sky“ became known in the „Space-Night“ of the Bavarian Broadcasting (Bayerischen Rundfunk). He allows art and science to enter into dialogue at multimedia exhibitions. In his doctoral dissertation “Photography As A Scientific Argument” („Fotografie als wissenschaftliches Argument“) he conducted research at the “University of Applied Arts Vienna” at the interface between media studies and astronomy. Voltmer also works as a Dark-Sky activist for a natural night sky and draws attention to the increasing light pollution in the media.

Voltmer is the spin doctor for the "Weltraum-Ateliers" (Space Studio)[2], a barrier-free museum for astronomy and space travel.


Sebastian Voltmer came into contact with classical music and television work at an early age through his family of origin. His father Manfred Voltmer (born June 17, 1942), son of the well-known newspaper journalist Erich Voltmer (1913–1983), worked as a television journalist for Saarland Broadcasting (Saarländischer Rundfunk).

Thanks to his mother Ulrike Voltmer[3] née Schmitt (born August 9, 1952), pianist and concert singer, Sebastian Voltmer started playing the piano at an early age.

Both maternal grandparents were renowned pianists: Resi Schmitt-Gramsch (1930–1965) and Kurt Schmitt (1924–1992), who held a professorship for piano at the Saarland University of Music and performed as a piano duo with his twin brother Hans (Hans and Kurt Schmitt) .

Activity as a music producer

Inspired by the strong contrasts that nature and life (subtle and powerful natural phenomena as well as moving life stories) have to offer, he produces soundtracks in multi-channel sound (5.1) for documentaries, feature films and time-lapse films.

He processes the most popular motifs and melodies into electronic dance music, such as melodic house and acid trance. His first two albums were released in 2004 and 2007 by publisher "LichtenSTERN"[4][5].

Compositions (selection)

  • 2004: Theme melody for the show SuperNova (Okto in Vienna)
  • 2009: 5.1 soundtrack for the movie „The Return of Mars“
  • 2014: Soundtrack for the movie „DESNA – Music Saved My Life“
  • 2018: Title melody and soundtrack for the film „JOMI's Sphere of Action“[6]
  • 2021: "Cosmic Kiss" for the "ESA-Mission" Cosmic Kiss[7][8]


Inspired by the style of Direct Cinema with echoes of the non-verbal documentary film, he lets the stories be told and developed from within.

At the age of 17 Voltmer made his first short film "Das Gesicht des Mondes", which was presented at an open-air event to mark the 1000th anniversary of the city of Saarbrücken. At the age of 19 he produced two films for the Bavarian Broadcasting, followed by several shorter video performance productions, among others for the Documenta in Kassel and reports for television. For the International Year of Astronomy 2009 he released his graduation film "Wiederkehr des Mars", which was shown in planetariums and European cinemas. His first full-length feature film was "DESNA - Music saved my Life" (2014)[9][10]. He ran, among other things at the Max-Ophüls Prize Festival in the Cine-Star Saarbrücken and was broadcast several times as a TV feature. This was followed by the barrier-free, multilingual feature film "JOMI – lautlos, aber nicht sprachlos“ (2018)[11][12], which was also shown as a short version on television.

Photographic work

As a teenager, Sebastian Voltmer fiddle with black and white and also color material in the photo lab. As part of his “Jugend forscht” work, he continued to refine certain development and processing techniques. During his studies at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, he published a work in the art volume "Kunst und Fotografie – Floris Neusüss und die Kasseler Schule für Experimentelle Fotografie 1972–2002“[13] , whose style Voltmer maintains to this day. Until 2004 he refined his photographic techniques on the basis of chemical-analog development processes. Since then he has been transferring certain work steps to digital photography and is constantly working on new techniques that have become indispensable in the field of astrophotography. This includes specific HDR- and sharpening-algorithms as well as his Photoshop actions "Real Stars"[14]. These are used by photographers all over the world to highlight constellations and planets from the weaker background stars. The style still remembers to Voltmer's first SkyScape recordings from 2001-2004[15].

Awards / prizes

  • 1999: Film award for a special setting at "Landshuter Offenen Wettbewerb für Filmemacher unter 24 Jahre" for the movie Das Gesicht des Mondes[16] .
  • 2000: State winners and federal award winners at Jugend Forscht with his work Astrofotografie als Methode zur Kometenentdeckung[17].
  • 2009: Theses Wiederkehr des Mars bewertet "with distinction" by the Kunsthochschule Kassel[18].
  • 2011/2012: Four film awards for the documentary Wiederkehr des Mars: „official best of fest“, Seattle, 2/2011; two awards at „Sky Fest V“, 7/2011; Award (Best Narrator) at „Los Angeles International Underground Film Festival“, 1/2012.
  • 2014: Photo Contests Wex Photography Awards 2014[19].
  • 2015: Astrophotographer of the year[20].
  • 2015: 1st prize Power of Nature Winner Windland Smith Rice International Awards for a full sky aurora over Norway
  • 2020: Total solar eclipse The Best Space Photos Of 2020[21].
  • 2021: Photo NightScape Awards 2021[22].

Jury work

Sebastian Voltmer was and is active as a juror for international film and photo competitions. The following are to be emphasized:

  • „Astronomy for Education“ (OAE) at the „Internationalen Astronomischen Union“ (IAU) in 2021[23].
  • Chilean organization lunar photo competition „Comunidad Astronómica Aficionada Chilena“ in 2020 for the international observation night of the moon, initiated by NASA[24].
  • Jury for the youth film competition „Créajeune 2012“. Award ceremony in the categories „Filme von Kindern“ and „Filme von Jugendlichen“from the Greater Region (Luxembourg, Lorraine, Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Wallonia) and the cross-border city network "QuattroPole".



  • 1999: The Face of the Moon (Das Gesicht des Mondes), awarded with the "film prize for a special setting"
  • 2000: The Face of the Sky, International film fair in Cannes[25].
  • 2001: Sternschnuppen über China - Leoniden 2001, Bavarian radio[26].
  • 2002: Pictogram animation for the art project talking about characters / Kunsthochschule Kassel on the occasion of "Documenta 2002“.
  • 2003: "flicker colors" (Flickerfarben) – Rotation I and II (Experimental film)
  • 2006: Musical search for traces in the Alps Film funding by the Saar Media Authority[27].
  • 2009: The Return of Mars (Wiederkehr des Mars) as Thesis
  • 2013: Desna: Music Saved My Live[28]
  • 2018: JOMI's Sphere of Action (JOMI - lautlos, aber nicht sprachlos) (Dokumentary)[29][30][31].

Camera Operator

  • 2001–2009: Camera assistance for the SR / ARD, among others for the editors Aktueller Bericht.
  • 2006: Narrenschau TV show on Südwestfernsehen.
  • 2007: Image film for the company „SMP – Sintermetalle Prometheus“
  • 2006: TV-Feature „Damit sie nicht verloren gehen – Musikalische Spurensuche in den Alpen“
  • 2008: Image film for the „Michel-Verlag“
  • 2009: Movie "The Return of Mars
  • 2011: Bullermann's travels - a gorilla life from Cameroon to Shanghai on SWR3
  • 2013: Desna: Music Saved My Life[28]
  • since 2014 Cameraman for broadcasts by Saarland radio and other television companies.
  • 2018: JOMI's Sphere of Action (JOMI - lautlos, aber nicht sprachlos) (Documentary)[29][30]


  • from 2005: Moderation for the program SuperNova on Okto.
  • 2007: Photo exhibition "Secrets of the Universe" (Geheimnis Weltall)


  • 2006: TV-Feature „Damit sie nicht verloren gehen – Musikalische Spurensuche in den Alpen“
  • 2007: Image film for the company „SMP – Sintermetalle Prometheus“
  • 2008: Image film for the „Michel-Verlag“
  • 2009: Movie "The Return of Mars
  • 2013: Desna: Music Saved My Live[28]
  • 2018: JOMI's Sphere of Action (JOMI - lautlos, aber nicht sprachlos) (Documentary)[29][30]


Individual evidence

  1. Regisseur | Film | Dokumentarfilm | JOMI | Inklusion | Gebärdensprache | Sebastian Voltmer | In: JOMI – lautlos, aber nicht sprachlos. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021 (deutsch).
  2. Team | Weltraum | Apollo | Astronomie | Veranstaltungen | Saarland. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021 (deutsch).
  3. Psychotherapie Startseite. Abgerufen am 31. Mai 2021.
  4. Produktionen | Filmproduktion | Verlag | Autoren | Audiodeskription | Lichtenstern. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021 (deutsch).
  5. Music by Sebastian Voltmer. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021.
  6. German Films: Film Info: JOMI - LAUTLOS, ABER NICHT SPRACHLOS. Abgerufen am 4. Dezember 2021.
  7. DLR — Über die Mission Cosmic Kiss von Matthias Maurer. Abgerufen am 19. November 2021.
  8. Cosmic Kiss Launch-Party mit Vortrag von Dr. Sebastian Voltmer. Abgerufen am 19. November 2021 (deutsch).
  9. DESNA - Music saved my Life. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021.
  10. Music by Sebastian Voltmer. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021.
  11. Regisseur | Film | Dokumentarfilm | JOMI | Inklusion | Gebärdensprache | Sebastian Voltmer | In: JOMI – lautlos, aber nicht sprachlos. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021 (deutsch).
  12. Film screenings | Ville de Luxembourg. Abgerufen am 31. Mai 2021 (englisch).
  13. Kunst und Fotografie von Floris Neusüss. In: Abgerufen am 31. Mai 2021 (Buch online kaufen | ISBN 978-3-89445-317-6).
  14. Astrofotografie | Bildverarbeitung |Software | Photoshop | Aktion | Sebastian Voltmer | Shop | Lichtenstern | Verlag. In: LichtenSTERN-Productions. Abgerufen am 31. Mai 2021 (deutsch).
  15. Weichzeichner in der Astrofotografie. In: Abgerufen am 31. Mai 2021.
  16. Saarbrücker Zeitung: Wie die alten Bergleute sangen... 7. November 2008, abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021.
  17. Artikel. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021.
  18. IYA 2009: Wiederkehr des Mars &#150; so nah wie seit 56 000 Jahren nicht mehr. Abgerufen am 20. Mai 2021.
  19. Flying Fox ‒ Wex Photo Contest. 6. August 2015, abgerufen am 16. Mai 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  20. Astrophotographer of the Year 2015. 3. Oktober 2015, abgerufen am 16. Mai 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  21. Astronaut Foods: The Best Space Photos Of 2020. Abgerufen am 16. Mai 2021 (englisch).
  22. Photo NightScape Awards 2021 - All Winners. Abgerufen am 4. Dezember 2021 (deutsch).
  23. Astrophotography contest. Abgerufen am 31. Mai 2021 (englisch).
  24. Comunidad Astronómica Aficionada Chilena. Abgerufen am 31. Mai 2021 (spanisch).
  25. Das Gesicht des Himmels. Abgerufen am 7. Mai 2021.
  26. Leoniden 2001 - Das Video. Abgerufen am 7. Mai 2021.
  27. Saarländische Filmförderung. (PDF) Abgerufen am 13. Mai 2021.
  28. a b c Desna: Music Saved My Life | Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2021.
  29. a b c JOMI - lautlos, aber nicht sprachlos | Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2021.
  30. a b c Regisseur | Film | Dokumentarfilm | JOMI | Inklusion | Gebärdensprache | Sebastian Voltmer | In: JOMI – lautlos, aber nicht sprachlos. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2021 (deutsch).
  31. sebastian: Sebastian Voltmer. In: FEURICH. 19. November 2018, abgerufen am 16. Mai 2021 (britisches Englisch).

Kategorie:Astrofotograf Kategorie:Komponist (Deutschland) Kategorie:Filmregisseur Kategorie:Deutscher Kategorie:Geboren 1981 Kategorie:Mann