Benutzer:JonskiC/Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem

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In der Ökonometrie ist das Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem ein Theorem, dass nach den Ökonometrikern Ragnar Frisch, Frederick V. Waugh, und Michael C. Lovell benannt wurde[1][2][3]

The Frisch–Waugh–Lovell theorem states that if the regression we are concerned with is:

where and are and matrices respectively and where and are conformable, then the estimate of will be the same as the estimate of it from a modified regression of the form:

where projects onto the orthogonal complement of the image of the projection matrix . Equivalently, MX1 projects onto the orthogonal complement of the column space of X1. Specifically,

known as the annihilator matrix,[4] or orthogonal projection matrix.[5] This result implies that all these secondary regressions are unnecessary: using projection matrices to make the explanatory variables orthogonal to each other will lead to the same results as running the regression with all non-orthogonal explanators included.



Category:Economics theorems Category:Regression analysis Category:Statistical theorems

  1. Ragnar Frisch, Frederick V. Waugh: Partial Time Regressions as Compared with Individual Trends. In: Econometrica. 1, Nr. 4, 1933, S. 387–401.
  2. M. Lovell: Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series and Multiple Regression Analysis. In: Journal of the American Statistical Association. 58, Nr. 304, 1963, S. 993–1010. doi:10.1080/01621459.1963.10480682.
  3. M. Lovell: A Simple Proof of the FWL Theorem. In: Journal of Economic Education. 39, Nr. 1, 2008, S. 88–91. doi:10.3200/JECE.39.1.88-91.
  4. Fumio Hayashi: Econometrics. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2000, ISBN 0-691-01018-8, S. 18–19.
  5. James Davidson: Econometric Theory. Blackwell, Malden 2000, ISBN 0-631-21584-0, S. 7.