Benutzer:Radh/New Worlds

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  • New Worlds (magazine) --- s. englische Wikipedia --- ein science fiction magazin --- Texte, Novellen, Kurzgeschichten, Auszüge aus Romanen, Gedichte, Bilder, Essays.


Autorenindex (ziemlich sicher)

Brian W. Aldiss|Anon.|Hilary Bailey (Ehefrau von M. M.)| James Graham Ballard|William Barclay (d.i.? Michael Moorcock)|Barrington J. Bayley|John Brunner| Edward Bryant| Michael Butterworth|John Calder|James Cawthorne (also uses Philip James)|Graham Charnock|John Clark; Dr. John Clark (dieselben?)|John Clute|Barry Cole|George Collyn|Gwyneth Cravens|Brigadegeneral Thomas G. Crouch|Jon DeCles|

Pseudonyme: Hubert Humphrey; Opal Nations| less obvious ones: Joyce Churchill|Philip James [James Cawthorne]|


Michael Moorcock -- as writer: Jerry Cornelius - Geschichten: # 186 Jan 1969 / Jan 1970|

    • Essays: July 67 The Lessons of the Future/ # 179 Feb 1968 (mit xyz über Barbarella) / Into the Media Web Oct 68 /# 185 // # 188 / # 190 / #191 / # 196/ # 197 essay as by William Barclay|

Brian W. Aldiss; Colin Charteris-Geschichten: August 1967 Multi-Value Motorway/Sept67 Still Trajectories/ Dec 67 Auto-Ancestral Fracture/Feb. 1968 The Serpent of Kundalini| An Age (in three parts) # 176 21st ann issue / Nov 1967 / Dec. 1967|

    • July 68/# 185 Dec.1968 //# 186 Ouspenski's Astrabahn Jan 1969// [Acid Head?] //# 197 Jan 1970/ # 191 1969-->

Anonyme und pseudonyme Autoren oder keine SF
  • Anon; essay Aug 1967 / essay Sept 1967 / essay Nov 1967
    • Dr. John Clark - April 1968 The Mechanical Hypnotist|.
    • Ein John Clark hat zwei Geschichten in NW veröffentlicht: Jan, 1967 und Jan, 1970.|
    • Brig.-Gen. Thomas G. Crouch, USAF: New Directions in Medicine Aug 1967
    • Stacy Waddy; 1 Essay, Sex Sitars and Superimposed March 1968|
  • Pseudonyme:
    • Opal Nations: Jan 1969 short fiction Juan Fortune|
    • Hubert Humphrey: Under the Sea with Hubert Humphrey essay - Feb. 1968|

James Graham Ballard

  • en:Michael Butterworth; Aug 1967 / Oct 1967 21stAnn / Nov 67 poem/ March 1968 / April 1968/ Concentrate #3 Jan 1970 # 197

  • James Cawthorn -noWP-

  • Graham Charnock - SANWI // The Suicide Machines Jan. 1970/
  • Jon DeCles --noWP--A Single Rose, Feb. 1968 (Nachdruck) - in ältrer Nummer Erstdruck. DeCles hat 2 Romane veröffentlicht|.|
  • John Clute - Jan 1969 Spider Web + früher|
  • Barry Cole - poem 21st Oct 1967 /
  • George Collyn; Nov. 1967
  • Gwyneth Cravens # 200|

Autorenindex (d-e-f-g)

Malcolm Dean|Samuel R. Delany|Thomas M. Dish|Stephen Dobyns|Harlan Ellison|Carol Emshwiller|Ed Emshwiller|Christopher Evans|Philip José Farmer|Christopher Finch (Cover Art; essays)|Dr. John W. Gardner|Giles Gordon|Paul Green|

  • Malcolm Dean; Oct. 1968// # 190 graphics

  • Samuel R. Delany; # 185 Dec 1968|

Thomas M. Disch -
en:Stephen Dobyns; How May I Serve You? SANWI # 184
Harlan Ellison # 189 / # essay Jan 1970/

  • Dr. en:Christopher Evans (author)
    • July 1967 Sleep, Dreams and Computers - essay / Sept 1967 A New Look at Vision / Oct 1967 The Inconstant Alpha 21st // Sim One Jan 1969/ # 190 (psychology of the computer/

  • Mike Evans
  • Philip José Farmer - # 200 (from 1968)|

  • Christopher Finch: Cover art - December 1967 with Charles Platt; Dec. 1969|
    • Essays: Language Mechanisms aug67 Paolozzi/ sept 67 Psychological Streamlining - Phillips/ oct 67 A Fine Pop Art Continuum 21st- R Hamilton/ Nov 1967 The Terror-Pleasure Paradox/ Dec 1967 Free Agents and Divine Fools| Essays; Terror?, ???
    • Short Story: A Landscape of Shallows July 1968|

  • Dr. John W. Gardner - Nov 1967 Off-Beat Generation /

  • Giles Gordon - Dec. 1967 # 178 // July 1968|
  • Paul Green - # 200|

Autorenindex (h-i-j-k)

Gretchen Haapanen|Harrison - on pot # 196 --same as John Harrison? (der auch als Joyce Churchill)|Jon Hartridge|Dr. David Harvey|Robert Holdstock|Libby Houston|Harvey Jacobs| Raymond Jonson|Frances Johnston|A. Glyn Jones|Langdon Jones|

  • Gretchen Haapanen SANWI
  • ((Richard Hamilton)) - cover on # 176 Oct 1967 21st Anni. Issue
  • Harrison; on Pot # 196
  • M. John Harrison SANWI// # 189 / Jan 1970 + anon -essay- Jan 1970 as by Joyce Churchill/ # 200 excerpt from The Committed Man|

  • Jon Hartridge # 193

Dr. David Harvey - The Languages of Science

  • Robert Holdstock SANWI
  • Libby Houston; # 190 poems//
  • Harvey Jacobs - (1966 story) Feb 1968 /'A Disturbance of Peace Oct. 1968// # 186/ #190/ # 193 1969|
  • Raymond Johnson # 200|
  • Frances Johnston SANWI
  • A. Glyn Jones; /Revolutionary Art (auf dem Cover; nicht nach der online-Bibliographie)//Jan 1970 # 190 cover + poem Two Poems, Six Letters
  • Langdon Jones (alleiniger Herausgeber # 189 to # 192); as writer
      1. 21st Anni Issue 1967 / # 180 March 1968 The Hall of Machines. The Coming of the Sun. The Eye of the Lens / Oct 1968// # 191 / # 194

Autorenindex (l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v-w-x-y-z)

Fritz Leiber|Chris Lockesley|Christopher Logue|David Lunde|George MacBeth|Bob Marsden|David L. Masson|Michael Moorcock| John Munro (died 1930)|Bob Parkinson|Mervin Peake on M P?|Charles Platt|Thomas Pynchon|James Sallis|John T. Sladek|Norman Spinrad|Jack Trevor Story|D.M. Thomas|Brian Vickers|Stacy Waddy|Ian Watson|Gene Wolfe|Roger Zelazny|Pamela Zoline|Leo Zorin|Joel Zoss

  • Fritz Leiber: The Square Root of the Brain Feb 1968|
  • Chris Lockesley SANWI # 184
  • en:Christopher Logue; poem July 1968
  • David Lunde poem March 1968 //
  • George MacBeth - July 1967 (poem) /# 188/# 194
  • Bob Marsden - July 1968//# 190 1969

  • David L. Masson
    • July 1967 /

  • [Michael Moorcock]
  • John Munro (1849-1930) - Book, 1897: A Trip to Venus
    • # 201 1971 subsc. only issue Is the End of the World Near? 1899 essay.|

((Gaby Naseman)) - cover art - # 184 SANWI November 1968, December 1968; # 186 January 1969, # 187 Feb 1968 + Jeremiad, Kite, Entropy, Feb 1969, March 1969, May 1969

  • Bob Parkinson - Oct 1967 21st

((Eduardo Paolozzi)); August 1967 (Collage on the Cover)

  • Mervin Peake; on M. P., Oct --21st 67//# 187/# 194

  • ((Peter Phillips)) - cover September 1967|

en:Charles Platt (editor with M. M. # 187, # 188; editor alone # 193 and # 197 to # 200); as writer

    • Expressing the Abstract, essay July 1967 / novelette Oct 21stAnn 1967/March 1968 Fun Palace, Not a Freakout essay 1968 //on Keith Albarn # 190/# 196

Thomas Pynchon; # 187 Entropy|

  • Keith Roberts - nw -???

John Sladek, John T. Sladek

    • July 1967 / Sept 1967 / # 178 Dec 1967 (on McLuhan) / Jan 1969 essay Anxietal Register B / New Forms essay April 1968 / July 1968 // # 195 / # 196 //# 197 Jan 1970

Norman Spinrad

    • Bug Jack Barron- # 178 Dec 1967 (first of six parts)/ (2 of 6) Feb 1968 / (3 of 6) March 1968 / (4 of 6) April 1968 / (5 of 6) July 1968 / (6 of 6) # 183 October 1968|
    • # 193 short-story

en:D. M. Thomas

    • March 1968 The Head Rape (poem)/ Two Voices (poem) # 182 July 1968/ X, 'Grief End of a Viking Settlement Yseult poem # 193 / # 200 poem|
    • Jan 1969 # 186 Hospital of Transplanted Hearts (short story)/# 188 Future of Art/ # 199 March 1970

  • James Tiptree, Jr. - nw -???
  • ((Vivienne Young)) - Cover Art Nov 1967 // March 1968
  • Brian Vickers SANW Issue # 184|
  • Stacy Waddy - Sex Sitars and Superimposed - essay March 1968|
  • Ian Watson - # 200
  • James White
  • Gene Wolfe - August 1968
  • Roger Zelazny
    • July 1967 / Sept 21stAnni Issue (with Dannie Plachta)
  • Pamela Zoline July 1967 pp. 32 to 39?
  • Leo Zorin - # 181 April 1968 |
  • Joel Zoss - # 181 April 1968 The Valve Transcript|

Deutsche Übersetzungen

Deutsche Übersetzung von Pamela Zolines N-W Geschichte in: Frank Rainer Scheck: Computerträume


Artists - Cover Art etc.

Cover art:

  • Dietterlin # 201 - subscription only|

Interior Art:
