Benutzer:Regiomontanus/Bearbeitete Artikel/Psoroptidae

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Psoroptes cuniculi

Unterklasse: Milben (Acari)
Ordnung: Sarcoptiformes
Unterordnung: Hornmilben (Oribatida)
Kohorte: Astigmata
Überfamilie: Sarcoptoidea
Familie: Psoroptidae
Wissenschaftlicher Name

Die Psoroptidae

includes six genera whose ten species are permanent parasites of African and Malagasy primates (O'Connor 1984). Among them, nine species of five genera are associated with Malagasy Lemuren of the families Cheirogalidae, das Fingertier (Daubentonia madagascariensis), Gewöhnliche Makis (Lemuridae), Indriartige (Indriidae) und Wieselmakis (Lepilemuridae) (see Table), while of the monobasic genus

Smith, 1836 (Galagonidae) from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Fain 1963c). Fain (1963b, 1972) included four genera in the subfamily Makialginae:

Fain, 1963 and

  • Makialges Gaud et Till, 1957 each with three species, and the monobasic

Lemuralges Fain, 1963 and Daubentonialges Fain, 1972.

O'Connor (1984) synonymized the monobasic psoroptid subfamily Cheirogalginae Fain, 1973 (the genus Cheirogalges Fain, 1963) and the family Galalgidae (Galagalges) with Makialginae and conducted the first analysis of phylogenetic relationships among makialgine genera.

  • Psoroptes ovis is the well-known sheep mange mite causing serious damage to fleece and can even cause deaths


  • 1938-1941. Wieland Beck: Ohrräude durch Otodectes cynotis (Acari: Psoroptidae) beim Frettchen - Erregerbiologie, Pathogenese, Klinik, Diagnose und

Saugmilben (Psoroptes)

  • H. Rinder, R. Gothe (2000): Species of the genus Psoroptes (Acari: Psoroptidae): a taxonomic consideration. In: Experimental and Applied Acarology 24(3):

Psoroptes cuniculi

  • S. 508–509. Wieland Beck: Ohrräude durch Psoroptes cuniculi (Acari: Psoroptidae) beim Hauskaninchen – Erregerbiologie, Pathogenese, Klinik, Diagnose

Otodectes cynotis

  • Klasse: Spinnentiere (Arachnida) Ordnung: Milben (Acari) Unterordnung: Astigmata Familie: Psoroptidae Gattung: Otodectes Art: Otodectes cynotis