Diskussion:Oskar Heil

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[1] Das Militär brachte ihn in die USA wo er auf der zur Wright-Patterson Air Force Base und später bei en:Eimac arbeitete.

[2] RESEARCH (ADVANCED RESEARCH)Dr. Heil received his Ph.D. in Physics at the University ofGottingen in 1932. He did research work at the University ofGottingen, in the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England, atStandard Telephones and Cables, England, and with C. H. Lorenz,A.G., Julius Pintech, K.G., and Telefunken of Germany. Priorto joining Eimac, he was employed by the Wright Air DevelopmentCenter and was engaged in research and development in the tubelaboratory at Ohio State University.Dr. Heil is credited with the discovery of the basic velocitymodulation principle and with building of the-first tube of thistype. An article published in Zeitschrift fur Physik, Vol. 95,page 762, 1935, and later translated, Electronics, Vol. 16, page164, July, 1943, gives the first published theory of velocitymodulation of an electron beam and describes a tube utilizingthis principle. Patents based on this concept were issued toDr. Heil in the United States and Germany. All present daykiystrons utilize the principles described by Dr. Heil in thisearly work. Another significant patent of Dr. Heil's was issuedin 1950 for development of the Heil Electron Gun which, becauseof its high area convergence, is now being used in many tubedesigns. Other work of Dr. Heil includes harmonic oscillators,plasma studies, electron beam optics and diagnostics, a semi-conductor, amplifier, the floating-drift-tube klystron, and morerecently, a technique for quartz-to-metal sealing and a new highefficiency bunching technique for high power tubes.

ein anderer?

Bol: "Oskar Heil befand sich von 1944 bis Ende 1950 in sowjetischer Kriegsgefangenschaft." ??? -- Crato 18:40, 3. Okt. 2008 (CEST)

Ja, das ist ein anderer Oskar Heil. Denn man kann auf der verlinkten Seite über die Funktion "im Buch lesen" auf der 2. Seite erkennen, dass dieser Oskar Heil von 1910 bis 2004 lebte und (vermutlich) 2003 das Buch beendete. -- Duschi 17:27, 29. Sep. 2009 (CEST)

Spekulationen ?

" Anscheinend begleitete er ... Wahrscheinlich wurde Agnessa verboten..." WP NPOV beachten. --2003:CC:93C1:7801:E120:A49B:982D:70C7 04:13, 9. Jul. 2016 (CEST)