Benutzer:Nico Manthey/Physiological Methods of Inducing ASC

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Physiological methods of inducing ASC
Induction Method Description
Autogenic Training With the eyes closed, the person visualizes each part of her body. As breathing and exhaling, she makes affirmations visualizing her body as heavy, then as warm and finally as calm.
Progressive Relaxation Technique to relax the different groups of muscles through tension and then relaxation of the tensed muscles.
Holotropic Breathwork The person starts with full deep breaths, then circular breathing (without holding breath between inhaling-exhaling-inhaling, then maintained accelerated mouth breathing but without tension in the body. It is performed by pairs that alternate the roles of sitter and experiencer.
Hyperventilation The person breathes fast and shallowly or makes several long and deep breaths.
Rebirthing-breathwork and Meditation Breathing technique, person learns to consciously breathe without pauses between inhalation and exhalation. Consciously pull the breath in, and passively let the breath out.
Relaxation Response With eyes closed, the person tries to relax all the muscles of the body through the repetition of a word or sound while breathing.
Yogic breathing (Pranayama) Prana means life energy. Pranayama is the practice of breathing techniques. It has four phases: inhalation, internal retention, exhalation and external retention.
Alternate nostril breathing Breathing technique based on repeat cycles of inhalation through one nostril while exhaling through the other nostril.
Radiance breathwork Breathing technique consisting on fast breathing and deep gulps. The breathing is done through the mouth. There is a person who helps the breather and guides the session. The helper encourages the breather to experience the feelings fully and move through them.
Mantra Melodic and mathematically structured Sounds or group of words in Sanskrit, which have spiritual interpretation: human longing for truth, light, peace, love, knowledge. They are thought to harmonize the energy and focus the mind.
Om Mantra meditation Seated and with eyes closed, the person takes a deep breath and while exhaling chants the word “OM”. After repeating that for a time the person keeps silence.
Repetitive Speech (“mantra”) Repetition of one word at a continuous rate.
Transcendental Meditation Seated with eyes closed, the person chants a mantra and focuses on it. It is done twice a day during 15-20 minutes.
Taoist Meditation Seated with the spine straight the person first pays attention to physical sensations, secondly shifts attention to the flow of breath and then focuses attention on thoughts and feelings.
Zen Meditation Body posture and breathing is very important. Sitting in Lotus position, back and neck straight as possible, open eyes and hands in chair position. The breathing is focused on exhalation.
Focused Attention Meditation Turn the attention on something intentionally: sounds, sensations, tastes, smells or breathing.
Mindfulness meditation Practice, which focuses on the internal and external experiences occurring in the present moment. The person starts putting her attention on the breathing and then becoming aware of her thoughts and feelings. The aim is not to react to the feelings or thoughts but accepting them.
Loving kindness meditation Method to develop compassion. While breathing, the person focus on phrases of love directed towards herself, then towards a loved person and at the end towards some neutral person. Aim is to expand the feeling of loving kindness.
Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Associated with the philosophy and religion of Buddhism. Study of one's mind to achieve enlightenment and nirvana. Seated with the spine straight the person brings full attention to her breath. If some distraction happens, the person should immediately come back to focus on the breath.
Ananda Marga The eyes are closed and a mental repetition of a mantra with a specific meaning (affirmations) is said as well as encloses body postures.
Tai Chi Martial art based on slow body movements, deep breathing exercises and focus on bodily sensations.
Qigong It is intended to cultivate and balance the life energy (qi). Involves slow flowing body movements as well as deep rhythmic breathing. It is similar to Tai-chi.
Raja Yoga Also known as Ashtanga Yoga. It is based on self -discipline and It is organized in eight steps from self-control to spiritual realization. The eyes are open, and fixed on a meaningful symbol. There are also positive thoughts about a Universal force impregnating all over. Through these steps, it is believed that the person achieves inner peace, clarity, self-control and realization.
Kriya Yoga Based on breathing technique, which has three periods: 1.slow deep breathing (breathing in, holding, breathing out and holding). 2.forced inhalation and exhalation. 3.Cyclical breathing (slow, medium, and fast cycles of breathing).
Kundalini Yoga For practitioners, it is thought that kundalini energy rests on the base of the spine. With breathing techniques and meditation, this energy flows through the chakras or energy centers and allows an expanded state of consciousness (Kundalini awakening).
Sahaja Yoga Meditation technique, which seeks self Realization through forgiveness and reduction of guilty feelings. For that purpose, the person makes use of some affirmations and breathing.
Yoga Nidra By deep and slow breathing, also focus on different parts of the body and relax them, concentrate on sensations of the body.
Self-hypnosis The person goes into deep relaxation (through relaxing tensions in the body and through deep breathing)
Hypnosis It starts with a ritual, which is normally based on progressive relaxation techniques, followed by verbal suggestions from the hypnotist to induce on the patient changes in behaviour and cognitive control.
Runner’s high Running during a long period of time. Also long-duration and rhythmic exercise.
Sweat Lodge Ceremony Ceremony carried out on a hot hut made of natural materials. Through sweats, prayer and songs it is thought to produce spiritual cleansing and warmth as well as mental and physical healing.
Trance Altered state of consciousness characterized by limited awareness of external surroundings.
Drumming and dancing Drumming is normally used in indigenous rituals by the shamans. Body movements become synchronized with the rhythm of drumming.
Chanting (religious) As a part of a group ritual, integrants sing rhythmic words or rounds, which have one or two main pitches.
Dancing In American Indian cultures, dance is a religious experience and spiritual practice. In India, (odissi and bharatanatyam), it is associated with spirituality and is valued as a method of entering into divine consciousness. In Judaism, in religious festivals such as Simchat Torah, people dance in Synagogues around Torah scrolls to commemorate the giving of the Law.
Whirling dervish Part of the Sama Ceremony,They rotate counter-clockwise for up to ten minutes at a time entering an inner state or ecstasy.
Native American Dance Use of drumming as a way to induce trance. The shamans go into self-hypnotic trance and the drum rhythm leads him go , what is often called “on a journey”. The rituals also include repetitive and monotonous songs and dances.
Floatation tank Sensory deprivation method. The person lies in a dark tank with warm saltwater. It induces the illusion of low gravity and allows relaxation.
Mind machine It is an auditory and visual stimulation device. Consists on a set of headphones playing rhythmic sounds and Light goggles. The person has the eyes closed and might be relaxed. It is known to produce visual and auditory illusory effects
Dream Machine It is cylinder with a light and some cuts on the sides. The cylinder rotates and creates different geometric shapes. The person has to close the eyes.
Binaural beats Presentation of two different auditory impulses each one in one ear. By introducing one frequency in one ear, and another in the opposite ear, it is thought to produce hypnagogic states and people can experience visual or auditory illusions.
Ganzfeld experiment Sensory homogenization technique in which the person is exposed to a homogeneous red light through halved ping-pong balls over the eyes and to a monotone white or pink noise through a set of headphones.
Carbogen gas (Meduna’s mixture) Meduna was a psychiatrist who starts using it as a therapeutic tool. Normally it is a mixture of carbon dioxide 30% (CO2) and oxygen 70% (O2), administered via a mask. After 8-20 breaths it can cause anesthetic and dissociative effects, as brightening or darkening of the visual field, kaleidoscopic or swirling changes in color, visions or sensation of being transported to another dimension.
Game Machine Person plays in a machine in order to win Money. The most used machine is the jackpot machine, which involves matching symbols.