Benutzer:Luke1133/Universal Investment

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Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH
Rechtsform GmbH
Gründung 1968
Sitz Frankurt, Deutschland Deutschland
  • Bernd Vorbeck, Vorsitzender
    Frank Eggloff
    Markus Neubauer
    Michael Reinhard
    Stefan Rockel
Mitarbeiterzahl 650
Branche Finanzdienstleistungen

Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH ist eine Investmentgesellschaft aus Frankfurt am Main mit Büros in Luxenburg und Krakau. Mit 409 Milliarden Euro verwaltetem Vermögen, über 1.200 institutionellen Fonds und mehr als 650 Angestellten ist Universal-Investment eine der größten Investmentgesellschaften im deutschsprachigem Raum. In 2014, the company ranked third, after Allianz Global Investors and DWS/DeAWM and before DekaBank.[1] Universal-Investment offers primarily the administration of investment funds and securities for institutional investors.

Being also one of the leading providers of private label funds in Germany, the company manages 718 such funds with a total volume of 28 billion Euro.[2] Private label funds are investment funds, which are launched together with an independent partner who manages and distributes them. Universal-Investment is one of the biggest administration platforms in Germany for institutional investors offering different fund vehicles as SICAV or UCITS. The company also belongs to the biggest providers of Master-Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaften (Master-KVG) in Germany.[3]

With closing date 11 January 2017, the current shareholder of Universal-Investment is Montagu Private Equity LLP, who acquired the shares from the former parent companies.[4]

The two former parent companies have been Berenberg Bank and Bankhaus Lampe, which owned 50% of the company each, after having bought out Hauck & Aufhäuser and Landesbank Baden-Württemberg.[5][6]

In September 2013, Universal-Investment launched a joint project with Stratton Street called Stratton Street Ucits UI Renminbi Bond Fund, based on Stratton Street's existing renminbi strategy. The original strategy has been managed by Stratton Street since 2007, and focuses on creditor rather than debtor nations.[7]



Das IBC (Frankfurt am Main) , der Hauptsitz von Universal- Investment


External links

Commons: Luke1133/Universal Investment – Album mit Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien