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Dies ist die aktuelle Version dieser Seite, zuletzt bearbeitet am 29. Dezember 2019 um 15:44 Uhr durch imported>CommonsDelinker(280975) (Ersetze Loiseleuria_procumbens_bush_upernavik.jpg durch Kalmia_procumbens_bush_upernavik.jpg (von CommonsDelinker angeordnet: File renamed:)).
Diese Diskussionsseite dient dazu, Verbesserungen am Artikel „Gämsheide“ zu besprechen. Persönliche Betrachtungen zum Thema gehören nicht hierher. Für allgemeine Wissensfragen gibt es die Auskunft.
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.Alternative Bild
Hi, I just wanted to inform the editors of this page, that there is an alternative image of the species, which I personally think is a little bit better at illustrating this species. However, I may be biased, as I took it! Feel free to use it, if you think it is worthwhile.
You may also want to voice your opinion about which image on Commons is the best at illustrating this particular species. Have a look at Valued image candidates and the Loiseleuria procumbens nomination there if you are interested. Feel free to reply in German. I understand it, but I am not comfortable writing in German, sorry. -- Slaunger 11:37, 25. Sep. 2008 (CEST)