Benutzer:Romaine/PB EN
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
< Benutzer:Romaine
Dies ist die aktuelle Version dieser Seite, zuletzt bearbeitet am 17. April 2020 um 18:53 Uhr durch imported>Xqbot(627628) (Bot: Ersetze veraltetes <source> tag und veralteten "enclose"-Parameter; kosmetische Änderungen).
msg = {
commentHint: 'Avoid private information.',
editCommentAddMe: 'füge mich selbst hinzu (add me to [[Wikipedia:PB]])',
errorMsgSaveParse: "An error occurred! Maybe the problem can be resolved by tring again. An edit conflict could be the reason for that.<br />If you want to report this, please add the following details:<br /><pre>Browser: " + navigator.userAgent + "<br />Script version: " + window.persBekannt.PBJSversion,
errorMsgDefault: 'An error occurred. The user list could not be loaded. Please report it to <a href="' + myArticlePath + 'User:Euku">User:Euku</a>!',
gadgetOutdated: 'An update is available for this <a href="//">gadget</a>. But your <a href="//">browser cache</a> stores an older version of this. Please reload this page to bypass your browser\'s cache to see the changes:<br /><b>Mozilla/Firefox/Safari:</b> press Ctrl + Shift + R (for Mac: Command Key + R); <b>Konqueror:</b> F5; <b>Opera:</b> Tools → Preferences; <b>Internet Explorer:</b> Ctrl + F5',
gadgetStopped: 'This <a href="//">gadget</a> was stopped temporary. Probably there are tecnical reasons for this. You can read more information on the <a href="' + myArticlePath + 'Wikipedia_Diskussion:Persönliche_Bekanntschaften">project\'s talk page</a>. Try again later!',
msgAlreadyIn: 'You are already in this list.',
msgNoBrackets: "Your comment must not contain '{{' or '}}'.",
msgPickSomeone: 'You must select someone you want to verify!',
pleaseWait: 'please wait ... ',
putCommentInHere: 'Add a comment here, when required.',
receivedVerifications: 'received verifications',
retry: 'retry',
save: 'Save',
selectAUserInDropdown: 'Please select',
showUserPage: 'show user page',
tabPurge: 'bypass server cache (purge)',
tabPurgeHint: 'reload this page and bypass server cache',
tabUnwatchThis: 'unwatch this page',
tabUnwatchThisHint: 'unwatch this page',
tabWatchNewUsers: 'watch new participants\' list',
tabWatchNewUsersHint: 'watch new participants\' list',
tabWatchThis: 'watch this page',
tabWatchThisHint: 'watch this page',
userPage: 'user page',
verificationComment: 'Comment',
waitForThreeVerifications: 'You are not verified by three people yet. Therefore you cannot verify others. Please wait until you until receive three verifications!',
whoToVerify: 'Who do you want to verify?',
youAreNotInList: '<div align="center">You are not participating in <i>WP:PB</i> <b>yet</b>. So you cannot verify someone else and cannot be verified. Use the link below, to participate and wait until you are verified by three people.<br><b><a href="javascript:AddMeToThisList();">I want to take part in this</a>',
yourReceivedVerifications: 'your received verifications and verified users',
yourUsername: 'Your user name',
pageDescription: 'This page is the user interface for <a href="' + myArticlePath + ':en:Wikipedia:Personal Acquaintances">Personal Acquaintances</a> and the database that is part of the project. Here you can join this project and verify other Wikipedians. The requests below will be executed by a bot several times per hour. For other requests (deletion, renaming, errors, technical problems) use the talk page.',
newRequestsHeadline: 'Requests',
newRequestsDescription: 'The following requests will be added to the database in a few minutes:',
wantsToTakePart: 'wants to join the project WP:PB.',
Xverifies: 'verifies to know',
YwasVerified: '<a href="' + myArticlePath + 'Wikipedia:Persönliche_Bekanntschaften">personally</a>.'