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Appenzeller Alpenbitter

The entrance of the Appenzeller Alpenbitter.

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Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG
form of organisation public company
foundation 1902
place of business Appenzell, Switzerland
direction Pascal Loepfe-Brügger, director

Attila Castiglioni Maurus Ebneter Adrian Hofer Beat Kölbener, VRP Walter Regli

number of employees ca. 40
industry distillery

Appenzeller Alpenbitter is a Swiss Bitter-liqueur with around 30 % alcohol. In 1902 it was produced the first time by Emil Ebneter in Appenzell. The liqueur includes 42 herbs and flavourings and is produced by almost the same recipe since the beginning (change of recipe in 1960).


Inspired by the medicinal herbs from his hometown Emil Ebneter experimented with home-brewed distillates. The result was a herbs product with a special flavour: the Appenzeller Alpenbitter. With his brother-in-law Beat Kölbener he established 1908 the collective-society Emil Ebneter & Co. In the year 2006 they changed the name of the company into Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG. Until today the Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG is a pure family business. The founding family in the governing board is already represented by its third and fourth generation. Among this group are also both of the secret carrier, Beat Kölbener and Walter Regli. Only they know the secret recipe for the Appenzeller Alpenbitter. Some of the known ingredients are amongst others gentian for it's main bittern, juniper, anise, coriander and peppermint. Since the 1970s the Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG do offer guided viewings for groups and individuals. In 2021 the offer was new launched as «herbs world». The insight into the production is complemented by interactive elements to themes as herb cultivation and traditions in Appenzell. About 25'000 visitors taking part of the free viewing every year.


The Alpenbitter factory next to the river Sitter.

1902 foundation of the off-licence by Emil Ebneter
1907 brand deposit «Appenzeller Alpenbitter»
1907 first diploma at the Pariser Exposition Internationale of Sports
1908 admission of the brother-in-law Beat Kölbener
1914 gold medal at the Schweizerischen Landesausstellung
1940 begin of the brand advertising
1960 last change of recipe because of the protection of the Alpenrose
1970 induction of the golden etiquette with the «Eugster»-head
1996 introduction of the product guarantee through ISO-Zertifikat 9001 and 14001
2002 100 years old anniversary
2006 change of name into Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG

plant extension with new construction

2013 jubilee etiquette «111 Appenzeller Alpenbitter»
2014 project start of herb cultivation at regionally farmerfamilies
2016 introduction Appenzeller Rahmlikör as a creamy alternative
2020 etiquette run «Destinations suisses» with 26 sujets for every canton
2021 opening of the herb world


On top of the Appenzeller Alpenbitter etiquette you can see the Berggasthaus Aescher-Wildkirchli as well as the Seealpsee, until 1959 still in combination with the bear. Up to the year 1935 there was also a medical recommendation for loss of appetite, indigestion, stomach-cold, mucous obstruction, uncomfortable feeling in stomach and gut as well as in general stimulating and growing warm liqueur on top of the etiquette.

Sustainable Production

Since July 2014 the Appenzeller Alpenbitter is produced with 80 % of solar electricity. A 1192 m² big photovoltaics system on the rooftop of the company provides enough energy for the production.


Commons: Appenzeller Alpenbitter – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien

  • Alpenbitter in der Datenbank von Kulinarisches Erbe der Schweiz
  • Appenzeller Alpenbitter: Die Kräutermischer von Appenzell Coopzeitung, Reportage vom 2. August 2013
  • Wikimedia Apenzeller-Alpenbitter-AG Eingang.jpg