Modul:Cycling race/lang

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< Modul:Cycling race
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Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:Cycling race/lang/Doku erstellt werden

local translations = {}
function translations.list(item)
Using country items to get the name of a country is very slow. Expand and translate this list to your needs, for example to all Scandinavian items or 
South-Amercon items if this is your main topic. The information for rarely used countries is taken from Wikidata. Maybe adding 300+ country names is to much 
and it is to much work to insert them all by hand, but 30 or 40 should be OK.
local list = {}
list={ ["Q16"]="Kanada", ["Q17"]="Japan", ["Q20"]="Norwegen", ["Q28"]="Ungarn", ["Q29"]="Spanien", ["Q30"]="Vereinigte Staaten", ["Q31"]="Belgien", 
	["Q33"]="Finnland", ["Q34"]="Schweden", ["Q35"]="Dänemark", ["Q36"]="Polen", ["Q37"]="Litauen", ["Q38"]="Italien", ["Q39"]="Schweiz", 
	["Q55"]="Niederlande", ["Q77"]="Uruguay", ["Q96"]="Mexiko", ["Q114"]="Kenia", ["Q115"]="Äthiopien", ["Q142"]="Frankreich", 
	["Q145"]="Vereinigtes Königreich", ["Q148"]="China", ["Q155"]="Brasilien", ["Q159"]="Russland", 
	["Q183"]="Deutschland", ["Q184"]="Belarus", ["Q211"]="Lettland",["Q212"]="Ukraine",["Q213"]="Tschechien",
	['Q214']='Slowakei', ["Q215"]="Slowenien",["Q218"]="Rumänien",["Q219"]="Bulgarien",
	["Q222"]="Albanien", ["Q227"]="Aserbaidschan",["Q232"]="Kasachstan", ["Q241"]="Kuba",["Q252"]="Indonesien",["Q258"]="Südafrika",
	["Q262"]="Algerien", ["Q265"]="Usbekistan",["Q298"]="Chile",["Q334"]="Singapur",["Q403"]="Serbien",
	["Q408"]="Australien", ["Q414"]="Argentinien",	["Q664"]="Neuseeland", ["Q717"]="Venezuela", 
	["Q736"]="Ecuador",["Q739"]="Kolumbien",["Q750"]="Bolivien",["Q794"]="Iran",["Q800"]="Costa Rica",
	["Q801"]="Israel",["Q833"]="Malaysia",["Q846"]="Katar",["Q865"]="Taiwan",["Q869 "]="Thailand",
	["Q884"]="Südkorea", ["Q928 "]="Phillipinen",["Q948"]="Tunesien",
	["Q986"]="Eritrea", ["Q1028"]="Marokko", ["Q1037"]="Ruanda", ["Q29999"]="Niederlande",
local value = list[item]
if value ~= nil then return value else return '' end

This is for the data in "official name" - qualifiers in team items. The first element in the list lang_priority has the highest priority. 
The code looks first in Wikidata team items if there is a translation in this language. If there is no such translation, the next language is taken. 
In case no matching "official name" - qualifier is available, the standard "official name" is printed, that is the one that is the value in that statement. 

If a wiki doesn´t have the lang module or this variable is not inserted into the lang module , the "official name" - qualifiers are ignored. 

It is used to print non latin team names in the cycling race tables and local team names, for example "Team Sky" instead of "Sky".

translations.lang_priority = {'fr'} 

return translations