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RAAMS Fig13-19.gif

Mitte der 1970er Jahre schlug das Unternehmen Honeywell der US-Regierung ein Konzept für neue Streuminen vor. Die FASCAM-Minen waren damals der Stand der Technik, denn sie besaßen eine elektronische Steuerung (digitale und analoge Technik). Die FASCAM-Minen waren mit einer Selbstzerstörung ausgestattet welche, sollten die Minen nicht ausgelöst worden sein, nach einer bestimmten Zeit aktiviert wurde. Der Timer für die Selbstzerstörung wurde bei der Verlegung der Mine automatisch aktiviert. Es wurden verschiedene Verlegesysteme für die FASCM-Minen realisiert.[1]

RAAMS (Remote Anti-Armor Mine System) and ADAM (Area Denial Artillery Munition) are 155mm howitzer shells containing nine AT and 36 AP mines, respectively. These mines can be delivered at ranges from 4 to 17.6 kilometers from the battery position using either the M109 series or M198 series howitzers. [2]

Remote anti-armor mine system (RAAMS) ist ein amerikanisches Streuminensystem. Es wird vom U.S. Army U.S. Marine Corps verwendet. Es wird über Artilleriegeschütze verschossen.

Round M718/M741 contains nine Magnetzünder, Projektilbildende Ladung , fragmentary type mines with anti-handling devices. Two self-destruct setting OR 24 hours. Mine fields usually laid in 400m X 400m blocks. Emplacement time is in 5 minutes.

Schärfung nach 2 Minuten ursprüngliche Version, 45 die verbesserte.


RAAMS-Projektile delivered by a 155-millimeter howitzer There are no special modifications or adaptations necessary for the firing system. Mines are contained within a projectile and are dispensed while the projectile is in the air. The effective range for the M109 howitzer is 17,500 meters, and for the M198 howitzer, 17,740 meters

The M741 (short-duration) and the M718 (long-duration) RAAMs are artillery-delivered AT mines. Each RAAM round contains nine mines. The M741/M741A1 round contains M70 AT mines with 4-hour SD times; the M718/M718A1 round contains M73 AT mines with 48-hour SD times. The SD times are preset during the manufacturing process and cannot be changed. The RAAM mine utilizes an SFF warhead, has a magnetic-influence fuse, weighs 1.7 kilograms, and has a small (12 centimeters in diameter by 6 centimeters in height) cylindrical shape. The new model ADAM and RAAM mines (designated by an A1 suffix) have a 45-second arming time; the older models have a 2-minute arming time. The new model RAAM has a built-in feature that defeats magnetic, signature- duplicating breaching devices.


fielded 1982

Use: These projectiles are used to deliver antitank mines in front of enemy armored forces to deny/delay access to a particular area for a specific time period. The "L" means "Long" for the long time until mine self- destructs (48 hours, nominal). Description: The projectiles are of the separate loading type (the fuzes, propelling charges, and primers are handled separately). The projectiles are shipped from the loading plant with fusible lifting plugs to facilitate handling, and as a safety measure. Before firing, the lifting plugs must be replaced with M577 series, MTSQ fuzes. The projectiles contain a payload of antitank mines that are ejected during projectile flight by an expulsion charge. The rotating bands are protected from damage during transportation and handling by plastic grommets. Functioning: When the projectile is fired, the primer ignites the propelling charge which propels the round to the target area. The MTSQ fuze functions at its pre-set time setting, initiating the expulsion charge, which ejects the mines from the projectile. The mines (having been subjected to the required set-back, rotational, and set- forward forces) are armed immediately or soon after coming to rest on the ground, depending upon projectile model. Upon sensing the proximity of tanks, the mines initiate. If the mines are not initiated during their intended life span, a circuit is activated causing the mines to self-destruct. A percentage of the mines in each projectile has an antidisturbance mechanism to discourage -attempts at mine field clearing.

Difference Between Models: The arming time of the mines in Projectile M718A1 is "INSTANTANEOUS" after impact. This achieves the capability of using the mines tactically in combat operations. The arming time of the mines in Projectile M718 Carriers is 58 seconds nominal. Deployment is for the lay- ing of mine fields for denying access to critical areas. Die Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten beschaffen die Minen nicht mehr.[5]

RAAMS is effective against armored vehicles. The mines are expelled from the rear of the projectile over the target. After ground impact and roll, the mine is armed and ready to detonate upon sensing a proper armored vehicle signature (electromagnetic). A percentage of the nine RAAMS mines are equipped with an antidisturbance device. RAAMS is highly effective when used in conjunction with the ADAM mine, which helps prevent neutralization by enemy ground troops. There are nine RAAMS mines per 155-mm projectile. Minefield densities and self-destruct times are the same as ADAM (M741 short-destruct, M718 long-destruct). [6]

RAAMS. RAAMS projectiles are antitank projectiles that contain10 submunitions used to deny or delay access to a particular area for a specific period. Each11 projectile contains nine mines that can be expelled into the target area. The mines are scattered12 over an area and become armed within seconds after landing. Any metallic object, such as13 tank, self-propelled vehicle, or other type unit, passing over the mines will cause them to14 activate and damage or destroy the equipment. These mines also have self-destruct15 mechanisms. Scattered among the mines are some that have an antidisturbance firing16 mechanism [7]

M70 / M73 Remote Anti-Armor Munition (RAAM)

M718 long-destruct M741 short-destruct

Remote Anti-Armor Munition (RAAM) mines mines are delivered by 155mm howitzer. RAAM should not be planned on hard surface roads or airfields as the mines will shatter or break when hitting asphalt or concrete.

RAAMS is effective against armored vehicles. The mines are expelled from the rear of the projectile over the target. After ground impact and roll, the mine is armed and ready to detonate upon sensing a proper armored vehicle signature (electromagnetic). A percentage of the nine RAAMS mines are equipped with an antidisturbance device. RAAMS is highly effective when used in conjunction with the ADAM mine, which helps prevent neutralization by enemy ground troops. There are nine RAAMS mines per 155-mm projectile. Minefield densities and self-destruct times are the same as ADAM (M741 short-destruct, M718 long-destruct). [8]
