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< Modul:City
 Dies ist eine alte Version dieser Seite, zuletzt bearbeitet am 17. Januar 2021 um 17:47 Uhr durch c>Marsupium (revert "x"->"xx" replacements). Sie kann sich erheblich von der aktuellen Version unterscheiden.
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Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:City/data/Doku erstellt werden

return {
	-- use the most commonly used place, but needs disambiguation	
	-- EXCEL formula: =CONCATENATE("   [""",LOWER(TRIM(C1)),"""]",REPT(" ",37-LEN(TRIM(C1))),"= ",TRIM(A1),",",REPT(" ",10-LEN(TRIM(A1))),TRIM(B1))

   ["bactria"]                              = "Q132646",   -- Afghanistan
   ["اختر"]                                 = "Q132646",   -- Afghanistan
   ["balkh"]                                = "Q182159",   -- Afghanistan
   ["بلخ"]                                  = "Q182159",   -- Afghanistan
   ["herat"]                                = "Q45313",    -- Afghanistan
   ["هرات"]                                 = "Q45313",    -- Afghanistan
   ["هرات"]                                 = "Q45313",    -- Afghanistan
   ["kabul"]                                = "Q5838",     -- Afghanistan
   ["کابل‎"]                                = "Q5838",     -- Afghanistan
   ["afghanistan"]                          = "Q889",      -- Afghanistan
   ["albania"]                              = "Q222",      -- Albania
   ["republic of albania"]                  = "Q222",      -- Albania
   ["algeria"]                              = "Q262",      -- Algeria
   ["andorra"]                              = "Q228",      -- Andorra
   ["angola"]                               = "Q916",      -- Angola
   ["antigua and barbuda"]                  = "Q781",      -- Antigua and Barbuda
   ["buenos aires"]                         = "Q1486",     -- Argentina
   ["argentina"]                            = "Q414",      -- Argentina
   ["armenia"]                              = "Q399",      -- Armenia
   ["canberra"]                             = "Q3114",     -- Australia
   ["канбера"]                              = "Q3114",     -- Australia
   ["sydney"]                               = "Q3130",     -- Australia
   ["melbourne"]                            = "Q3141",     -- Australia
   ["tasmania"]                             = "Q34366",    -- Australia
   ["australia"]                            = "Q408",      -- Australia
   ["eisenstadt"]                           = "Q126321",   -- Austria
   ["kismarton"]                            = "Q126321",   -- Austria
   ["željezni grad"]                        = "Q126321",   -- Austria
   ["željezno"]                             = "Q126321",   -- Austria
   ["železno"]                              = "Q126321",   -- Austria
   ["krems an der donau"]                   = "Q131266",   -- Austria
   ["wiener neustadt"]                      = "Q131612",   -- Austria
   ["graz"]                                 = "Q13298",    -- Austria
   ["gradec"]                               = "Q13298",    -- Austria
   ["grác"]                                 = "Q13298",    -- Austria
   ["tyrol"]                                = "Q153809",   -- Austria
   ["tirol"]                                = "Q153809",   -- Austria
   ["innsbruck"]                            = "Q1735",     -- Austria
   ["vienna"]                               = "Q1741",     -- Austria
   ["wien"]                                 = "Q1741",     -- Austria
   ["wels"]                                 = "Q178582",   -- Austria
   ["rust (burgenland)"]                    = "Q259214",   -- Austria
   ["rust"]                                 = "Q259214",   -- Austria
   ["steyr"]                                = "Q260320",   -- Austria
   ["kitzbühel"]                            = "Q264665",   -- Austria
   ["salzburg"]                             = "Q34713",    -- Austria
   ["såizburg"]                             = "Q34713",    -- Austria
   ["salisburgo"]                           = "Q34713",    -- Austria
   ["carinthia"]                            = "Q37985",    -- Austria
   ["kärnten"]                              = "Q37985",    -- Austria
   ["vorarlberg"]                           = "Q38981",    -- Austria
   ["austria"]                              = "Q40",       -- Austria
   ["österreich"]                           = "Q40",       -- Austria
   ["linz"]                                 = "Q41329",    -- Austria
   ["linec"]                                = "Q41329",    -- Austria
   ["styria"]                               = "Q41358",    -- Austria
   ["steiermark"]                           = "Q41358",    -- Austria
   ["klagenfurt"]                           = "Q41753",    -- Austria
   ["klagenfurt am wörthersee"]             = "Q41753",    -- Austria
   ["celovec"]                              = "Q41753",    -- Austria
   ["upper austria"]                        = "Q41967",    -- Austria
   ["oberösterreich"]                       = "Q41967",    -- Austria
   ["lower austria"]                        = "Q42497",    -- Austria
   ["niederösterreich"]                     = "Q42497",    -- Austria
   ["waidhofen an der ybbs"]                = "Q427385",   -- Austria
   ["tyrol (state)"]                        = "Q42880",    -- Austria
   ["tirol (brundesland)"]                  = "Q42880",    -- Austria
   ["burgenland"]                           = "Q43210",    -- Austria
   ["gradišće"]                             = "Q43210",    -- Austria
   ["gradiščanska"]                         = "Q43210",    -- Austria
   ["hradsko"]                              = "Q43210",    -- Austria
   ["őrvidék"]                              = "Q43210",    -- Austria
   ["salzburg (state)"]                     = "Q43325",    -- Austria
   ["salzburgerland"]                       = "Q43325",    -- Austria
   ["salisburghese"]                        = "Q43325",    -- Austria
   ["villach"]                              = "Q483522",   -- Austria
   ["beljak"]                               = "Q483522",   -- Austria
   ["st. pölten"]                           = "Q82500",    -- Austria
   ["sankt pölten"]                         = "Q82500",    -- Austria
   ["azerbaijan"]                           = "Q227",      -- Azerbaijan
   ["baku"]                                 = "Q9248",     -- Azerbaijan
   ["bakı"]                                 = "Q9248",     -- Azerbaijan
   ["bahrain"]                              = "Q398",      -- Bahrain
   ["dhaka"]                                = "Q1354",     -- Bangladesh
   ["dacca"]                                = "Q1354",     -- Bangladesh
   ["ঢাকা"]                                  = "Q1354",     -- Bangladesh
   ["chittagong"]                           = "Q376749",   -- Bangladesh
   ["chattogram"]                           = "Q376749", -- Bangladesh
   ["চট্টগ্রাম"]                                  = "Q376749",   -- Bangladesh
   ["bangladesh"]                           = "Q902",      -- Bangladesh
   ["barbados"]                             = "Q244",      -- Barbados
   ["hrodna"]                               = "Q181376",   -- Belarus
   ["grodno"]                               = "Q181376",   -- Belarus
   ["гродна"]                               = "Q181376",   -- Belarus
   ["гроднo"]                               = "Q181376",   -- Belarus
   ["belarus"]                              = "Q184",      -- Belarus
   ["белару́сь"]                            = "Q184",      -- Belarus
   ["белару́сь"]                            = "Q184",      -- Belarus
   ["polotsk"]                              = "Q200797",   -- Belarus
   ["по́лацк"]                              = "Q200797",   -- Belarus
   ["połock"]                               = "Q200797",   -- Belarus
   ["orsha"]                                = "Q208609",   -- Belarus
   ["о́рша"]                                = "Q208609",   -- Belarus
   ["ворша"]                                = "Q208609",   -- Belarus
   ["minsk"]                                = "Q2280",     -- Belarus
   ["мінск"]                                = "Q2280",     -- Belarus
   ["минск"]                                = "Q2280",     -- Belarus
   ["campine"]                              = "Q1078270",  -- Belgium
   ["kempen"]                               = "Q1078270",  -- Belgium
   ["dinant"]                               = "Q108247",   -- Belgium
   ["leuven"]                               = "Q118958",   -- Belgium
   ["louvain"]                              = "Q118958",   -- Belgium
   ["schaarbeek"]                           = "Q12887",    -- Belgium
   ["schaerbeek"]                           = "Q12887",    -- Belgium
   ["antwerp"]                              = "Q12892",    -- Belgium
   ["antwerpen"]                            = "Q12892",    -- Belgium
   ["anvers"]                               = "Q12892",    -- Belgium
   ["ghent"]                                = "Q1296",     -- Belgium
   ["ghent, belgium"]                       = "Q1296",     -- Belgium
   ["gand"]                                 = "Q1296",     -- Belgium
   ["brugge"]                               = "Q12994",    -- Belgium
   ["bruges"]                               = "Q12994",    -- Belgium
   ["ostend"]                               = "Q12996",    -- Belgium
   ["oostende"]                             = "Q12996",    -- Belgium
   ["ostende"]                              = "Q12996",    -- Belgium
   ["namur"]                                = "Q134121",   -- Belgium
   ["namen"]                                = "Q134121",   -- Belgium
   ["nameur"]                               = "Q134121",   -- Belgium
   ["mechelen"]                             = "Q162022",   -- Belgium
   ["mechlin"]                              = "Q162022",   -- Belgium
   ["malines"]                              = "Q162022",   -- Belgium
   ["tournai"]                              = "Q173219",   -- Belgium
   ["tornacum"]                             = "Q173219",   -- Belgium
   ["tornai"]                               = "Q173219",   -- Belgium
   ["doornik"]                              = "Q173219",   -- Belgium
   ["huy"]                                  = "Q207095",   -- Belgium
   ["hoei"]                                 = "Q207095",   -- Belgium
   ["hu"]                                   = "Q207095",   -- Belgium
   ["ixelles"]                              = "Q208713",   -- Belgium
   ["elsene"]                               = "Q208713",   -- Belgium
   ["wallonia"]                             = "Q231",      -- Belgium
   ["wallonie"]                             = "Q231",      -- Belgium
   ["wallonië"]                             = "Q231",      -- Belgium
   ["wallonien"]                            = "Q231",      -- Belgium
   ["vlaanderen"]                           = "Q234",      -- Belgium
   ["flanders"]                             = "Q234",      -- Belgium
   ["brussels"]                             = "Q239",      -- Belgium
   ["brussel"]                              = "Q239",      -- Belgium
   ["vruxelles"]                            = "Q239",      -- Belgium
   ["knokke"]                               = "Q2437344",  -- Belgium
   ["turnhout"]                             = "Q271783",   -- Belgium
   ["astene"]                               = "Q2868389",  -- Belgium
   ["belgium"]                              = "Q31",       -- Belgium
   ["belgien"]                              = "Q31",       -- Belgium
   ["spa"]                                  = "Q39865",    -- Belgium
   ["liège"]                                = "Q3992",     -- Belgium
   ["lidje"]                                = "Q3992",     -- Belgium
   ["luik"]                                 = "Q3992",     -- Belgium
   ["tervuren"]                             = "Q456544",   -- Belgium
   ["mol, belgium"]                         = "Q465710",   -- Belgium
   ["mol"]                                  = "Q465710",   -- Belgium
   ["stavelot"]                             = "Q468920",   -- Belgium
   ["stablo"]                               = "Q468920",   -- Belgium
   ["ståvleu"]                              = "Q468920",   -- Belgium
   ["low countries"]                        = "Q476033",   -- Belgium
   ["de lage landen"]                       = "Q476033",   -- Belgium
   ["pays-bas"]                             = "Q476033",   -- Belgium
   ["visé"]                                 = "Q49743",    -- Belgium
   ["wezef"]                                = "Q49743",    -- Belgium
   ["hasselt"]                              = "Q58780",    -- Belgium
   ["grimbergen"]                           = "Q633063",   -- Belgium
   ["brasschaat"]                           = "Q693513",   -- Belgium
   ["boom"]                                 = "Q723972",   -- Belgium
   ["kalmthout"]                            = "Q724777",   -- Belgium
   ["charleroi"]                            = "Q81046",    -- Belgium
   ["tchålerwè"]                            = "Q81046",    -- Belgium
   ["meulebeke"]                            = "Q822783",   -- Belgium
   ["kessel-lo"]                            = "Q951571",   -- Belgium
   ["belize"]                               = "Q242",      -- Belize
   ["benin"]                                = "Q962",      -- Benin
   ["bhutan"]                               = "Q917",      -- Bhutan
   ["bolivia"]                              = "Q750",      -- Bolivia
   ["bosnia and herzegovina"]               = "Q225",      -- Bosnia and Herzegovina
   ["botswana"]                             = "Q963",      -- Botswana
   ["brazil"]                               = "Q155",      -- Brazil
   ["são paulo"]                            = "Q174",      -- Brazil
   ["rio de janeiro"]                       = "Q8678",     -- Brazil
   ["brunei"]                               = "Q921",      -- Brunei
   ["bulgaria"]                             = "Q219",      -- Bulgaria
   ["burkina faso"]                         = "Q965",      -- Burkina Faso
   ["burma"]                                = "Q836",      -- Burma
   ["myanmar"]                              = "Q836",      -- Burma
   ["burundi"]                              = "Q967",      -- Burundi
   ["cambodia"]                             = "Q424",      -- Cambodia
   ["cameroon"]                             = "Q1009",     -- Cameroon
   ["canada"]                               = "Q16",       -- Canada
   ["ottawa"]                               = "Q1930",     -- Canada
   ["montreal"]                             = "Q340",      -- Canada
   ["montréal"]                             = "Q340",      -- Canada
   ["cape verde"]                           = "Q1011",     -- Cape Verde
   ["central african republic"]             = "Q929",      -- Central African Republic
   ["chad"]                                 = "Q657",      -- Chad
   ["chile"]                                = "Q298",      -- Chile
   ["macau"]                                = "Q14773",    -- China
   ["macao"]                                = "Q14773",    -- China
   ["people's republic of china"]           = "Q148",      -- China
   ["guangzhou"]                            = "Q16572",    -- China
   ["canton广州"]                             = "Q16572",    -- China
   ["qingdao"]                              = "Q170322",   -- China
   ["tsingtau"]                             = "Q170322",   -- China
   ["changsha"]                             = "Q174091",   -- China
   ["长沙"]                                   = "Q174091",   -- China
   ["kaifeng"]                              = "Q208471",   -- China
   ["开封"]                                   = "Q208471",   -- China
   ["china"]                                = "Q29520",    -- China
   ["chengdu"]                              = "Q30002",    -- China
   ["chengtu"]                              = "Q30002",    -- China
   ["成都"]                                   = "Q30002",    -- China
   ["hangzhou"]                             = "Q4970",     -- China
   ["hangchow"]                             = "Q4970",     -- China
   ["杭州"]                                   = "Q4970",     -- China
   ["xiamen"]                               = "Q68744",    -- China
   ["amoy"]                                 = "Q68744",    -- China
   ["厦门"]                                   = "Q68744",    -- China
   ["hong kong"]                            = "Q8646",     -- China
   ["香港"]                                   = "Q8646",     -- China
   ["shanghai"]                             = "Q8686",     -- China
   ["上海"]                                   = "Q8686",     -- China
   ["beijing"]                              = "Q956",      -- China
   ["peking"]                               = "Q956",      -- China
   ["北京"]                                   = "Q956",      -- China
   ["colombia"]                             = "Q739",      -- Colombia
   ["comoros"]                              = "Q970",      -- Comoros
   ["cook islands"]                         = "Q26988",    -- Cook Islands
   ["costa rica"]                           = "Q800",      -- Costa Rica
   ["côte d'ivoire"]                        = "Q1008",     -- Côte d'Ivoire
   ["crete"]                                = "Q34374",    -- Crete
   ["zagreb"]                               = "Q1435",     -- Croatia
   ["agram"]                                = "Q1435",     -- Croatia
   ["osijek"]                               = "Q1640",     -- Croatia
   ["croatia"]                              = "Q224",      -- Croatia
   ["havana"]                               = "Q1563",     -- Cuba
   ["la habana"]                            = "Q1563",     -- Cuba
   ["cuba"]                                 = "Q241",      -- Cuba
   ["cyprus"]                               = "Q229",      -- Cyprus
   ["nicosia"]                              = "Q3856",     -- Cyprus
   ["λευκωσία"]                             = "Q3856",     -- Cyprus
   ["prague"]                               = "Q1085",     -- Czech Republic
   ["praha"]                                = "Q1085",     -- Czech Republic
   ["brno"]                                 = "Q14960",    -- Czech Republic
   ["brunn"]                                = "Q14960",    -- Czech Republic
   ["czech republic"]                       = "Q213",      -- Czech Republic
   ["czechia"]                              = "Q213",      -- Czech Republic
   ["karlštejn"]                            = "Q266698",   -- Czech Republic
   ["karlovy vary"]                         = "Q384544",   -- Czech Republic
   ["carlsbad"]                             = "Q384544",   -- Czech Republic
   ["karlsbad"]                             = "Q384544",   -- Czech Republic
   ["bohemia"]                              = "Q39193",    -- Czech Republic
   ["čechy"]                                = "Q39193",    -- Czech Republic
   ["czechy"]                               = "Q39193",    -- Czech Republic
   ["böhmen"]                               = "Q39193",    -- Czech Republic
   ["moravia"]                              = "Q43266",    -- Czech Republic
   ["morava"]                               = "Q43266",    -- Czech Republic
   ["morawy"]                               = "Q43266",    -- Czech Republic
   ["mähren"]                               = "Q43266",    -- Czech Republic
   ["plzeň"]                                = "Q43453",    -- Czech Republic
   ["pilsen"]                               = "Q43453",    -- Czech Republic
   ["fulnek"]                               = "Q740915",   -- Czech Republic
   ["olomouc"]                              = "Q81137",    -- Czech Republic
   ["holomóc"]                              = "Q81137",    -- Czech Republic
   ["olomóc"]                               = "Q81137",    -- Czech Republic
   ["olmütz"]                               = "Q81137",    -- Czech Republic
   ["ołomuniec"]                            = "Q81137",    -- Czech Republic
   ["silesia"]                              = "Q81720",    -- Czech Republic
   ["śląsk"]                                = "Q81720",    -- Czech Republic
   ["schlesien"]                            = "Q81720",    -- Czech Republic
   ["democratic republic of the congo"]     = "Q974",      -- Democratic Republic of the Congo
   ["copenhagen"]                           = "Q1748",     -- Denmark
   ["københavn"]                            = "Q1748",     -- Denmark
   ["aarhus"]                               = "Q25319",    -- Denmark
   ["århus"]                                = "Q25319",    -- Denmark
   ["odense"]                               = "Q25331",    -- Denmark
   ["sorø"]                                 = "Q27858",    -- Denmark
   ["denmark"]                              = "Q35",       -- Denmark
   ["faaborg"]                              = "Q3547421",  -- Denmark
   ["fåborg"]                               = "Q3547421",  -- Denmark
   ["djibouti"]                             = "Q977",      -- Djibouti
   ["dominica"]                             = "Q784",      -- Dominica
   ["dominican republic"]                   = "Q786",      -- Dominican Republic
   ["east timor"]                           = "Q574",      -- East Timor
   ["ecuador"]                              = "Q736",      -- Ecuador
   ["thebes, egypt"]                        = "Q101583",   -- Egypt
   ["valley of the kings"]                  = "Q133423",   -- Egypt
   ["faiyum oasis"]                         = "Q1399125",  -- Egypt
   ["upper egypt"]                          = "Q203751",   -- Egypt
   ["صعيد مصر"]                             = "Q203751",   -- Egypt
   ["الصعيد"]                               = "Q203751",   -- Egypt
   ["lower egypt"]                          = "Q463871",   -- Egypt
   ["egypt"]                                = "Q79",       -- Egypt
   ["giza"]                                 = "Q81788",    -- Egypt
   ["gizah"]                                = "Q81788",    -- Egypt
   ["jizah"]                                = "Q81788",    -- Egypt
   ["ⲅⲓⲍⲁ"]                                 = "Q81788",    -- Egypt
   ["cairo"]                                = "Q85",       -- Egypt
   ["القاهرة"]                              = "Q85",       -- Egypt
   ["Ⲕⲁϩⲓⲣⲏ"]                               = "Q85",       -- Egypt
   ["alexandria"]                           = "Q87",       -- Egypt
   ["الإسكندرية"]                           = "Q87",       -- Egypt
   ["اسكندرية"]                             = "Q87",       -- Egypt
   ["el salvador"]                          = "Q792",      -- El Salvador
   ["equatorial guinea"]                    = "Q983",      -- Equatorial Guinea
   ["eritrea"]                              = "Q986",      -- Eritrea
   ["tallinn"]                              = "Q1770",     -- Estonia
   ["tallin"]                               = "Q1770",     -- Estonia
   ["estonia"]                              = "Q191",      -- Estonia
   ["estland"]                              = "Q191",      -- Estonia
   ["ethiopia"]                             = "Q115",      -- Ethiopia
   ["federated states of micronesia"]       = "Q702",      -- Federated States of Micronesia
   ["fiji"]                                 = "Q712",      -- Fiji
   ["helsinki"]                             = "Q1757",     -- Finland
   ["helsingfors"]                          = "Q1757",     -- Finland
   ["finland"]                              = "Q33",       -- Finland
   ["turku"]                                = "Q38511",    -- Finland
   ["åbo"]                                  = "Q38511",    -- Finland
   ["oulu"]                                 = "Q47048",    -- Finland
   ["uleåborg"]                             = "Q47048",    -- Finland
   ["provence"]                             = "Q101081",   -- France
   ["clos lucé"]                            = "Q1122731",  -- France
   ["clos luce"]                            = "Q1122731",  -- France
   ["brittany"]                             = "Q12130",    -- France
   ["nantes"]                               = "Q12191",    -- France
   ["southern france"]                      = "Q1237299",  -- France
   ["haute-garonne"]                        = "Q12538",    -- France
   ["indre (department)"]                   = "Q12553",    -- France
   ["lot (department)"]                     = "Q12576",    -- France
   ["saint martin (france)"]                = "Q126125",   -- France
   ["chantilly"]                            = "Q126675",   -- France
   ["grenoble"]                             = "Q1289",     -- France
   ["french southern and antarctic lands"]  = "Q129003",   -- France
   ["aurillac"]                             = "Q12949863", -- France
   ["orlhac"]                               = "Q12949863", -- France
   ["chartres"]                             = "Q130272",   -- France
   ["colmar"]                               = "Q130994",   -- France
   ["arras"]                                = "Q131329",   -- France
   ["atrecht"]                              = "Q131329",   -- France
   ["bourges"]                              = "Q132404",   -- France
   ["pau, france"]                          = "Q132671",   -- France
   ["pau"]                                  = "Q132671",   -- France
   ["albi"]                                 = "Q132801",   -- France
   ["bourg-en-bresse"]                      = "Q133069",   -- France
   ["angoulême"]                            = "Q134346",   -- France
   ["engoleime"]                            = "Q134346",   -- France
   ["engoulaeme"]                           = "Q134346",   -- France
   ["bastia"]                               = "Q134698",   -- France
   ["corsica"]                              = "Q14112",    -- France
   ["france"]                               = "Q142",      -- France
   ["frankreich"]                           = "Q142",      -- France
   ["molesmes"]                             = "Q1436644",  -- France
   ["loire river"]                          = "Q1469",     -- France
   ["le mans"]                              = "Q1476",     -- France
   ["bordeaux"]                             = "Q1479",     -- France
   ["provence-alpes-côte d'azur"]           = "Q15104",    -- France
   ["saint-nazaire"]                        = "Q152027",   -- France
   ["bobigny"]                              = "Q154724",   -- France
   ["tulle"]                                = "Q157713",   -- France
   ["normandy"]                             = "Q15878",    -- France
   ["normandie"]                            = "Q15878",    -- France
   ["blois"]                                = "Q160927",   -- France
   ["thiverval-grignon"]                    = "Q1624176",  -- France
   ["saint-malo"]                           = "Q163108",   -- France
   ["chambéry"]                             = "Q165090",   -- France
   ["lens"]                                 = "Q165271",   -- France
   ["nevers"]                               = "Q166997",   -- France
   ["basse-terre"]                          = "Q167024",   -- France
   ["laon"]                                 = "Q167141",   -- France
   ["auxerre"]                              = "Q167600",   -- France
   ["école française"]                      = "Q16874735", -- France
   ["nord-pas-de-calais"]                   = "Q16987",    -- France
   ["nanterre"]                             = "Q170507",   -- France
   ["belfort"]                              = "Q171545",   -- France
   ["évreux"]                               = "Q171800",   -- France
   ["montauban"]                            = "Q172593",   -- France
   ["épinal"]                               = "Q173695",   -- France
   ["mâcon"]                                = "Q174247",   -- France
   ["châteauroux"]                          = "Q174251",   -- France
   ["beauvais"]                             = "Q174257",   -- France
   ["beawayes"]                             = "Q174257",   -- France
   ["beeway"]                               = "Q174257",   -- France
   ["boway"]                                = "Q174257",   -- France
   ["gap, hautes-alpes"]                    = "Q175081",   -- France
   ["alençon"]                              = "Q181269",   -- France
   ["digne-les-bains"]                      = "Q181306",   -- France
   ["saint-lô"]                             = "Q181704",   -- France
   ["auch"]                                 = "Q181725",   -- France
   ["aush"]                                 = "Q181725",   -- France
   ["aux"]                                  = "Q181725",   -- France
   ["tourcoing"]                            = "Q182481",   -- France
   ["french riviera"]                       = "Q182822",   -- France
   ["fontainebleau"]                        = "Q182872",   -- France
   ["dieppe, seine-maritime"]               = "Q183557",   -- France
   ["dieppe (seine-maritime)"]              = "Q183557",   -- France
   ["tarbes"]                               = "Q184023",   -- France
   ["laval, mayenne"]                       = "Q184154",   -- France
   ["niort"]                                = "Q184159",   -- France
   ["le puy-en-velay"]                      = "Q184359",   -- France
   ["foix"]                                 = "Q184392",   -- France
   ["moulins, allier"]                      = "Q184883",   -- France
   ["saint-germain-en-laye"]                = "Q185075",   -- France
   ["bar-le-duc"]                           = "Q185721",   -- France
   ["bar"]                                  = "Q185721",   -- France
   ["mont-de-marsan"]                       = "Q188033",   -- France
   ["guéret"]                               = "Q188511",   -- France
   ["rodez"]                                = "Q188780",   -- France
   ["la roche-sur-yon"]                     = "Q190118",   -- France
   ["mende, lozère"]                        = "Q191772",   -- France
   ["évry, essonne"]                        = "Q192393",   -- France
   ["privas"]                               = "Q193060",   -- France
   ["chaumont, haute-marne"]                = "Q193880",   -- France
   ["rueil-malmaison"]                      = "Q193920",   -- France
   ["château-thierry"]                      = "Q194145",   -- France
   ["pontoise"]                             = "Q201352",   -- France
   ["vesoul"]                               = "Q203309",   -- France
   ["lons-le-saunier"]                      = "Q203529",   -- France
   ["saint-omer"]                           = "Q208793",   -- France
   ["nogent-sur-marne"]                     = "Q212274",   -- France
   ["metz"]                                 = "Q22690",    -- France
   ["cahors"]                               = "Q23047",    -- France
   ["honfleur"]                             = "Q231720",   -- France
   ["meudon"]                               = "Q234735",   -- France
   ["marseille"]                            = "Q23482",    -- France
   ["barbizon"]                             = "Q256175",   -- France
   ["levens (alpes-maritimes)"]             = "Q271337",   -- France
   ["basilique du sacré-cœur de montmartre"]= "Q28785",    -- France
   ["tours"]                                = "Q288",      -- France
   ["saint-brieuc"]                         = "Q29234",    -- France
   ["cacao, french guiana"]                 = "Q2932480",  -- France
   ["palace of versailles"]                 = "Q2946",     -- France
   ["château de versailles"]                = "Q2946",     -- France
   ["chateau de versailles"]                = "Q2946",     -- France
   ["french polynesia"]                     = "Q30971",    -- France
   ["rouen"]                                = "Q30974",    -- France
   ["cimetière du père-lachaise"]           = "Q311",      -- France
   ["jura (department)"]                    = "Q3120",     -- France
   ["ardèche"]                              = "Q3148",     -- France
   ["ardecha"]                              = "Q3148",     -- France
   ["cro-magnon site"]                      = "Q331409",   -- France
   ["new caledonia"]                        = "Q33788",    -- France
   ["nice"]                                 = "Q33959",    -- France
   ["quimper"]                              = "Q342",      -- France
   ["quimper, finistère"]                   = "Q342",      -- France
   ["saint-pierre and miquelon"]            = "Q34617",    -- France
   ["wallis and futuna"]                    = "Q35555",    -- France
   ["french guiana"]                        = "Q3769",     -- France
   ["besançon"]                             = "Q37776",    -- France
   ["angers"]                               = "Q38380",    -- France
   ["ajaccio"]                              = "Q40104",    -- France
   ["aiacciu"]                              = "Q40104",    -- France
   ["nancy"]                                = "Q40898",    -- France
   ["melun"]                                = "Q41139",    -- France
   ["caen"]                                 = "Q41185",    -- France
   ["amiens"]                               = "Q41604",    -- France
   ["reims"]                                = "Q41876",    -- France
   ["clermont-ferrand"]                     = "Q42168",    -- France
   ["saint-étienne"]                        = "Q42716",    -- France
   ["nîmes"]                                = "Q42807",    -- France
   ["le havre"]                             = "Q42810",    -- France
   ["toulon"]                               = "Q44160",    -- France
   ["cayenne"]                              = "Q44401",    -- France
   ["lyon"]                                 = "Q456",      -- France
   ["lyons"]                                = "Q456",      -- France
   ["limoges"]                              = "Q45656",    -- France
   ["créteil"]                              = "Q46135",    -- France
   ["saint-denis, réunion"]                 = "Q47045",    -- France
   ["châlons-en-champagne"]                 = "Q47135",    -- France
   ["charleville-mézières"]                 = "Q47383",    -- France
   ["aix-en-provence"]                      = "Q47465",    -- France
   ["mortagne-au-perche"]                   = "Q476288",   -- France
   ["arles"]                                = "Q48292",    -- France
   ["arle"]                                 = "Q48292",    -- France
   ["chaville"]                             = "Q494125",   -- France
   ["annecy"]                               = "Q50189",    -- France
   ["troyes"]                               = "Q5489",     -- France
   ["versailles"]                           = "Q621",      -- France
   ["versailles (commune)"]                 = "Q621",      -- France
   ["somain"]                               = "Q626382",   -- France
   ["séguret"]                              = "Q638392",   -- France
   ["avignon"]                              = "Q6397",     -- France
   ["montpellier"]                          = "Q6441",     -- France
   ["calais"]                               = "Q6454",     -- France
   ["rennes"]                               = "Q647",      -- France
   ["lille"]                                = "Q648",      -- France
   ["orléans"]                              = "Q6548",     -- France
   ["carcassonne"]                          = "Q6582",     -- France
   ["périgueux"]                            = "Q6588",     -- France
   ["vannes"]                               = "Q6593",     -- France
   ["strasbourg"]                           = "Q6602",     -- France
   ["poitiers"]                             = "Q6616",     -- France
   ["agen"]                                 = "Q6625",     -- France
   ["perpignan"]                            = "Q6730",     -- France
   ["champtoceaux"]                         = "Q687426",   -- France
   ["dijon"]                                = "Q7003",     -- France
   ["lorient"]                              = "Q71724",    -- France
   ["jardin des plantes de paris"]          = "Q730948",   -- France
   ["cimetière de charonne"]                = "Q781858",   -- France
   ["toulouse"]                             = "Q7880",     -- France
   ["fort-de-france"]                       = "Q81621",    -- France
   ["la rochelle"]                          = "Q82185",    -- France
   ["issenheim"]                            = "Q83251",    -- France
   ["bulgnéville"]                          = "Q839772",   -- France
   ["valence, drôme"]                       = "Q8848",     -- France
   ["paris"]                                = "Q90",       -- France
   ["paris, france"]                        = "Q90",       -- France
   ["gabon"]                                = "Q1000",     -- Gabon
   ["mestia"]                               = "Q1011051",  -- Georgia (country)
   ["მესტია"]                               = "Q1011051",  -- Georgia (country)
   ["kutaisi"]                              = "Q172415",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["ქუთაისი"]                              = "Q172415",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["mtskheta"]                             = "Q180810",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["მცხეთა"]                               = "Q180810",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["rustavi"]                              = "Q182521",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["რუსთავი"]                              = "Q182521",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["zugdidi"]                              = "Q185336",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["ზუგდიდი"]                              = "Q185336",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["poti, georgia"]                        = "Q185345",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["gori"]                                 = "Q19583",    -- Georgia (country)
   ["გორი"]                                 = "Q19583",    -- Georgia (country)
   ["gori, georgia"]                        = "Q19583",    -- Georgia (country)
   ["borjomi"]                              = "Q208352",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["ბორჯომი"]                              = "Q208352",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["telavi"]                               = "Q209009",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["თელავი"]                               = "Q209009",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["akhaltsikhe"]                          = "Q212546",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["ახალციხე"]                             = "Q212546",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["lomsia"]                               = "Q212546",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["georgia (country)"]                    = "Q230",      -- Georgia (country)
   ["georgia"]                              = "Q230",      -- Georgia (country)
   ["batumi"]                               = "Q25475",    -- Georgia (country)
   ["ბათუმი"]                               = "Q25475",    -- Georgia (country)
   ["batum"]                                = "Q25475",    -- Georgia (country)
   ["dmanisi"]                              = "Q261243",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["დმანისი"]                              = "Q261243",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["başkeçid"]                             = "Q261243",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["ozurgeti"]                             = "Q317145",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["ოზურგეთი"]                             = "Q317145",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["macharadze"]                           = "Q317145",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["makharadze"]                           = "Q317145",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["akhalkalaki"]                          = "Q500888",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["ახალქალაქი"]                           = "Q500888",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["ախալքալաք"]                            = "Q500888",   -- Georgia (country)
   ["tbilisi"]                              = "Q994",      -- Georgia (country)
   ["თბილისი"]                              = "Q994",      -- Georgia (country)
   ["tpilisi"]                              = "Q994",      -- Georgia (country)
   ["tiflis"]                               = "Q994",      -- Georgia (country)
   ["german east africa"]                   = "Q153963",   -- German East Africa
   ["aachen"]                               = "Q1017",     -- Germany
   ["aix-la-chapelle<!-- french-->"]        = "Q1017",     -- Germany
   ["stuttgart"]                            = "Q1022",     -- Germany
   ["karlsruhe"]                            = "Q1040",     -- Germany
   ["hamburg"]                              = "Q1055",     -- Germany
   ["schleswig-holstein"]                   = "Q1194",     -- Germany
   ["mecklenburg-vorpommern"]               = "Q1196",     -- Germany
   ["lower saxony"]                         = "Q1197",     -- Germany
   ["north rhine-westphalia"]               = "Q1198",     -- Germany
   ["hesse"]                                = "Q1199",     -- Germany
   ["rhineland-palatinate"]                 = "Q1200",     -- Germany
   ["saarland"]                             = "Q1201",     -- Germany
   ["saxony"]                               = "Q1202",     -- Germany
   ["thuringia"]                            = "Q1205",     -- Germany
   ["saxony-anhalt"]                        = "Q1206",     -- Germany
   ["brandenburg"]                          = "Q1208",     -- Germany
   ["meckenheim (rheinland)"]               = "Q12464",    -- Germany
   ["neuburg an der donau"]                 = "Q125652",   -- Germany
   ["dortmund"]                             = "Q1295",     -- Germany
   ["erdmannsdorf (augustusburg)"]          = "Q1349336",  -- Germany
   ["bautzen"]                              = "Q14835",    -- Germany
   ["bensheim"]                             = "Q14872",    -- Germany
   ["neumarkt in der oberpfalz"]            = "Q14887",    -- Germany
   ["franconia"]                            = "Q150907",   -- Germany
   ["groß schönebeck"]                      = "Q1547971",  -- Germany
   ["goch"]                                 = "Q16006",    -- Germany
   ["bad nauheim"]                          = "Q16105",    -- Germany
   ["east germany"]                         = "Q16957",    -- Germany
   ["kiel"]                                 = "Q1707",     -- Germany
   ["potsdam"]                              = "Q1711",     -- Germany
   ["hannover"]                             = "Q1715",     -- Germany
   ["düsseldorf"]                           = "Q1718",     -- Germany
   ["mainz"]                                = "Q1720",     -- Germany
   ["munich"]                               = "Q1726",     -- Germany
   ["münchen"]                              = "Q1726",     -- Germany
   ["dresden"]                              = "Q1731",     -- Germany
   ["magdeburg"]                            = "Q1733",     -- Germany
   ["frankfurt am main"]                    = "Q1794",     -- Germany
   ["frankfurt"]                            = "Q1794",     -- Germany
   ["francfort"]                            = "Q1794",     -- Germany
   ["germany"]                              = "Q183",      -- Germany
   ["deutschland"]                          = "Q183",      -- Germany
   ["hohenstein-ernstthal"]                 = "Q20073",    -- Germany
   ["essen"]                                = "Q2066",     -- Germany
   ["leipzig"]                              = "Q2079",     -- Germany
   ["nuremberg"]                            = "Q2090",     -- Germany
   ["nürnberg"]                             = "Q2090",     -- Germany
   ["wuppertal"]                            = "Q2107",     -- Germany
   ["landstuhl"]                            = "Q22950",    -- Germany
   ["bad driburg"]                          = "Q242195",   -- Germany
   ["bremen"]                               = "Q24879",    -- Germany
   ["münster"]                              = "Q2742",     -- Germany
   ["augsburg"]                             = "Q2749",     -- Germany
   ["mönchengladbach"]                      = "Q2758",     -- Germany
   ["braunschweig"]                         = "Q2773",     -- Germany
   ["krefeld"]                              = "Q2805",     -- Germany
   ["halle (saale)"]                        = "Q2814",     -- Germany
   ["halle"]                                = "Q2814",     -- Germany
   ["lübeck"]                               = "Q2843",     -- Germany
   ["rostock"]                              = "Q2861",     -- Germany
   ["kassel"]                               = "Q2865",     -- Germany
   ["hagen"]                                = "Q2871",     -- Germany
   ["darmstadt"]                            = "Q2973",     -- Germany
   ["darmstadt"]                            = "Q2973",     -- Germany
   ["regensburg"]                           = "Q2978",     -- Germany
   ["würzburg"]                             = "Q2999",     -- Germany
   ["ulm"]                                  = "Q3012",     -- Germany
   ["göttingen"]                            = "Q3033",     -- Germany
   ["offenbach am main"]                    = "Q3042",     -- Germany
   ["pforzheim"]                            = "Q3046",     -- Germany
   ["reutlingen"]                           = "Q3085",     -- Germany
   ["koblenz"]                              = "Q3104",     -- Germany
   ["erlangen"]                             = "Q3126",     -- Germany
   ["trier"]                                = "Q3138",     -- Germany
   ["jena"]                                 = "Q3150",     -- Germany
   ["hildesheim"]                           = "Q3185",     -- Germany
   ["burtscheid"]                           = "Q328649",   -- Germany
   ["cologne"]                              = "Q365",      -- Germany
   ["köln"]                                 = "Q365",      -- Germany
   ["hanau"]                                = "Q3802",     -- Germany
   ["minden"]                               = "Q3846",     -- Germany
   ["marburg"]                              = "Q3869",     -- Germany
   ["gießen"]                               = "Q3874",     -- Germany
   ["prussia"]                              = "Q38872",    -- Germany
   ["lüdenscheid"]                          = "Q3893",     -- Germany
   ["bayreuth"]                             = "Q3923",     -- Germany
   ["aschaffenburg"]                        = "Q3942",     -- Germany
   ["weimar"]                               = "Q3955",     -- Germany
   ["landshut"]                             = "Q3974",     -- Germany
   ["ahrenshoop"]                           = "Q402819",   -- Germany
   ["görlitz"]                              = "Q4077",     -- Germany
   ["greifswald"]                           = "Q4098",     -- Germany
   ["neustadt an der weinstraße"]           = "Q4149",     -- Germany
   ["wetzlar"]                              = "Q4178",     -- Germany
   ["dessau"]                               = "Q487070",   -- Germany
   ["angermünde"]                           = "Q490066",   -- Germany
   ["plate, germany"]                       = "Q501670",   -- Germany
   ["triefenstein"]                         = "Q508851",   -- Germany
   ["oppenheim"]                            = "Q518690",   -- Germany
   ["bad schwalbach"]                       = "Q522541",   -- Germany
   ["burg (bei magdeburg)"]                 = "Q525632",   -- Germany
   ["geisa"]                                = "Q539040",   -- Germany
   ["trausnitz"]                            = "Q548545",   -- Germany
   ["kammlach"]                             = "Q548650",   -- Germany
   ["marsberg"]                             = "Q5645",     -- Germany
   ["herbstein"]                            = "Q565528",   -- Germany
   ["hadamar"]                              = "Q565530",   -- Germany
   ["strasburg, germany"]                   = "Q565624",   -- Germany
   ["kronberg im taunus"]                   = "Q569634",   -- Germany
   ["weilburg"]                             = "Q573599",   -- Germany
   ["bad bentheim"]                         = "Q574332",   -- Germany
   ["bonn"]                                 = "Q586",      -- Germany
   ["soest, germany"]                       = "Q6149",     -- Germany
   ["bad mergentheim"]                      = "Q61942",    -- Germany
   ["dahme/mark"]                           = "Q622572",   -- Germany
   ["dahme"]                                = "Q622572",   -- Germany
   ["willingshausen"]                       = "Q624357",   -- Germany
   ["berlin"]                               = "Q64",       -- Germany
   ["kleve"]                                = "Q6842",     -- Germany
   ["frankenthal"]                          = "Q6905",     -- Germany
   ["herzogenrath"]                         = "Q6916",     -- Germany
   ["freising"]                             = "Q6998",     -- Germany
   ["wismar"]                               = "Q7030",     -- Germany
   ["rhein-main"]                           = "Q707278",   -- Germany
   ["dachau"]                               = "Q7077",     -- Germany
   ["westphalia"]                           = "Q8614",     -- Germany
   ["meissen"]                              = "Q8738",     -- Germany
   ["radebeul"]                             = "Q8762",     -- Germany
   ["radibor"]                              = "Q93286",    -- Germany
   ["bavaria"]                              = "Q980",      -- Germany
   ["bayern"]                               = "Q980",      -- Germany
   ["baden-württemberg"]                    = "Q985",      -- Germany
   ["ghana"]                                = "Q117",      -- Ghana
   ["korfu"]                                = "Q121378",   -- Greece
   ["corfu"]                                = "Q121378",   -- Greece
   ["κέρκυρα"]                              = "Q121378",   -- Greece
   ["attica"]                               = "Q122443",   -- Greece
   ["αττική"]                               = "Q122443",   -- Greece
   ["attikḗ"]                               = "Q122443",   -- Greece
   ["attikī́"]                              = "Q122443",   -- Greece
   ["lesbos"]                               = "Q128087",   -- Greece
   ["λέσβος"]                               = "Q128087",   -- Greece
   ["lesbos"]                               = "Q128087",   -- Greece
   ["patras"]                               = "Q133123",   -- Greece
   ["πάτρα"]                                = "Q133123",   -- Greece
   ["athens"]                               = "Q1524",     -- Greece
   ["αθήνα"]                                = "Q1524",     -- Greece
   ["heraklion"]                            = "Q160544",   -- Greece
   ["ηράκλειο"]                             = "Q160544",   -- Greece
   ["irákleio"]                             = "Q160544",   -- Greece
   ["thessaloniki"]                         = "Q17151",    -- Greece
   ["tinos"]                                = "Q211285",   -- Greece
   ["τήνος"]                                = "Q211285",   -- Greece
   ["ophiussa"]                             = "Q211285",   -- Greece
   ["hydroessa"]                            = "Q211285",   -- Greece
   ["preveza"]                              = "Q213898",   -- Greece
   ["πρέβεζα"]                              = "Q213898",   -- Greece
   ["crete"]                                = "Q34374",    -- Greece
   ["κρήτη"]                                = "Q34374",    -- Greece
   ["greece"]                               = "Q41",       -- Greece
   ["griechenland"]                         = "Q41",       -- Greece
   ["rhodes"]                               = "Q43048",    -- Greece
   ["ρόδος"]                                = "Q43048",    -- Greece
   ["sparta"]                               = "Q5690",     -- Greece
   ["σπάρτα"]                               = "Q5690",     -- Greece
   ["lacedaemon"]                           = "Q5690",     -- Greece
   ["thebes, greece"]                       = "Q5760",     -- Greece
   ["boeotia"]                              = "Q8257871",  -- Greece
   ["boetia"]                               = "Q8257871",  -- Greece
   ["βοιωτία"]                              = "Q8257871",  -- Greece
   ["grenada"]                              = "Q769",      -- Grenada
   ["guatemala"]                            = "Q774",      -- Guatemala
   ["guinea"]                               = "Q1006",     -- Guinea
   ["guinea"]                               = "Q1006",     -- Guinea
   ["guyana"]                               = "Q734",      -- Guyana
   ["haiti"]                                = "Q790",      -- Haiti
   ["honduras"]                             = "Q783",      -- Honduras
   ["győr"]                                 = "Q134494",   -- Hungary
   ["győr"]                                 = "Q134494",   -- Hungary
   ["ráb"]                                  = "Q134494",   -- Hungary
   ["yanıkkale"]                            = "Q134494",   -- Hungary
   ["kecskemét"]                            = "Q171357",   -- Hungary
   ["budapest"]                             = "Q1781",     -- Hungary
   ["buda"]                                 = "Q193478",   -- Hungary
   ["baja"]                                 = "Q203344",   -- Hungary
   ["frankenstadt"]                         = "Q203344",   -- Hungary
   ["pest (hungary)"]                       = "Q210205",   -- Hungary
   ["pest"]                                 = "Q210205",   -- Hungary
   ["hungary"]                              = "Q28",       -- Hungary
   ["ungarn"]                               = "Q28",       -- Hungary
   ["szentes"]                              = "Q377834",   -- Hungary
   ["pécs"]                                 = "Q45779",    -- Hungary
   ["debrecen"]                             = "Q79880",    -- Hungary
   ["iceland"]                              = "Q189",      -- Iceland
   ["gujarat"]                              = "Q1061",     -- India
   ["east india"]                           = "Q1151572",  -- India
   ["andhra pradesh"]                       = "Q1159",     -- India
   ["ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్"]                        = "Q1159",     -- India
   ["arunachal pradesh"]                    = "Q1162",     -- India
   ["assam"]                                = "Q1164",     -- India
   ["bihar"]                                = "Q1165",     -- India
   ["chhattisgarh"]                         = "Q1168",     -- India
   ["goa"]                                  = "Q1171",     -- India
   ["haryana"]                              = "Q1174",     -- India
   ["himachal pradesh"]                     = "Q1177",     -- India
   ["jammu and kashmir"]                    = "Q1180",     -- India
   ["jharkhand"]                            = "Q1184",     -- India
   ["karnataka"]                            = "Q1185",     -- India
   ["kerala"]                               = "Q1186",     -- India
   ["maharashtra"]                          = "Q1191",     -- India
   ["manipur"]                              = "Q1193",     -- India
   ["meghalaya"]                            = "Q1195",     -- India
   ["kolkata"]                              = "Q1348",     -- India
   ["delhi"]                                = "Q1353",     -- India
   ["bangalore"]                            = "Q1355",     -- India
   ["west bengal"]                          = "Q1356",     -- India
   ["ernakulam"]                            = "Q1356097",  -- India
   ["tripura"]                              = "Q1363",     -- India
   ["rajasthan"]                            = "Q1437",     -- India
   ["tamil nadu"]                           = "Q1445",     -- India
   ["uttar pradesh"]                        = "Q1498",     -- India
   ["uttarakhand"]                          = "Q1499",     -- India
   ["mizoram"]                              = "Q1502",     -- India
   ["sikkim"]                               = "Q1505",     -- India
   ["nagaland"]                             = "Q1599",     -- India
   ["thiruvananthapuram"]                   = "Q167715",   -- India
   ["orissa"]                               = "Q22048",    -- India
   ["odisha"]                               = "Q22048",    -- India
   ["punjab"]                               = "Q22424",    -- India
   ["lakshadweep"]                          = "Q26927",    -- India
   ["madhya pradesh"]                       = "Q26927",    -- India
   ["andaman and nicobar islands"]          = "Q40888",    -- India
   ["chandigarh"]                           = "Q43433",    -- India
   ["dadra and nagar haveli"]               = "Q46107",    -- India
   ["daman and diu"]                        = "Q46107",    -- India
   ["puducherry"]                           = "Q66743",    -- India
   ["india"]                                = "Q668",      -- India
   ["telangana"]                            = "Q677037",   -- India
   ["new delhi"]                            = "Q987",      -- India
   ["malang"]                               = "Q11445",    -- Indonesia
   ["indonesia"]                            = "Q252",      -- Indonesia
   ["mashhadمشهد‎‎"]                        = "Q121157",   -- Iran
   ["nishapur"]                             = "Q131350",   -- Iran
   ["nishabur"]                             = "Q131350",   -- Iran
   ["نیشابور‎‎"]                            = "Q131350",   -- Iran
   ["qom"]                                  = "Q170573",   -- Iran
   ["qum"]                                  = "Q170573",   -- Iran
   ["ghom"]                                 = "Q170573",   -- Iran
   ["قم‎‎"]                                 = "Q170573",   -- Iran
   ["yazd"]                                 = "Q182394",   -- Iran
   ["یزد‎‎"]                                = "Q182394",   -- Iran
   ["hamadan"]                              = "Q28587",    -- Iran
   ["همدان‎‎"]                              = "Q28587",    -- Iran
   ["tehran"]                               = "Q3616",     -- Iran
   ["teheran"]                              = "Q3616",     -- Iran
   ["karaj"]                                = "Q36529",    -- Iran
   ["کرج‎‎"]                                = "Q36529",    -- Iran
   ["isfahan"]                              = "Q42053",    -- Iran
   ["esfahan"]                              = "Q42053",    -- Iran
   ["shiraz"]                               = "Q6397066",  -- Iran
   ["شیراز‎‎"]                              = "Q6397066",  -- Iran
   ["iran"]                                 = "Q794",      -- Iran
   ["persia"]                               = "Q794",      -- Iran
   ["tabriz"]                               = "Q80053",    -- Iran
   ["تبریز"]                                = "Q80053",    -- Iran
   ["تبریز‎‎"]                              = "Q80053",    -- Iran
   ["iraq"]                                 = "Q796",      -- Iraq
   ["jerusalem"]                            = "Q1218",     -- Israel
   ["יְרוּשָׁלַיִם"]                        = "Q1218",     -- Israel
   ["القُدس"]                               = "Q1218",     -- Israel
   ["יְרוּשְׁלֶם"]                          = "Q1218",     -- Israel
   ["acre (city)"]                          = "Q126084",   -- Israel
   ["acre"]                                 = "Q126084",   -- Israel
   ["akko"]                                 = "Q126084",   -- Israel
   ["عكّا‎"]                                = "Q126084",   -- Israel
   ["nesher"]                               = "Q135432",   -- Israel
   ["נֶשֶׁר"]                               = "Q135432",   -- Israel
   ["tiberias"]                             = "Q151920",   -- Israel
   ["טְבֶרְיָה"]                            = "Q151920",   -- Israel
   ["tveri"]                                = "Q151920",   -- Israel
   ["tiveria"]                              = "Q151920",   -- Israel
   ["ashdod"]                               = "Q171639",   -- Israel
   ["אַשְׁדּוֹד"]                           = "Q171639",   -- Israel
   ["اشدود‎"]                               = "Q171639",   -- Israel
   ["jaffa"]                                = "Q180294",   -- Israel
   ["japho"]                                = "Q180294",   -- Israel
   ["joppa"]                                = "Q180294",   -- Israel
   ["יָפוֹ"]                                = "Q180294",   -- Israel
   ["يَافَا‎"]                              = "Q180294",   -- Israel
   ["safed"]                                = "Q188336",   -- Israel
   ["צְפַת"]                                = "Q188336",   -- Israel
   ["صفد‎"]                                 = "Q188336",   -- Israel
   ["tzfas"]                                = "Q188336",   -- Israel
   ["holon"]                                = "Q192213",   -- Israel
   ["חוֹלוֹן"]                              = "Q192213",   -- Israel
   ["ramat gan"]                            = "Q192807",   -- Israel
   ["רָמַת גַּן"]                           = "Q192807",   -- Israel
   ["haifa"]                                = "Q41621",    -- Israel
   ["חֵיפָה"]                               = "Q41621",    -- Israel
   ["حيفا‎"]                                = "Q41621",    -- Israel
   ["beersheba"]                            = "Q41843",    -- Israel
   ["שֶׁבַע בְּאֵר"]                        = "Q41843",    -- Israel
   ["nazareth"]                             = "Q430776",   -- Israel
   ["נָצְרַת"]                              = "Q430776",   -- Israel
   ["ܢܨܪܬ‎"]                                = "Q430776",   -- Israel
   ["النَّاصِرَة‎"]                         = "Q430776",   -- Israel
   ["israel"]                               = "Q801",      -- Israel
   ["ramat hasharon"]                       = "Q845866",   -- Israel
   ["רָמַת הַשָּׁרוֹן"]                     = "Q845866",   -- Israel
   ["bergamo"]                              = "Q628",      -- Italy
   ["lombardy"]                             = "Q1210",     -- Italy
   ["lombardy, italy"]                      = "Q1210",     -- Italy
   ["piedmont"]                             = "Q1216",     -- Italy
   ["piemonte"]                             = "Q1216",     -- Italy
   ["aosta valley"]                         = "Q1222",     -- Italy
   ["trentino-south tyrol"]                 = "Q1237",     -- Italy
   ["veneto"]                               = "Q1243",     -- Italy
   ["friuli-venezia giulia"]                = "Q1250",     -- Italy
   ["liguria"]                              = "Q1256",     -- Italy
   ["emilia-romagna"]                       = "Q1263",     -- Italy
   ["tuscany"]                              = "Q1273",     -- Italy
   ["toscana"]                              = "Q1273",     -- Italy
   ["marche"]                               = "Q1279",     -- Italy
   ["umbria"]                               = "Q1280",     -- Italy
   ["lazio"]                                = "Q1282",     -- Italy
   ["abruzzo"]                              = "Q1284",     -- Italy
   ["teramo"]                               = "Q13137",    -- Italy
   ["piacenza"]                             = "Q13329",    -- Italy
   ["piasëinsa"]                            = "Q13329",    -- Italy
   ["rimini"]                               = "Q13369",    -- Italy
   ["pisa"]                                 = "Q13375",    -- Italy
   ["arezzo"]                               = "Q13378",    -- Italy
   ["rieti"]                                = "Q13396",    -- Italy
   ["messina"]                              = "Q13666",    -- Italy
   ["syracuse, sicily"]                     = "Q13670",    -- Italy
   ["campania"]                             = "Q1438",     -- Italy
   ["molise"]                               = "Q1443",     -- Italy
   ["apulia"]                               = "Q1447",     -- Italy
   ["apulia, italy"]                        = "Q1447",     -- Italy
   ["genoa"]                                = "Q1449",     -- Italy
   ["basilicata"]                           = "Q1452",     -- Italy
   ["lucania"]                              = "Q1452",     -- Italy
   ["calabria"]                             = "Q1458",     -- Italy
   ["calàbbria"]                            = "Q1458",     -- Italy
   ["calavría"]                             = "Q1458",     -- Italy
   ["καλαβρία"]                             = "Q1458",     -- Italy
   ["sicily"]                               = "Q1460",     -- Italy
   ["sicilia"]                              = "Q1460",     -- Italy
   ["sicily, italy"]                        = "Q1460",     -- Italy
   ["sardinia"]                             = "Q1462",     -- Italy
   ["sardinia, italy"]                      = "Q1462",     -- Italy
   ["province of south tyrol"]              = "Q15124",    -- Italy
   ["province of south tyrol"]              = "Q15124",    -- Italy
   ["monte cassino abbey"]                  = "Q154372",   -- Italy
   ["trentino"]                             = "Q16289",    -- Italy
   ["province of trento"]                   = "Q16289",    -- Italy
   ["trentino"]                             = "Q16289",    -- Italy
   ["alghero"]                              = "Q166282",   -- Italy
   ["l'alguer"]                             = "Q166282",   -- Italy
   ["s'alighèra"]                           = "Q166282",   -- Italy
   ["capri"]                                = "Q173292",   -- Italy
   ["roncole verdi"]                        = "Q1810148",  -- Italy
   ["bologna"]                              = "Q1891",     -- Italy
   ["bologna, italy"]                       = "Q1891",     -- Italy
   ["via appia"]                            = "Q189417",   -- Italy
   ["cagliari"]                             = "Q1897",     -- Italy
   ["casteddu"]                             = "Q1897",     -- Italy
   ["palatine hill"]                        = "Q200642",   -- Italy
   ["assisi"]                               = "Q20103",    -- Italy
   ["florence"]                             = "Q2044",     -- Italy
   ["florenz"]                              = "Q2044",     -- Italy
   ["firenze"]                              = "Q2044",     -- Italy
   ["florence, italy"]                      = "Q2044",     -- Italy
   ["esquiline hill"]                       = "Q211233",   -- Italy
   ["rome"]                                 = "Q220",      -- Italy
   ["roma"]                                 = "Q220",      -- Italy
   ["rome, italy"]                          = "Q220",      -- Italy
   ["anticoli corrado"]                     = "Q241708",   -- Italy
   ["urtijëi"]                              = "Q255568",   -- Italy
   ["naples"]                               = "Q2634",     -- Italy
   ["napoli"]                               = "Q2634",     -- Italy
   ["neapel"]                               = "Q2634",     -- Italy
   ["naples, italy"]                        = "Q2634",     -- Italy
   ["palermo"]                              = "Q2656",     -- Italy
   ["palermu"]                              = "Q2656",     -- Italy
   ["parma"]                                = "Q2683",     -- Italy
   ["pärma"]                                = "Q2683",     -- Italy
   ["siena"]                                = "Q2751",     -- Italy
   ["siena, italy"]                         = "Q2751",     -- Italy
   ["urbino"]                               = "Q2759",     -- Italy
   ["urbino, italy"]                        = "Q2759",     -- Italy
   ["braunschweig"]                         = "Q2773",     -- Italy
   ["brunswiek"]                            = "Q2773",     -- Italy
   ["brunswick"]                            = "Q2773",     -- Italy
   ["modena"]                               = "Q279",      -- Italy
   ["trento"]                               = "Q3376",     -- Italy
   ["trent"]                                = "Q3376",     -- Italy
   ["trient"]                               = "Q3376",     -- Italy
   ["l'aquila"]                             = "Q3476",     -- Italy
   ["italy"]                                = "Q38",       -- Italy
   ["italien<!-- german-->"]                = "Q38",       -- Italy
   ["pfalzen"]                              = "Q380334",   -- Italy
   ["pfalzes"]                              = "Q380334",   -- Italy
   ["prato"]                                = "Q13377",    -- Italy
   ["pompeii"]                              = "Q43332",    -- Italy
   ["northern italy"]                       = "Q4345530",  -- Italy
   ["mogliano veneto"]                      = "Q48039",    -- Italy
   ["milan"]                                = "Q490",      -- Italy
   ["milano"]                               = "Q490",      -- Italy
   ["milan, italy"]                         = "Q490",      -- Italy
   ["turin"]                                = "Q495",      -- Italy
   ["torino"]                               = "Q495",      -- Italy
   ["sëlva"]                                = "Q499129",   -- Italy
   ["wolkenstein in gröden"]                = "Q499129",   -- Italy
   ["tirol"]                                = "Q504179",   -- Italy
   ["tirolo"]                               = "Q504179",   -- Italy
   ["trieste"]                              = "Q546",      -- Italy
   ["trieste"]                              = "Q546",      -- Italy
   ["trst"]                                 = "Q546",      -- Italy
   ["locri"]                                = "Q54619",    -- Italy
   ["asti"]                                 = "Q6122",     -- Italy
   ["padua"]                                = "Q617",      -- Italy
   ["padua, italy"]                         = "Q617",      -- Italy
   ["mantua"]                               = "Q6247",     -- Italy
   ["venice"]                               = "Q641",      -- Italy
   ["venezia"]                              = "Q641",      -- Italy
   ["venedig"]                              = "Q641",      -- Italy
   ["venice, italy"]                        = "Q641",      -- Italy
   ["bolzano"]                              = "Q6526",     -- Italy
   ["bozen"]                                = "Q6526",     -- Italy
   ["gorizia"]                              = "Q6596",     -- Italy
   ["gorica"]                               = "Q6596",     -- Italy
   ["vinci"]                                = "Q82884",    -- Italy
   ["vulci"]                                = "Q931172",   -- Italy
   ["jamaica"]                              = "Q766",      -- Jamaica
   ["nagoya"]                               = "Q11751",    -- Japan
   ["kyoto prefecture"]                     = "Q120730",   -- Japan
   ["osaka prefecture"]                     = "Q122723",   -- Japan
   ["fukuoka prefecture"]                   = "Q123258",   -- Japan
   ["ehime prefecture"]                     = "Q123376",   -- Japan
   ["yamagata prefecture"]                  = "Q125863",   -- Japan
   ["yamaguchi prefecture"]                 = "Q127264",   -- Japan
   ["kanagawa prefecture"]                  = "Q127513",   -- Japan
   ["nagano prefecture"]                    = "Q127877",   -- Japan
   ["saitama prefecture"]                   = "Q128186",   -- Japan
   ["mie prefecture"]                       = "Q128196",   -- Japan
   ["gunma prefecture"]                     = "Q129499",   -- Japan
   ["hyogo prefecture"]                     = "Q130290",   -- Japan
   ["miyazaki prefecture"]                  = "Q130300",   -- Japan
   ["kumamoto prefecture"]                  = "Q130308",   -- Japan
   ["gifu prefecture"]                      = "Q131277",   -- Japan
   ["ishikawa prefecture"]                  = "Q131281",   -- Japan
   ["nara prefecture"]                      = "Q131287",   -- Japan
   ["wakayama prefecture"]                  = "Q131314",   -- Japan
   ["shizuoka prefecture"]                  = "Q131320",   -- Japan
   ["shiga prefecture"]                     = "Q131358",   -- Japan
   ["niigata prefecture"]                   = "Q132705",   -- Japan
   ["shimane prefecture"]                   = "Q132751",   -- Japan
   ["toyama prefecture"]                    = "Q132929",   -- Japan
   ["okayama prefecture"]                   = "Q132936",   -- Japan
   ["fukui prefecture"]                     = "Q133879",   -- Japan
   ["oita prefecture"]                      = "Q133924",   -- Japan
   ["tottori prefecture"]                   = "Q133935",   -- Japan
   ["kochi prefecture"]                     = "Q134093",   -- Japan
   ["tokyo"]                                = "Q1490",     -- Japan
   ["kagoshima city"]                       = "Q15674",    -- Japan
   ["kagoshima, kagoshima"]                 = "Q15674",    -- Japan
   ["kagoshima, kagoshima"]                 = "Q15674",    -- Japan
   ["kagoshima prefecture"]                 = "Q15701",    -- Japan
   ["saga prefecture"]                      = "Q160420",   -- Japan
   ["tokushima prefecture"]                 = "Q160734",   -- Japan
   ["kagawa prefecture"]                    = "Q161454",   -- Japan
   ["nara city"]                            = "Q169134",   -- Japan
   ["nara, nara"]                           = "Q169134",   -- Japan
   ["nara, nara"]                           = "Q169134",   -- Japan
   ["nagasaki prefecture"]                  = "Q169376",   -- Japan
   ["japan"]                                = "Q17",       -- Japan
   ["naha"]                                 = "Q181966",   -- Japan
   ["kumamoto"]                             = "Q199889",   -- Japan
   ["kochi city"]                           = "Q200251",   -- Japan
   ["kochi, kochi"]                         = "Q200251",   -- Japan
   ["kochi, kochi"]                         = "Q200251",   -- Japan
   ["kamakura"]                             = "Q200267",   -- Japan
   ["edo"]                                  = "Q215646",   -- Japan
   ["yedo"]                                 = "Q215646",   -- Japan
   ["yeddo"]                                = "Q215646",   -- Japan
   ["江戸"]                                   = "Q215646",   -- Japan
   ["kyoto"]                                = "Q34600",    -- Japan
   ["kyoto city"]                           = "Q34600",    -- Japan
   ["kyoto, kyoto"]                         = "Q34600",    -- Japan
   ["kyoto, kyoto"]                         = "Q34600",    -- Japan
   ["hokkaido prefecture"]                  = "Q35581",    -- Japan
   ["osaka"]                                = "Q35765",    -- Japan
   ["osaka city"]                           = "Q35765",    -- Japan
   ["sapporo"]                              = "Q37951",    -- Japan
   ["sapporo city"]                         = "Q37951",    -- Japan
   ["nagasaki"]                             = "Q38234",    -- Japan
   ["nagasaki city"]                        = "Q38234",    -- Japan
   ["yokohama"]                             = "Q38283",    -- Japan
   ["tochigi prefecture"]                   = "Q44843",    -- Japan
   ["miyagi prefecture"]                    = "Q47896",    -- Japan
   ["kobe"]                                 = "Q48320",    -- Japan
   ["神戸"]                                   = "Q48320",    -- Japan
   ["iwate prefecture"]                     = "Q48326",    -- Japan
   ["yugawara"]                             = "Q532346",   -- Japan
   ["hiroshima prefecture"]                 = "Q617375",   -- Japan
   ["dejima"]                               = "Q640267",   -- Japan
   ["decima"]                               = "Q640267",   -- Japan
   ["出島"]                                   = "Q640267",   -- Japan
   ["arita, saga"]                          = "Q668427",   -- Japan
   ["aomori prefecture"]                    = "Q71699",    -- Japan
   ["chiba prefecture"]                     = "Q80011",    -- Japan
   ["auchi prefecture"]                     = "Q80434",    -- Japan
   ["akita prefecture"]                     = "Q81863",    -- Japan
   ["ibaraki prefecture"]                   = "Q83273",    -- Japan
   ["jordan"]                               = "Q810",      -- Jordan
   ["kazakhstan"]                           = "Q232",      -- Kazakhstan
   ["kenya"]                                = "Q114",      -- Kenya
   ["kiribati"]                             = "Q710",      -- Kiribati
   ["kuwait"]                               = "Q817",      -- Kuwait
   ["kyrgyzstan"]                           = "Q813",      -- Kyrgyzstan
   ["laos"]                                 = "Q819",      -- Laos
   ["latvia"]                               = "Q211",      -- Latvia
   ["lettland"]                             = "Q211",      -- Latvia
   ["lebanon"]                              = "Q822",      -- Lebanon
   ["lesotho"]                              = "Q1013",     -- Lesotho
   ["liberia"]                              = "Q1014",     -- Liberia
   ["libya"]                                = "Q1016",     -- Libya
   ["liechtenstein"]                        = "Q347",      -- Liechtenstein
   ["vilnius"]                              = "Q216",      -- Lithuania
   ["wilno"]                                = "Q216",      -- Lithuania
   ["lithuania"]                            = "Q37",       -- Lithuania
   ["luxembourg"]                           = "Q32",       -- Luxembourg
   ["madagascar"]                           = "Q1019",     -- Madagascar
   ["malawi"]                               = "Q1020",     -- Malawi
   ["malaysia"]                             = "Q833",      -- Malaysia
   ["maldives"]                             = "Q826",      -- Maldives
   ["mali"]                                 = "Q912",      -- Mali
   ["malta"]                                = "Q233",      -- Malta
   ["marshall islands"]                     = "Q709",      -- Marshall Islands
   ["mauritania"]                           = "Q1025",     -- Mauritania
   ["mauritius"]                            = "Q1027",     -- Mauritius
   ["mexico city"]                          = "Q1489",     -- Mexico
   ["oaxaca"]                               = "Q34110",    -- Mexico
   ["mexico"]                               = "Q96",       -- Mexico
   ["moldova"]                              = "Q217",      -- Moldova
   ["monaco"]                               = "Q235",      -- Monaco
   ["mongolia"]                             = "Q711",      -- Mongolia
   ["montenegro"]                           = "Q236",      -- Montenegro
   ["morocco"]                              = "Q1028",     -- Morocco
   ["mozambique"]                           = "Q1029",     -- Mozambique
   ["namibia"]                              = "Q1030",     -- Namibia
   ["nauru"]                                = "Q697",      -- Nauru
   ["nepal"]                                = "Q837",      -- Nepal
   ["deventer"]                             = "Q10001",    -- Netherlands
   ["enschede"]                             = "Q10002",    -- Netherlands
   ["eanske"]                               = "Q10002",    -- Netherlands
   ["kampen, overijssel"]                   = "Q10014",    -- Netherlands
   ["ilpendam"]                             = "Q1003235",  -- Netherlands
   ["de bilt"]                              = "Q10035",    -- Netherlands
   ["eemnes"]                               = "Q10037",    -- Netherlands
   ["soest, netherlands"]                   = "Q10041",    -- Netherlands
   ["vianen"]                               = "Q10052",    -- Netherlands
   ["hulst"]                                = "Q10073",    -- Netherlands
   ["reimerswaal"]                          = "Q10078",    -- Netherlands
   ["sloten, amsterdam"]                    = "Q1024903",  -- Netherlands
   ["soesterberg"]                          = "Q1025080",  -- Netherlands
   ["ruurlo"]                               = "Q1025683",  -- Netherlands
   ["angerlo"]                              = "Q1055698",  -- Netherlands
   ["north brabant"]                        = "Q1101",     -- Netherlands
   ["maastricht"]                           = "Q1309",     -- Netherlands
   ["mestreech"]                            = "Q1309",     -- Netherlands
   ["maestricht"]                           = "Q1309",     -- Netherlands
   ["arnhem"]                               = "Q1310",     -- Netherlands
   ["loenen aan de vecht"]                  = "Q13403152", -- Netherlands
   ["emmen"]                                = "Q14641",    -- Netherlands
   ["otterlo"]                              = "Q1507955",  -- Netherlands
   ["zaltbommel"]                           = "Q1532373",  -- Netherlands
   ["s-graveland"]                          = "Q1615351",  -- Netherlands
   ["amerongen"]                            = "Q1615400",  -- Netherlands
   ["warmond"]                              = "Q1615421",  -- Netherlands
   ["spui"]                                 = "Q1822485",  -- Netherlands
   ["zeelandic flanders"]                   = "Q184430",   -- Netherlands
   ["zeeuws-vlaanderen"]                    = "Q184430",   -- Netherlands
   ["zeêuws-vlaonderen"]                    = "Q184430",   -- Netherlands
   ["driebergen"]                           = "Q1899314",  -- Netherlands
   ["jutphaas"]                             = "Q1921467",  -- Netherlands
   ["bergen op zoom"]                       = "Q192508",   -- Netherlands
   ["berrege"]                              = "Q192508",   -- Netherlands
   ["aalst, zaltbommel"]                    = "Q1940675",  -- Netherlands
   ["hoogeloon"]                            = "Q1992982",  -- Netherlands
   ["wirdum, netherlands"]                  = "Q2005492",  -- Netherlands
   ["terschelling"]                         = "Q204412",   -- Netherlands
   ["skylge"]                               = "Q204412",   -- Netherlands
   ["schylge"]                              = "Q204412",   -- Netherlands
   ["sappemeer"]                            = "Q2056073",  -- Netherlands
   ["heelsum"]                              = "Q2059913",  -- Netherlands
   ["vlieland"]                             = "Q207851",   -- Netherlands
   ["flylân"]                               = "Q207851",   -- Netherlands
   ["katwijk"]                              = "Q208764",   -- Netherlands
   ["maartensdijk"]                         = "Q2179687",  -- Netherlands
   ["bellingwolde"]                         = "Q2181173",  -- Netherlands
   ["rolde"]                                = "Q2182709",  -- Netherlands
   ["driel"]                                = "Q221434",   -- Netherlands
   ["oosterbeek"]                           = "Q2218481",  -- Netherlands
   ["koog aan de zaan"]                     = "Q2260299",  -- Netherlands
   ["south limburg, the netherlands"]       = "Q228608",   -- Netherlands
   ["south limburg"]                        = "Q228608",   -- Netherlands
   ["zuid-limburg"]                         = "Q228608",   -- Netherlands
   ["zuud-limburg"]                         = "Q228608",   -- Netherlands
   ["sneek"]                                = "Q23070",    -- Netherlands
   ["snits"]                                = "Q23070",    -- Netherlands
   ["kortenhoef"]                           = "Q2317705",  -- Netherlands
   ["aerdenhout"]                           = "Q2347146",  -- Netherlands
   ["halfweg"]                              = "Q2367253",  -- Netherlands
   ["duivendrecht"]                         = "Q2385069",  -- Netherlands
   ["kaag"]                                 = "Q2427085",  -- Netherlands
   ["gorinchem"]                            = "Q244327",   -- Netherlands
   ["gorkum"]                               = "Q244327",   -- Netherlands
   ["hollandsche rading"]                   = "Q2455732",  -- Netherlands
   ["renkum"]                               = "Q25094801", -- Netherlands
   ["haastrecht"]                           = "Q2523099",  -- Netherlands
   ["schoten, netherlands"]                 = "Q2529869",  -- Netherlands
   ["harlingen, netherlands"]               = "Q2536628",  -- Netherlands
   ["leeuwarden"]                           = "Q25390",    -- Netherlands
   ["liwwadden"]                            = "Q25390",    -- Netherlands
   ["ljouwert"]                             = "Q25390",    -- Netherlands
   ["westeremden"]                          = "Q2584769",  -- Netherlands
   ["dordrecht"]                            = "Q26421",    -- Netherlands
   ["dordt"]                                = "Q26421",    -- Netherlands
   ["tilburg"]                              = "Q26430",    -- Netherlands
   ["wiuwert"]                              = "Q2654295",  -- Netherlands
   ["wieuwerd"]                             = "Q2654295",  -- Netherlands
   ["surhuisterveen"]                       = "Q2662899",  -- Netherlands
   ["surhústerfean"]                        = "Q2662899",  -- Netherlands
   ["hierden"]                              = "Q2694686",  -- Netherlands
   ["stiphout"]                             = "Q2709958",  -- Netherlands
   ["oostvoorne"]                           = "Q2738927",  -- Netherlands
   ["s-hertogenbosch"]                      = "Q2766547",  -- Netherlands
   ["s-hertogenbosch"]                      = "Q2766547",  -- Netherlands
   ["s-hertogenbosch"]                      = "Q2766547",  -- Netherlands
   ["den bosch"]                            = "Q2766547",  -- Netherlands
   ["herzogenbusch"]                        = "Q2766547",  -- Netherlands
   ["bois-le-duc"]                          = "Q2766547",  -- Netherlands
   ["bolduque"]                             = "Q2766547",  -- Netherlands
   ["boscoducale"]                          = "Q2766547",  -- Netherlands
   ["ameide"]                               = "Q2842582",  -- Netherlands
   ["berlicum"]                             = "Q2897233",  -- Netherlands
   ["diepenveen"]                           = "Q2905573",  -- Netherlands
   ["katwijk aan zee"]                      = "Q2921491",  -- Netherlands
   ["gouda"]                                = "Q294446",   -- Netherlands
   ["marken"]                               = "Q301415",   -- Netherlands
   ["mereke"]                               = "Q301415",   -- Netherlands
   ["apeldoorn"]                            = "Q3018561",  -- Netherlands
   ["denekamp"]                             = "Q3022448",  -- Netherlands
   ["delfzijl"]                             = "Q322986",   -- Netherlands
   ["delfsiel"]                             = "Q322986",   -- Netherlands
   ["bolsward"]                             = "Q329582",   -- Netherlands
   ["boalsert"]                             = "Q329582",   -- Netherlands
   ["lisse"]                                = "Q332730",   -- Netherlands
   ["rotterdam"]                            = "Q34370",    -- Netherlands
   ["amersfoort"]                           = "Q347002",   -- Netherlands
   ["the hague"]                            = "Q36600",    -- Netherlands
   ["hague"]                                = "Q36600",    -- Netherlands
   ["den haag"]                             = "Q36600",    -- Netherlands
   ["breda"]                                = "Q40844",    -- Netherlands
   ["franeker"]                             = "Q41974",    -- Netherlands
   ["frjentsjer"]                           = "Q41974",    -- Netherlands
   ["dokkum"]                               = "Q41976",    -- Netherlands
   ["s-heerenberg"]                         = "Q425810",   -- Netherlands
   ["gooi"]                                 = "Q426421",   -- Netherlands
   ["leiden"]                               = "Q43631",    -- Netherlands
   ["leyden"]                               = "Q43631",    -- Netherlands
   ["noordwijk"]                            = "Q455464",   -- Netherlands
   ["brielle"]                              = "Q462663",   -- Netherlands
   ["den briel"]                            = "Q462663",   -- Netherlands
   ["brill"]                                = "Q462663",   -- Netherlands
   ["low countries"]                        = "Q476033",   -- Netherlands
   ["northern netherlands"]                 = "Q476033",   -- Netherlands
   ["schoonhoven"]                          = "Q478036",   -- Netherlands
   ["nijmegen"]                             = "Q47887",    -- Netherlands
   ["nimwegen"]                             = "Q47887",    -- Netherlands
   ["nimeguen"]                             = "Q47887",    -- Netherlands
   ["rijssen"]                              = "Q494359",   -- Netherlands
   ["riesn"]                                = "Q494359",   -- Netherlands
   ["riessen"]                              = "Q494359",   -- Netherlands
   ["vries, drenthe"]                       = "Q501788",   -- Netherlands
   ["wassenaar"]                            = "Q505601",   -- Netherlands
   ["rijswijk"]                             = "Q506745",   -- Netherlands
   ["ryswick"]                              = "Q506745",   -- Netherlands
   ["ezinge"]                               = "Q518453",   -- Netherlands
   ["aisen"]                                = "Q518453",   -- Netherlands
   ["aizing"]                               = "Q518453",   -- Netherlands
   ["middelburg"]                           = "Q52101",    -- Netherlands
   ["delft"]                                = "Q5253694",  -- Netherlands
   ["baambrugge"]                           = "Q535988",   -- Netherlands
   ["hendrik-ido-ambacht"]                  = "Q538725",   -- Netherlands
   ["netherlands"]                          = "Q55",       -- Netherlands
   ["hattem"]                               = "Q58797",    -- Netherlands
   ["meppel"]                               = "Q60425",    -- Netherlands
   ["drachten"]                             = "Q60444",    -- Netherlands
   ["veur"]                                 = "Q608038",   -- Netherlands
   ["aduard"]                               = "Q612259",   -- Netherlands
   ["bergambacht"]                          = "Q653025",   -- Netherlands
   ["southern netherlands"]                 = "Q6581823",  -- Netherlands
   ["catholic netherlands"]                 = "Q6581823",  -- Netherlands
   ["zeeland"]                              = "Q705",      -- Netherlands
   ["zeêland"]                              = "Q705",      -- Netherlands
   ["amsterdam"]                            = "Q727",      -- Netherlands
   ["thorn, netherlands"]                   = "Q72842",    -- Netherlands
   ["sittard"]                              = "Q73022",    -- Netherlands
   ["zitterd"]                              = "Q73022",    -- Netherlands
   ["nijkerk"]                              = "Q73226",    -- Netherlands
   ["niekark"]                              = "Q73226",    -- Netherlands
   ["warnsveld"]                            = "Q735546",   -- Netherlands
   ["groningen"]                            = "Q749",      -- Netherlands
   ["grunnen"]                              = "Q749",      -- Netherlands
   ["grins"]                                = "Q749",      -- Netherlands
   ["ermelo"]                               = "Q753920",   -- Netherlands
   ["armelo"]                               = "Q753920",   -- Netherlands
   ["armel"]                                = "Q753920",   -- Netherlands
   ["friesland"]                            = "Q770",      -- Netherlands
   ["fryslân"]                              = "Q770",      -- Netherlands
   ["frisia"]                               = "Q770",      -- Netherlands
   ["gelderland"]                           = "Q775",      -- Netherlands
   ["zwolle"]                               = "Q793",      -- Netherlands
   ["assen"]                                = "Q798",      -- Netherlands
   ["utrecht"]                              = "Q803",      -- Netherlands
   ["voorburg"]                             = "Q809821",   -- Netherlands
   ["goes"]                                 = "Q81220",    -- Netherlands
   ["vreeland"]                             = "Q81493",    -- Netherlands
   ["waddinxveen"]                          = "Q826048",   -- Netherlands
   ["bodegraven"]                           = "Q832938",   -- Netherlands
   ["scheveningen"]                         = "Q837211",   -- Netherlands
   ["voorschoten"]                          = "Q848324",   -- Netherlands
   ["wijk aan zee"]                         = "Q913649",   -- Netherlands
   ["nunspeet"]                             = "Q931997",   -- Netherlands
   ["maarssen"]                             = "Q932008",   -- Netherlands
   ["lochem"]                               = "Q932058",   -- Netherlands
   ["leeuwen, limburg"]                     = "Q939346",   -- Netherlands
   ["nieuwkoop"]                            = "Q948866",   -- Netherlands
   ["pijnacker"]                            = "Q968044",   -- Netherlands
   ["gemert"]                               = "Q970701",   -- Netherlands
   ["alkmaar"]                              = "Q972",      -- Netherlands
   ["venlo"]                                = "Q9777",     -- Netherlands
   ["schinnen"]                             = "Q9782",     -- Netherlands
   ["sjènne"]                               = "Q9782",     -- Netherlands
   ["roermond"]                             = "Q9783",     -- Netherlands
   ["remunj"]                               = "Q9783",     -- Netherlands
   ["heerlen"]                              = "Q9799",     -- Netherlands
   ["heële"]                                = "Q9799",     -- Netherlands
   ["domburg"]                              = "Q980728",   -- Netherlands
   ["boxtel"]                               = "Q9821",     -- Netherlands
   ["cuijk"]                                = "Q9827",     -- Netherlands
   ["eindhoven"]                            = "Q9832",     -- Netherlands
   ["etten-leur"]                           = "Q9833",     -- Netherlands
   ["grave"]                                = "Q9839",     -- Netherlands
   ["de graaf"]                             = "Q9839",     -- Netherlands
   ["helmond"]                              = "Q9844",     -- Netherlands
   ["héllemond"]                            = "Q9844",     -- Netherlands
   ["heusden"]                              = "Q9845",     -- Netherlands
   ["sint odiliënberg"]                     = "Q985024",   -- Netherlands
   ["sint odilienberg"]                     = "Q985024",   -- Netherlands
   ["sint-oedenrode"]                       = "Q9867",     -- Netherlands
   ["valkenswaard"]                         = "Q9873",     -- Netherlands
   ["vught"]                                = "Q9876",     -- Netherlands
   ["almelo"]                               = "Q988",      -- Netherlands
   ["aalsmeer"]                             = "Q9897",     -- Netherlands
   ["amstelveen"]                           = "Q9898",     -- Netherlands
   ["bergen, north holland"]                = "Q9901",     -- Netherlands
   ["blaricum"]                             = "Q9906",     -- Netherlands
   ["bloemendaal"]                          = "Q9908",     -- Netherlands
   ["bussum"]                               = "Q9909",     -- Netherlands
   ["den helder"]                           = "Q9911",     -- Netherlands
   ["helder"]                               = "Q9911",     -- Netherlands
   ["enkhuizen"]                            = "Q9918",     -- Netherlands
   ["haarlem"]                              = "Q9920",     -- Netherlands
   ["harlem, netherlands"]                  = "Q9920",     -- Netherlands
   ["heemskerk"]                            = "Q9926",     -- Netherlands
   ["heemstede"]                            = "Q9928",     -- Netherlands
   ["hilversum"]                            = "Q9934",     -- Netherlands
   ["hoorn"]                                = "Q9938",     -- Netherlands
   ["laren"]                                = "Q9945",     -- Netherlands
   ["loosduinen"]                           = "Q994533",   -- Netherlands
   ["weesp"]                                = "Q9974",     -- Netherlands
   ["zandvoort"]                            = "Q9980",     -- Netherlands
   ["new zealand"]                          = "Q664",      -- New Zealand
   ["nicaragua"]                            = "Q811",      -- Nicaragua
   ["niger"]                                = "Q1032",     -- Niger
   ["nigeria"]                              = "Q1033",     -- Nigeria
   ["north korea"]                          = "Q423",      -- North Korea
   ["norway"]                               = "Q20",       -- Norway
   ["oman"]                                 = "Q842",      -- Oman
   ["africa"]                               = "Q15",       -- Other Locations
   ["south america"]                        = "Q18",       -- Other Locations
   ["central asia"]                         = "Q27275",    -- Other Locations
   ["north africa"]                         = "Q27381",    -- Other Locations
   ["nordafrika"]                           = "Q27381",    -- Other Locations
   ["european union"]                       = "Q458",      -- Other Locations
   ["eu"]                                   = "Q458",      -- Other Locations
   ["europe"]                               = "Q46",       -- Other Locations
   ["asia"]                                 = "Q48",       -- Other Locations
   ["north america"]                        = "Q49",       -- Other Locations
   ["sahara"]                               = "Q6583",     -- Other Locations
   ["peshawar"]                             = "Q1113311",  -- Pakistan
   ["پشاور‎"]                               = "Q1113311",  -- Pakistan
   ["پېښور‎"]                               = "Q1113311",  -- Pakistan
   ["lahore"]                               = "Q11739",    -- Pakistan
   ["لاہور‎"]                               = "Q11739",    -- Pakistan
   ["لہور"]                                 = "Q11739",    -- Pakistan
   ["islamabad"]                            = "Q1362",     -- Pakistan
   ["آباد‎ اسلام"]                          = "Q1362",     -- Pakistan
   ["faisalabad"]                           = "Q173985",   -- Pakistan
   ["lyallpur"]                             = "Q173985",   -- Pakistan
   ["فیصل آباد"]                            = "Q173985",   -- Pakistan
   ["quetta"]                               = "Q185458",   -- Pakistan
   ["کوئٹہ‎"]                               = "Q185458",   -- Pakistan
   ["کوټه‎"]                                = "Q185458",   -- Pakistan
   ["کویته"]                                = "Q185458",   -- Pakistan
   ["pakistan"]                             = "Q843",      -- Pakistan
   ["karachi"]                              = "Q8660",     -- Pakistan
   ["ڪراچي‎"]                               = "Q8660",     -- Pakistan
   ["کراچی‎"]                               = "Q8660",     -- Pakistan
   ["palau"]                                = "Q695",      -- Palau
   ["panama"]                               = "Q804",      -- Panama
   ["papua new guinea"]                     = "Q691",      -- Papua New Guinea
   ["paraguay"]                             = "Q733",      -- Paraguay
   ["peru"]                                 = "Q419",      -- Peru
   ["manila"]                               = "Q1461",     -- Philippines
   ["philippines"]                          = "Q928",      -- Philippines
   ["the philippines"]                      = "Q928",      -- Philippines
   ["częstochowa"]                          = "Q103217",   -- Poland
   ["czestochowa"]                          = "Q103217",   -- Poland
   ["danzig"]                               = "Q1792",     -- Poland
   ["gdańsk"]                               = "Q1792",     -- Poland
   ["wrocław"]                              = "Q1799",     -- Poland
   ["wroclaw"]                              = "Q1799",     -- Poland
   ["breslau"]                              = "Q1799",     -- Poland
   ["brzeg"]                                = "Q214640",   -- Poland
   ["brieg"]                                = "Q214640",   -- Poland
   ["poznań"]                               = "Q268",      -- Poland
   ["posen"]                                = "Q268",      -- Poland
   ["warsaw"]                               = "Q270",      -- Poland
   ["warszawa"]                             = "Q270",      -- Poland
   ["warscau"]                              = "Q270",      -- Poland
   ["kraków"]                               = "Q31487",    -- Poland
   ["krakow"]                               = "Q31487",    -- Poland
   ["krakau"]                               = "Q31487",    -- Poland
   ["cracow"]                               = "Q31487",    -- Poland
   ["poland"]                               = "Q36",       -- Poland
   ["polska"]                               = "Q36",       -- Poland
   ["polen"]                                = "Q36",       -- Poland
   ["lublin"]                               = "Q37333",    -- Poland
   ["люблін"]                               = "Q37333",    -- Poland
   ["לובלין‎"]                              = "Q37333",    -- Poland
   ["gdynia"]                               = "Q385",      -- Poland
   ["szczecin"]                             = "Q393",      -- Poland
   ["stettin"]                              = "Q393",      -- Poland
   ["wieliczka"]                            = "Q472621",   -- Poland
   ["thorn"]                                = "Q47554",    -- Poland
   ["toruń"]                                = "Q47554",    -- Poland
   ["pomeranian voivodeship"]               = "Q54180",    -- Poland
   ["województwo pomorskie"]                = "Q54180",    -- Poland
   ["pomeranian voivodeship"]               = "Q54180",    -- Poland
   ["łódź"]                                 = "Q580",      -- Poland
   ["לאדזש"]                                = "Q580",      -- Poland
   ["lodz"]                                 = "Q580",      -- Poland
   ["białystok"]                            = "Q761",      -- Poland
   ["bialystok"]                            = "Q761",      -- Poland
   ["zasów"]                                = "Q8067114",  -- Poland
   ["zasow"]                                = "Q8067114",  -- Poland
   ["silesia"]                              = "Q81720",    -- Poland
   ["schlesien"]                            = "Q81720",    -- Poland
   ["śląsk"]                                = "Q81720",    -- Poland
   ["slezsko"]                              = "Q81720",    -- Poland
   ["viseu"]                                = "Q117676",   -- Portugal
   ["oporto"]                               = "Q36433",    -- Portugal
   ["porto"]                                = "Q36433",    -- Portugal
   ["portugal"]                             = "Q45",       -- Portugal
   ["lisbon"]                               = "Q597",      -- Portugal
   ["lisboa"]                               = "Q597",      -- Portugal
   ["qatar"]                                = "Q846",      -- Qatar
   ["republic of kosovo"]                   = "Q1246",     -- Republic of Kosovo
   ["kosovo"]                               = "Q1246",     -- Republic of Kosovo
   ["republic of macedonia"]                = "Q221",      -- Republic of Macedonia
   ["skopje"]                               = "Q384",      -- Republic of Macedonia
   ["скопје"]                               = "Q384",      -- Republic of Macedonia
   ["republic of the congo"]                = "Q971",      -- Republic of the Congo
   ["bucharest"]                            = "Q19660",    -- Romania
   ["bucurești"]                            = "Q19660",    -- Romania
   ["romania"]                              = "Q218",      -- Romania
   ["alexandrovsk-sakhalinsky"]             = "Q103406",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["kamensk-uralsky"]                      = "Q105444",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["ка́менск-ура́льский"]                  = "Q105444",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["порт-артур"]                           = "Q11085373", -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["port arthur"]                          = "Q11085373", -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["irbit"]                                = "Q143079",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["ирби́т"]                               = "Q143079",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["vyborg"]                               = "Q14657",    -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["vyatka province"]                      = "Q1540335",  -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["вятская губерния"]                     = "Q1540335",  -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["kronstadt"]                            = "Q155863",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["kronshtadt"]                           = "Q155863",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["cronstadt"]                            = "Q155863",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["кроншта́дт"]                           = "Q155863",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["livny"]                                = "Q157576",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["berdychiv"]                            = "Q158799",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["бердичів"]                             = "Q158799",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["berdyczów"]                            = "Q158799",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["берди́чев"]                            = "Q158799",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["בערדיטשעוו"]                           = "Q158799",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["russia"]                               = "Q159",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["russland"]                             = "Q159",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["murom"]                                = "Q162677",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["муром"]                                = "Q162677",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["tobolsk"]                              = "Q168782",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["тобо́льск"]                            = "Q168782",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["taganrog"]                             = "Q170513",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["таганрог"]                             = "Q170513",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["riga"]                                 = "Q1773",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["рига"]                                 = "Q1773",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["pavlovsk"]                             = "Q177888",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["па́вловск"]                            = "Q177888",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["pereslavl-zalessky"]                   = "Q178188",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["sambia"]                               = "Q19658174", -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["samland"]                              = "Q19658174", -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["земландский полуо́стров"]              = "Q19658174", -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["talitsa"]                              = "Q196603",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["талица"]                               = "Q196603",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["череповец"]                            = "Q2144",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["cherepovets"]                          = "Q2144",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["veliky novgorod"]                      = "Q2235",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["еликий новгород"]                      = "Q2235",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["novgorod"]                             = "Q2235",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["novgorod veliky"]                      = "Q2235",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["ленинград"]                            = "Q656",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["leningrad"]                            = "Q656",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["tver"]                                 = "Q2288",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["тверь"]                                = "Q2288",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["tveri"]                                = "Q2288",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["kuokkala"]                             = "Q252510",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["vladimir"]                             = "Q2684",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["владимир"]                             = "Q2684",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["kaluga"]                               = "Q2837",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["калуга"]                               = "Q2837",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["voronezh"]                             = "Q3426",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["воронеж"]                              = "Q3426",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["russian empire"]                       = "Q34266",    -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["khabarovsk"]                           = "Q4454",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["хабаровск"]                            = "Q4454",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["伯力"]                                   = "Q4454",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["dagestan"]                             = "Q5118",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["daghestan"]                            = "Q5118",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["респу́блика дагеста́н"]                = "Q5118",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["orenburg"]                             = "Q5337",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["оренбург"]                             = "Q5337",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["penza"]                                = "Q5540",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["люйшунь"]                              = "Q623329",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["lüshunkou"]                            = "Q623329",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["moskau"]                               = "Q649",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["moscow"]                               = "Q649",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["moscou"]                               = "Q649",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["москва"]                               = "Q649",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["saint petersburg"]                     = "Q656",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["saint-petersburg"]                     = "Q656",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["st. petersburg"]                       = "Q656",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["st.-peterburg"]                        = "Q656",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["sankt-peterburg"]                      = "Q656",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["санкт-петербург"]                      = "Q656",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["irkutsk"]                              = "Q6576",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["иркутск"]                              = "Q6576",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["gatchina"]                             = "Q7436",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["гатчина"]                              = "Q7436",     -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["yekaterinburg"]                        = "Q887",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["екатеринбу́рг"]                        = "Q887",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["ekaterinburg"]                         = "Q887",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["chuhuiv"]                              = "Q889618",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["чугуїв"]                               = "Q889618",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["чугуев"]                               = "Q889618",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["omsk"]                                 = "Q898",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["омск"]                                 = "Q898",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["kazan"]                                = "Q900",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["каза́нь"]                              = "Q900",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["казан"]                                = "Q900",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["chelyabinsk"]                          = "Q906",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["челя́бинск"]                           = "Q906",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["ufa"]                                  = "Q911",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["уфа́"]                                 = "Q911",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["өфө"]                                  = "Q911",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["perm"]                                 = "Q915",      -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["nezhin"]                               = "Q952457",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["нежин"]                                = "Q952457",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["ніжин"]                                = "Q952457",   -- Russia + ex Russian republics
   ["rwanda"]                               = "Q1037",     -- Rwanda
   ["saint kitts and nevis"]                = "Q763",      -- Saint Kitts and Nevis
   ["saint lucia"]                          = "Q760",      -- Saint Lucia
   ["saint vincent and the grenadines"]     = "Q757",      -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
   ["samoa"]                                = "Q683",      -- Samoa
   ["san marino"]                           = "Q238",      -- San Marino
   ["são tomé and príncipe"]                = "Q1039",     -- São Tomé and Príncipe
   ["saudi arabia"]                         = "Q851",      -- Saudi Arabia
   ["senegal"]                              = "Q1041",     -- Senegal
   ["belgrade"]                             = "Q3711",     -- Serbia
   ["београд"]                              = "Q3711",     -- Serbia
   ["beograd"]                              = "Q3711",     -- Serbia
   ["serbia"]                               = "Q403",      -- Serbia
   ["seychelles"]                           = "Q1042",     -- Seychelles
   ["sierra leone"]                         = "Q1044",     -- Sierra Leone
   ["singapore"]                            = "Q334",      -- Singapore
   ["bratislava"]                           = "Q1780",     -- Slovakia
   ["slovakia"]                             = "Q214",      -- Slovakia
   ["ljubljana"]                            = "Q437",      -- Slovakia
   ["laibach"]                              = "Q437",      -- Slovakia
   ["lubiana"]                              = "Q437",      -- Slovakia
   ["slovenia"]                             = "Q215",      -- Slovenia
   ["solomon islands"]                      = "Q685",      -- Solomon Islands
   ["somalia"]                              = "Q1045",     -- Somalia
   ["south africa"]                         = "Q258",      -- South Africa
   ["south korea"]                          = "Q884",      -- South Korea
   ["pamplona"]                             = "Q10282",    -- Spain
   ["pampelune"]                            = "Q10282",    -- Spain
   ["iruña"]                                = "Q10282",    -- Spain
   ["iruñea"]                               = "Q10282",    -- Spain
   ["pampeluna"]                            = "Q10282",    -- Spain
   ["zaragoza"]                             = "Q10305",    -- Spain
   ["sargossa"]                             = "Q10305",    -- Spain
   ["san sebastián"]                        = "Q10313",    -- Spain
   ["donostia"]                             = "Q10313",    -- Spain
   ["saint-sébastien"]                      = "Q10313",    -- Spain
   ["almería"]                              = "Q10400",    -- Spain
   ["almeria"]                              = "Q10400",    -- Spain
   ["lugo"]                                 = "Q11125",    -- Spain
   ["guadalajara, castile-la mancha"]       = "Q11953",    -- Spain
   ["alicante"]                             = "Q11959",    -- Spain
   ["alacant"]                              = "Q11959",    -- Spain
   ["huesca"]                               = "Q11967",    -- Spain
   ["uesca"]                                = "Q11967",    -- Spain
   ["las palmas de gran canaria"]           = "Q11974",    -- Spain
   ["soria"]                                = "Q12155",    -- Spain
   ["murcia"]                               = "Q12225",    -- Spain
   ["santander, cantabria"]                 = "Q12233",    -- Spain
   ["santander"]                            = "Q12233",    -- Spain
   ["huelva"]                               = "Q12246",    -- Spain
   ["pontevedra"]                           = "Q12411",    -- Spain
   ["palafrugell"]                          = "Q13490",    -- Spain
   ["oviedo"]                               = "Q14317",    -- Spain
   ["uviéu"]                                = "Q14317",    -- Spain
   ["vitoria-gasteiz"]                      = "Q14318",    -- Spain
   ["vitoria"]                              = "Q14318",    -- Spain
   ["gasteiz"]                              = "Q14318",    -- Spain
   ["mérida (spain)"]                       = "Q14323",    -- Spain
   ["mérida"]                               = "Q14323",    -- Spain
   ["mérida, spain"]                        = "Q14323",    -- Spain
   ["logroño"]                              = "Q14325",    -- Spain
   ["santa cruz de tenerife"]               = "Q14328",    -- Spain
   ["teruel"]                               = "Q14336",    -- Spain
   ["barcelona"]                            = "Q1492",     -- Spain
   ["tarragona"]                            = "Q15088",    -- Spain
   ["טַרְקוֹן"]                             = "Q15088",    -- Spain
   ["lleida"]                               = "Q15090",    -- Spain
   ["lérida"]                               = "Q15090",    -- Spain
   ["castellón de la plana"]                = "Q15092",    -- Spain
   ["ciudad real"]                          = "Q15093",    -- Spain
   ["albacete"]                             = "Q15095",    -- Spain
   ["cuenca, spain"]                        = "Q15098",    -- Spain
   ["cuenca"]                               = "Q15098",    -- Spain
   ["vilanova i la geltrú"]                 = "Q15553",    -- Spain
   ["cáceres, spain"]                       = "Q15678",    -- Spain
   ["cáceres"]                              = "Q15678",    -- Spain
   ["badajoz"]                              = "Q15679",    -- Spain
   ["badajos"]                              = "Q15679",    -- Spain
   ["jaén, spain"]                          = "Q15681",    -- Spain
   ["jaén"]                                 = "Q15681",    -- Spain
   ["cadiz"]                                = "Q15682",    -- Spain
   ["cádiz"]                                = "Q15682",    -- Spain
   ["segovia"]                              = "Q15684",    -- Spain
   ["ávila, spain"]                         = "Q15688",    -- Spain
   ["ávila"]                                = "Q15688",    -- Spain
   ["salamanca"]                            = "Q15695",    -- Spain
   ["zamora, spain"]                        = "Q15696",    -- Spain
   ["zamora"]                               = "Q15696",    -- Spain
   ["león, spain"]                          = "Q15699",    -- Spain
   ["león"]                                 = "Q15699",    -- Spain
   ["madrid"]                               = "Q2807",     -- Spain
   ["spain"]                                = "Q29",       -- Spain
   ["asturias"]                             = "Q3934",     -- Spain
   ["asturies"]                             = "Q3934",     -- Spain
   ["cantabria"]                            = "Q3946",     -- Spain
   ["tenerife"]                             = "Q40846",    -- Spain
   ["ibiza"]                                = "Q473914",   -- Spain
   ["eivissa"]                              = "Q473914",   -- Spain
   ["catalonia"]                            = "Q5705",     -- Spain
   ["catalunya"]                            = "Q5705",     -- Spain
   ["catalonha"]                            = "Q5705",     -- Spain
   ["cataluña"]                             = "Q5705",     -- Spain
   ["andalusia"]                            = "Q5783",     -- Spain
   ["andalucía"]                            = "Q5783",     -- Spain
   ["córdoba, spain"]                       = "Q5818",     -- Spain
   ["córdoba"]                              = "Q5818",     -- Spain
   ["toledo"]                               = "Q5836",     -- Spain
   ["toledo, spain"]                        = "Q5836",     -- Spain
   ["toledo, spain"]                        = "Q5836",     -- Spain
   ["girona"]                               = "Q7038",     -- Spain
   ["gerona"]                               = "Q7038",     -- Spain
   ["valladolid"]                           = "Q8356",     -- Spain
   ["palencia"]                             = "Q8378",     -- Spain
   ["bilbao"]                               = "Q8692",     -- Spain
   ["bilbo"]                                = "Q8692",     -- Spain
   ["seville"]                              = "Q8717",     -- Spain
   ["sevilla"]                              = "Q8717",     -- Spain
   ["vigo"]                                 = "Q8745",     -- Spain
   ["a coruña"]                             = "Q8757",     -- Spain
   ["la coruña"]                            = "Q8757",     -- Spain
   ["a coruna"]                             = "Q8757",     -- Spain
   ["coruna"]                               = "Q8757",     -- Spain
   ["granada"]                              = "Q8810",     -- Spain
   ["valencia"]                             = "Q8818",     -- Spain
   ["valencia, spain"]                      = "Q8818",     -- Spain
   ["palma, majorca"]                       = "Q8826",     -- Spain
   ["palma de mallorca"]                    = "Q8826",     -- Spain
   ["málaga"]                               = "Q8851",     -- Spain
   ["burgos"]                               = "Q9580",     -- Spain
   ["ourense"]                              = "Q99151",    -- Spain
   ["orense"]                               = "Q99151",    -- Spain
   ["sri lanka"]                            = "Q854",      -- Sri Lanka
   ["sudan"]                                = "Q1049",     -- Sudan
   ["suriname"]                             = "Q730",      -- Suriname
   ["swaziland"]                            = "Q1050",     -- Swaziland
   ["stockholm"]                            = "Q1754",     -- Sweden
   ["lund"]                                 = "Q2167",     -- Sweden
   ["malmö"]                                = "Q2211",     -- Sweden
   ["malmø"]                                = "Q2211",     -- Sweden
   ["malmo"]                                = "Q2211",     -- Sweden
   ["uppsala"]                              = "Q25286",    -- Sweden
   ["upsala"]                               = "Q25286",    -- Sweden
   ["gothenburg"]                           = "Q25287",    -- Sweden
   ["göteborg"]                             = "Q25287",    -- Sweden
   ["göteborg"]                             = "Q25287",    -- Sweden
   ["gothenburg"]                           = "Q25287",    -- Sweden
   ["helsingborg"]                          = "Q25411",    -- Sweden
   ["västerås"]                             = "Q25412",    -- Sweden
   ["vasteras"]                             = "Q25412",    -- Sweden
   ["linköping"]                            = "Q25413",    -- Sweden
   ["linkoping"]                            = "Q25413",    -- Sweden
   ["jönköping"]                            = "Q25415",    -- Sweden
   ["jonkoping"]                            = "Q25415",    -- Sweden
   ["karlstad"]                             = "Q25457",    -- Sweden
   ["umeå"]                                 = "Q25579",    -- Sweden
   ["umea"]                                 = "Q25579",    -- Sweden
   ["norrköping"]                           = "Q25724",    -- Sweden
   ["norrkoping"]                           = "Q25724",    -- Sweden
   ["örebro"]                               = "Q25732",    -- Sweden
   ["orebro"]                               = "Q25732",    -- Sweden
   ["gävle"]                                = "Q25748",    -- Sweden
   ["gavle"]                                = "Q25748",    -- Sweden
   ["borå"]                                 = "Q26040",    -- Sweden
   ["borass"]                               = "Q26040",    -- Sweden
   ["växjö"]                                = "Q26152",    -- Sweden
   ["vaxjo"]                                = "Q26152",    -- Sweden
   ["luleå"]                                = "Q26268",    -- Sweden
   ["luleju"]                               = "Q26268",    -- Sweden
   ["lulea"]                                = "Q26268",    -- Sweden
   ["kalmar"]                               = "Q26345",    -- Sweden
   ["sundsvall"]                            = "Q26476",    -- Sweden
   ["eskilstuna"]                           = "Q26498",    -- Sweden
   ["falun"]                                = "Q26509",    -- Sweden
   ["östersund"]                            = "Q26515",    -- Sweden
   ["staare"]                               = "Q26515",    -- Sweden
   ["ostersund"]                            = "Q26515",    -- Sweden
   ["södertälje"]                           = "Q26518",    -- Sweden
   ["sodertailje"]                          = "Q26518",    -- Sweden
   ["halmstad"]                             = "Q26521",    -- Sweden
   ["kristianstad"]                         = "Q26937",    -- Sweden
   ["christianstad"]                        = "Q26937",    -- Sweden
   ["sweden"]                               = "Q34",       -- Sweden
   ["fribourg"]                             = "Q36378",    -- Switzerland
   ["freiburg"]                             = "Q36378",    -- Switzerland
   ["fribôrg"]                              = "Q36378",    -- Switzerland
   ["switzerland"]                          = "Q39",       -- Switzerland
   ["schweiz"]                              = "Q39",       -- Switzerland
   ["lucerne"]                              = "Q4191",     -- Switzerland
   ["luzern"]                               = "Q4191",     -- Switzerland
   ["lucerna"]                              = "Q4191",     -- Switzerland
   ["lozärn"]                               = "Q4191",     -- Switzerland
   ["zofingen"]                             = "Q63986",    -- Switzerland
   ["zofingue"]                             = "Q63986",    -- Switzerland
   ["trogen ar"]                            = "Q68189",    -- Switzerland
   ["grenchen"]                             = "Q68248",    -- Switzerland
   ["granges"]                              = "Q68248",    -- Switzerland
   ["solothurn"]                            = "Q68965",    -- Switzerland
   ["neuchâtel"]                            = "Q69345",    -- Switzerland
   ["neuenburg"]                            = "Q69345",    -- Switzerland
   ["neocastello"]                          = "Q69345",    -- Switzerland
   ["bern (city)"]                          = "Q70",       -- Switzerland
   ["bern"]                                 = "Q70",       -- Switzerland
   ["berne"]                                = "Q70",       -- Switzerland
   ["genève"]                               = "Q71",       -- Switzerland
   ["geneva"]                               = "Q71",       -- Switzerland
   ["zürich"]                               = "Q72",       -- Switzerland
   ["zurich"]                               = "Q72",       -- Switzerland
   ["zurigo"]                               = "Q72",       -- Switzerland
   ["turitg"]                               = "Q72",       -- Switzerland
   ["basel"]                                = "Q78",       -- Switzerland
   ["basle"]                                = "Q78",       -- Switzerland
   ["winterthur"]                           = "Q9125",     -- Switzerland
   ["winterthour"]                          = "Q9125",     -- Switzerland
   ["damascus"]                             = "Q3766",     -- Syria
   ["دمشق"]                                 = "Q3766",     -- Syria
   ["syria"]                                = "Q858",      -- Syria
   ["tainan"]                               = "Q140631",   -- Taiwan
   ["臺南"]                                   = "Q140631",   -- Taiwan
   ["台南"]                                   = "Q140631",   -- Taiwan
   ["taipei"]                               = "Q1867",     -- Taiwan
   ["臺北市"]                                  = "Q1867",     -- Taiwan
   ["taiwan"]                               = "Q22502",    -- Taiwan
   ["tajikistan"]                           = "Q863",      -- Tajikistan
   ["dushanbe"]                             = "Q9365",     -- Tajikistan
   ["tanzania"]                             = "Q924",      -- Tanzania
   ["bangkok"]                              = "Q1861",     -- Thailand
   ["thailand"]                             = "Q869",      -- Thailand
   ["the bahamas"]                          = "Q778",      -- The Bahamas
   ["bahamas"]                              = "Q778",      -- The Bahamas
   ["the gambia"]                           = "Q1005",     -- The Gambia
   ["gambia"]                               = "Q1005",     -- The Gambia
   ["dublin"]                               = "Q1761",     -- the Republic of Ireland
   ["ireland"]                              = "Q27",       -- the Republic of Ireland
   ["togo"]                                 = "Q945",      -- Togo
   ["tonga"]                                = "Q678",      -- Tonga
   ["trinidad and tobago"]                  = "Q754",      -- Trinidad and Tobago
   ["tunisia"]                              = "Q948",      -- Tunisia
   ["smyrna"]                               = "Q1379299",  -- Turkey
   ["constantinople"]                       = "Q16869",    -- Turkey
   ["iznik"]                                = "Q217125",   -- Turkey
   ["iznik"]                                = "Q217125",   -- Turkey
   ["izmir"]                                = "Q35997",    -- Turkey
   ["izmir"]                                = "Q35997",    -- Turkey
   ["ankara"]                               = "Q3640",     -- Turkey
   ["ancyra"]                               = "Q3640",     -- Turkey
   ["istanbul"]                             = "Q406",      -- Turkey
   ["turkey"]                               = "Q43",       -- Turkey
   ["türkei"]                               = "Q43",       -- Turkey
   ["ephesus"]                              = "Q47611",    -- Turkey
   ["Ἔφεσος"]                               = "Q47611",    -- Turkey
   ["efes"]                                 = "Q47611",    -- Turkey
   ["halicarnassus"]                        = "Q5843680",  -- Turkey
   ["turkmenistan"]                         = "Q874",      -- Turkmenistan
   ["tuvalu"]                               = "Q672",      -- Tuvalu
   ["uganda"]                               = "Q1036",     -- Uganda
   ["izmail"]                               = "Q147739",   -- Ukraine
   ["ізмаї́л"]                              = "Q147739",   -- Ukraine
   ["ismail"]                               = "Q147739",   -- Ukraine
   ["feodosia"]                             = "Q158491",   -- Ukraine
   ["феодо́сия"]                            = "Q158491",   -- Ukraine
   ["феодо́сія"]                            = "Q158491",   -- Ukraine
   ["berdychiv"]                            = "Q158799",   -- Ukraine
   ["бердичів"]                             = "Q158799",   -- Ukraine
   ["berdyczów"]                            = "Q158799",   -- Ukraine
   ["берди́чев"]                            = "Q158799",   -- Ukraine
   ["בערדיטשעוו"]                           = "Q158799",   -- Ukraine
   ["myrhorod"]                             = "Q161961",   -- Ukraine
   ["миргород"]                             = "Q161961",   -- Ukraine
   ["odessa"]                               = "Q1874",     -- Ukraine
   ["odesa"]                                = "Q1874",     -- Ukraine
   ["оде́са"]                               = "Q1874",     -- Ukraine
   ["оде́сса"]                              = "Q1874",     -- Ukraine
   ["kiew"]                                 = "Q1899",     -- Ukraine
   ["kiev"]                                 = "Q1899",     -- Ukraine
   ["киев"]                                 = "Q1899",     -- Ukraine
   ["київ"]                                 = "Q1899",     -- Ukraine
   ["ukraine"]                              = "Q212",      -- Ukraine
   ["ukraina"]                              = "Q212",      -- Ukraine
   ["lviv"]                                 = "Q36036",    -- Ukraine
   ["lwów"]                                 = "Q36036",    -- Ukraine
   ["lemberg"]                              = "Q36036",    -- Ukraine
   ["львов"]                                = "Q36036",    -- Ukraine
   ["kharkiv"]                              = "Q42308",    -- Ukraine
   ["donetsk"]                              = "Q43070",    -- Ukraine
   ["donezk"]                               = "Q43070",    -- Ukraine
   ["донецк"]                               = "Q43070",    -- Ukraine
   ["донецьк"]                              = "Q43070",    -- Ukraine
   ["ochakiv"]                              = "Q850072",   -- Ukraine
   ["ochakov"]                              = "Q850072",   -- Ukraine
   ["очаків"]                               = "Q850072",   -- Ukraine
   ["очаков"]                               = "Q850072",   -- Ukraine
   ["united arab emirates"]                 = "Q878",      -- United Arab Emirates
   ["stoke-on-trent"]                       = "Q134902",   -- United Kingdom
   ["united kingdom"]                       = "Q145",      -- United Kingdom
   ["greenwich"]                            = "Q179385",   -- United Kingdom
   ["scotland"]                             = "Q22",       -- United Kingdom
   ["birmingham"]                           = "Q2256",     -- United Kingdom
   ["edinburgh"]                            = "Q23436",    -- United Kingdom
   ["oxford"]                               = "Q34217",    -- United Kingdom
   ["cambridge"]                            = "Q350",      -- United Kingdom
   ["glasgow"]                              = "Q4093",     -- United Kingdom
   ["st ives, cornwall"]                    = "Q724182",   -- United Kingdom
   ["london"]                               = "Q84",       -- United Kingdom
   ["londen"]                               = "Q84",       -- United Kingdom
   ["london, england"]                      = "Q84",       -- United Kingdom
   ["london, united kingdom"]               = "Q84",       -- United Kingdom
   ["boston"]                               = "Q100",      -- United States
   ["puerto rico"]                          = "Q1183",     -- United States
   ["washington (state)"]                   = "Q1223",     -- United States
   ["detroit"]                              = "Q12439",    -- United States
   ["chicago"]                              = "Q1297",     -- United States
   ["hoboken, new jersey"]                  = "Q138578",   -- United States
   ["hoboken, nj"]                          = "Q138578",   -- United States
   ["san diego, california"]                = "Q16552",    -- United States
   ["houston"]                              = "Q16555",    -- United States
   ["portsmouth, rhode island"]             = "Q1787188",  -- United States
   ["redmond, washington"]                  = "Q223718",   -- United States
   ["united states"]                        = "Q30",       -- United States
   ["us"]                                   = "Q30",       -- United States
   ["usa"]                                  = "Q30",       -- United States
   ["malibu, california"]                   = "Q387047",   -- United States
   ["ann arbor, michigan"]                  = "Q485172",   -- United States
   ["new haven"]                            = "Q49145",    -- United States
   ["baltimore"]                            = "Q5092",     -- United States
   ["baltimore, maryland"]                  = "Q5092",     -- United States
   ["nyc"]                                  = "Q60",       -- United States
   ["new york city"]                        = "Q60",       -- United States
   ["dc"]                                   = "Q61",       -- United States
   ["washington, d.c."]                     = "Q61",       -- United States
   ["san francisco"]                        = "Q62",       -- United States
   ["hawaii"]                               = "Q782",      -- United States
   ["florida"]                              = "Q812",      -- United States
   ["roseburg, oregon"]                     = "Q846170",   -- United States
   ["miami"]                                = "Q8652",     -- United States
   ["california"]                           = "Q99",       -- United States
   ["seattle, washington"]                  = "Q5083",     -- United States
   ["uruguay"]                              = "Q77",       -- Uruguay
   ["uzbekistan"]                           = "Q265",      -- Uzbekistan
   ["vanuatu"]                              = "Q686",      -- Vanuatu
   ["vatican city"]                         = "Q237",      -- Vatican City
   ["venezuela"]                            = "Q717",      -- Venezuela
   ["hanoi"]                                = "Q1858",     -- Vietnam
   ["vietnam"]                              = "Q881",      -- Vietnam
   ["yemen"]                                = "Q805",      -- Yemen
   ["zambia"]                               = "Q953",      -- Zambia
   ["zimbabwe"]                             = "Q954",      -- Zimbabwe