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< Benutzer:S.ludwig
Dies ist die aktuelle Version dieser Seite, zuletzt bearbeitet am 16. Februar 2009 um 13:33 Uhr durch imported>S.ludwig(8726).
Stichwortsammlung Vertrauen
- unter Vertrauen wird die Annahme verstanden, dass Entwicklungen erwarteten Verlauf nehmen
- beschreibt auch die Erwartung an Bezugspersonen oder Organisationen, dass deren Handlungen sich im Rahmen von gemeinsamen Werten oder moralischen Vorstellungen bewegen
- wird durch Glaubwürdigkeit, Verlässlichkeit und Authentizität begründet
Keyword Collection: Trust
- see also: Confidence, Reliability
- does not need to involve belief in the good character, vices, or morals of the other party
- is a prediction of reliance on an action, based on what a party knows about the other party
- the degree to which one party trusts another is a measure of belief in the honesty, benevolence and competence of the other party
- trust is a mental state
- trust allows actions to be conducted based on incomplete information on the case in hand
- trust is an action that involves a transfer of resources (physical, financial, intellectual, or temporal) from the truster to the trustee
- trust is essential for social coexistence
- strength in the family relies on the trust
- once trust is lost, it is very hard to regain trust
- is relying on somone or something to do a certain thing or act in a certain way
- you can trust someone to keep a promise (even partners in crime trust each other)
- there has to be an underlying, fundamental layer of trust in an individual – a trust in life or god or the universe or yourself – before other layers of trust can have any meaning at all
- you are more at ease with people, insitutions, products, beliefs that are tried and have a low failure rate
- you never know if you can trust someone or something for 100%
- trust is often a question of feelings
- there is a different quality between trust with someone close to you such as your mother or lover and trusting an insurance company
- trust involves honesty, fairness, objectivity, competence, consistency
- skepticism and vigilance, not only trust, is importand in econics and politcs - too much trusting is naive
- trust is risk judgmnent
- we have good reasons to lose trust in government and business
- we cannot know everything so we hàve to trust and to believe
- disagreement is not the same as distrust
- What is trust? How do we know something or someone can be trusted?
- Has your trust in institutions and societal leaders changed over the past 10 years?
- What factors influenced you to change?
- Who would you rank as most trustworthy in social or institutional terms?
- What role is the social web (and places like Second Life) playing in all of this? **How does trust work in a virtual environment?