
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
< Benutzer:Netaction
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// WikiCite helps if you want to cite parts of an article.
// Thomas Schmidt 2011

// The strings for every user's language:
const WikiCiteLangMsgs = {
'en': {
  BubbleHeadline:'Copy selection',
  BubbleText:'Create a citation with all necessary information, ready for copy&paste to your blog or web site!',
  ButtonHighlight:'Highlight to copy',
  BubbleCopyHint:'Please copy the HTML into your clipboard now.',
  SourceText1:'From the page',
  SourceText2:'on Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.'
'de': {
  BubbleHeadline:'Text kopieren',
  BubbleText:'Erstelle ein Zitat mit allen nötigen Informationen, fertig zum Kopieren in den Blog oder die Webseite!',
  ButtonHighlight:'Markieren zum Kopieren',
  BubbleCopyHint:'Bitte kopiere das HTML jetzt in die Zwischenablage.',
  SourceText1:'Aus dem Artikel',
  SourceText2:'auf Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie.'
function WCgetMsg(msg) {
  var lang = window.mediaWiki.user.options.values.language;
    if (!(lang in WikiCiteLangMsgs)) lang = 'en';
    if (!(msg in WikiCiteLangMsgs[lang])) lang = 'en';
    return WikiCiteLangMsgs[lang][msg];

$(function() {
  if ((!wgCurRevisionId)||(!wgTitle)) return;

  // first we need some nice CSS:
  $("head").append('<style type="text/css" charset="utf-8">'+
    '#WikiCiteSelectionBubble { position:absolute; width:130px; background-color:#E5E9EA; box-shadow:3px 3px 8px #666; border:1px solid #93B5C0; z-index:200; padding:3px; text-align:center; left:10px; font-size:70%; }'+
    '.skin-monobook #WikiCiteSelectionBubble { font-size:110% }'+
    '#WikiCiteSelectionBubble h3 { text-decoration:underline; cursor:pointer; }'+
    '#WikiCiteSelectionBubble p { padding:0 4px; }'+
    '#WikiCiteSelectionBubble h3:hover { background-color:#BCCCD0; }'+
    ' { width:600px; background-color:##BCCCD0; }'+
    ' h3 { text-decoration:none; cursor:default; }'+

    '#WikiCiteSelectionBubbleClose { position:absolute; top:2px; right:2px; cursor:pointer; }'+
    '#WikiCiteSelectionBubbleClose:hover { background-color:#BCCCD0; }'+
    ' h3:hover { background-color:transparent; }'+
    ' #WikiCiteSelectionBubbleClose { font-size:1.4em; }'+

    '#WikiCiteSelectionBox { margin:10px 0; padding:5px; }'+
    '#WikiCiteSelectionBox textarea { height:200px; width:100%; margin-left:-5px;}'+
    '#WikiCiteSelectionBox input { cursor:pointer; }'+
  // Add the HTML elements for our Script:
  $('<div id="WikiCiteSelectionBubble">'+
  '<div id="WikiCiteSelectionBubbleClose">⨯</div>'+
  '<div id="WikiCiteSelectionBox">'+
  '<p><input type="button" value="'+WCgetMsg('ButtonHighlight')+'" id="WikiCiteBoxHighlight"> '+
  '<input type="button" value="'+WCgetMsg('ButtonCancel')+'" id="WikiCiteBoxCancel"></p>'+

  // Check every second if there is a selection and show bubble:
    // Is the bubble already in usage?
    if ($('#WikiCiteSelectionBubble').hasClass('active')) return;
    // get html of selection:
    var html;
    var userSelection;
    userSelection = window.getSelection();
    if (userSelection.rangeCount>0) {
      var range = userSelection.getRangeAt(0);
      var clonedSelection = range.cloneContents();
      var div = document.createElement ('div');
      div.appendChild (clonedSelection);
      html = div.innerHTML;
    } else html="";

    if (html) { // the user selected some text
      var position = $(userSelection.getRangeAt(0).startContainer.parentNode).offset();
      if ($('#WikiCiteSelectionBubble').is(":visible")) // Bubble already there?
        // move bubble in position:
      // show bubble:
      else $('#WikiCiteSelectionBubble').stop(true,true).fadeIn().css({});
      // save selected html in bubble element:
    } else { // nothing selected
      // hide bubble:

  // The bubble is clicked:
  $('#WikiCiteSelectionBubble h3').click(function(){
    // Clean up the HTML:
    // TODO
    // Prepare copyright
    if ($('#copyright').html()) var copyright = $('#copyright').html(); // Monobook
    else if ($('#footer-info-copyright').html()) var copyright = $('#footer-info-copyright').html(); // Vector
    // add HTML to textarea:
    $('#WikiCiteSelectionBox textarea').val($('#WikiCiteSelectionBubble').data('selection')+
      '\n\n<p>'+WCgetMsg('SourceText1')+' '+
      '<a href="http://'+window.mediaWiki.user.options.values.variant+''+
      wgTitle+'</a> '+WCgetMsg('SourceText2')+' '+
    // Show the big box with textarea:
  // X clicked:
    return false;
  // Highlight button:
  $('#WikiCiteBoxHighlight').click(function() {
    $('#WikiCiteSelectionBox textarea').select();
  // Cancel button:
  $('#WikiCiteBoxCancel').click(function() { $('#WikiCiteSelectionBubbleClose').click(); });