Ancient Commentators on Aristotle Project

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Ancient commentators on Aristotle project (abgekürzt: ACA) ist ein Projekt zur Übersetzung der antiken, spätantiken und byzantinischen Kommentare zu den Schriften des Aristoteles ins Englische. Es werden die Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca (CAG) nicht vollständig, jedoch zum größten Teil übersetzt; weitere relevante Schriften wurden darüber hinaus in das Projekt aufgenommen. Das am King’s College London beheimatete Projekt wurde von Richard Sorabji initiiert und steht unter seiner Leitung. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter ist John Sellars. Seit dem Beginn des Projekts im Jahr 1987 sind etwa 90 Bände veröffentlicht worden. Weitere Bände sind in Vorbereitung. Flankiert wird die Übersetzungsreihe von sieben Bänden interpretierenden Inhalts.

Liste der Bände

Band Autor und Titel Übersetzer Erscheinungsjahr
Aeneas of Gaza Theophrastus Sebastian Gertz, John Dillon, Donald Andrew Russell 2012
Zacharias of Mytilene Ammonius Sebastian Gertz, John Dillon, Donald Andrew Russell 2012
Philoponus Against Aristotle on the eternity of the world Christian Wildberg 1987
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Metaphysics 1 William E. Dooley 1989
Simplicius On Aristotle Physics 6 David Konstan 1989
Alexander of Aphrodisias Ethical Problems Robert W. Sharples 1990
Dexippus On Aristotle Categories John M. Dillon 1990
Corollaries on Place and Void
Against Philoponus On the Eternity of the World
David Furley
Christian Wildberg
Ammonius On Aristotle Categories Gareth B. Matthews
S. Marc Cohen
John Philoponos On Aristotle On the Intellect William Charlton
Fernand Bossier
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.1-7 Jonathan Barnes
Susanne Bobzien
Kevin Flannery
Katerina Ierodiakonou
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Metaphysics 2-3 William E. Dooley
Arthur Madigan
Simplicius Corollaries on Place and Time James O. Urmson
Lucas Siorvanes
Alexander of Aphrodisias Quaestiones 1.1-2.15 Robert W. Sharples 1992
Porphyry On Aristotle Categories Steven K. Strange 1992
Simplicius On Aristotle Physics 4.1-5 and 10-14 James O. Urmson 1992
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Metaphysics 5 William E. Dooley 1993
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Metaphysics 4 Arthur Madigan 1993
Philoponus On Aristotle Physics 2 Alan Robert Lacey 1993
On Aristotle Physics 5-8
On Aristotle on the Void
Paul Lettinck
James O. Urmson
Simplicius On Aristotle Physics 7 Charles Hagen 1994
Philoponus On Aristotle Physics 3 Mark Edwards 1994
Alexander of Aphrodisias Quaestiones 2.16-3.15 Robert W. Sharples 1994
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Soul 1.1-2.4 James O. Urmson
Peter Lautner
Ammonius On Aristotle On Interpretation 1-8 David Blank 1996
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Meteorology 4 Eric Lewis 1996
Themistius On Aristotle on the Soul Robert B. Todd 1996
Simplicius On Aristotle Physics 2 Barrie Fleet 1997
Simplicius On Aristotle Physics 5 James O. Urmson 1997
On Aristotle On the Soul 2.5-12
On Theophrastus on Sense Perception
Carlos Steel
Pamela Huby
On Aristotle On Interpretation 9 David Blank
Norman Kretzmann
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.8-13 Ian Mueller
Josiah Gould
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.14-22 Ian Mueller
Josiah Gould
Philoponus On Aristotle On Coming-to-Be and Perishing 1.1-5 C. J. F. Williams 1999
Philoponus On Aristotle On Coming-to-Be and Perishing 1.6-2.4 C. J. F. Williams 1999
Philoponus On Aristotle On the Soul 3.1-8 William Charlton 2000
On Aristotle On the Soul 3.9-13
On Aristotle On Interpretation
William Charlton 2000
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Soul 3.1-5 Henry Blumenthal 2000
Porphyry On Abstinence from Killing Animals Gillian Clark 2000
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle On Sense Perception Alan Towey 2000
Simplicius On Aristotle Categories 9-15 Richard Gaskin 2000
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Topics 1 Jan M. Van Ophuijsen 2000
Simplicius On Aristotle Categories 5-6 Frans de Haas
Barrie Fleet
Simplicius On Aristotle Physics 8.6-10 Richard McKirahan 2001
Michael of Ephesus
On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 8-9 David Konstan 2001
Simplicius On Aristotle Physics 3 James O. Urmson
Peter Lautner
Simplicius On Epictetus Handbook 1-26 Charles Brittain
Tad Brennan
Simplicius On Epictetus Handbook 27-53 Tad Brennan
Charles Brittain
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.1-4 Robert James Hankinson 2002
Simplicius On Aristotle Categories 7-8 Barrie Fleet 2002
Proclus On the Existence of Evils Jan Opsomer
Carlos Steel
Themistius On Aristotle Physics 4 Robert B. Todd 2003
Simplicius On Aristotle Categories 1-4 Michael Chase 2003
Alexander of Aphrodisias Supplement to On the Soul Robert W. Sharples 2004
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.5-9 Robert James Hankinson 2004
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Heavens 2.1-9 Ian Mueller 2004
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Heavens 2.10-14 Ian Mueller 2005
Philoponus On Aristotle On the Soul 2.1-6 William Charlton 2005
Philoponus On Aristotle On the Soul 2.7-12 William Charlton 2005
Philoponus Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 1-5 Michael Share 2005
Philoponus Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 6-8 Michael Share 2005
Philoponus On Aristotle On Coming-to-Be and Perishing 2.5-11 Inna Kupreeva 2005
Philoponus On Aristotle On the Soul 1.1-2 Philip van der Eijk 2005
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle On Coming-to-Be and Perishing 2.2-5 Emma Gannagé 2005
Philoponus On Aristotle Physics 1.1-3 Catherine Osborne 2006
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.23-31 Ian Mueller 2006
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.32-46 Ian Mueller 2006
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.10-12 Robert James Hankinson 2006
Philoponus On Aristotle On the Soul 1.3-5 Philip van der Eijk 2006
Philoponus Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 12-18 James Wilberding 2006
Aspasius On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 1-4, 7-8 David Konstan 2006
Syrianus On Aristotle Metaphysics 13-14 John M. Dillon
Dominic J. O’Meara
Proclus On Providence Carlos Steel 2007
Proclus On Plato Cratylus Brian Duvick 2007
Philoponus On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.1-8 Richard D. McKirahan 2008
Syrianus On Aristotle Metaphysics 3-4 Dominic J. O’Meara
John M. Dillon
Themistius On Aristotle Physics 5-8 Robert B. Todd 2008
Philoponus On Aristotle Physics 1.4-9 Catherine Osborne 2008
Philoponus On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 2 Owen Goldin 2008
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Heavens 3.1-7 Ian Mueller 2009
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Heavens 3.7-4.6 Ian Mueller 2009
Philoponus Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 9-11 Michael Share 2010
Boethius On Aristotle On Interpretation 1-3 Andrew Smith 2010
Boethius On Aristotle On Interpretation 4-6 Andrew Smith 2011
Porphyry To Gaurus on How Embryos are Ensouled and On What is in Our Power James Wilberding 2011
Philoponus On Aristotle Meteorology 1.5-9, 12 Inna Kupreeva
Richard Sorabji
Simplicius On Aristotle Physics 1.5-9 Han Baltussen 2011
Simplicius On Aristotle on Physics 1.3-4 Pamela Huby
C. C. W. Taylor
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Aristotle on the Soul Victor Caston 2011
Simplicius On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.3-4 Ian Mueller 2011
Themistius On Aristotle on Physics 1-3 Robert B. Todd 2011
Philoponus On Aristotle Physics 4.10-14 Sarah Broadie 2011
Proclus Ten Questions on Providence Jan Opsomer
Carlos Steel
Philoponus On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.9-18 Richard D. McKirahan 2011


  • Richard Sorabji: The Philosophy of the Commentators 200-600 AD. A Sourcebook. (Volume 1: Psychology; Volume 2: Physics; Volume 3: Logic and Metaphysics). Duckworth, Cornell University Press, London, Ithaca, NY 2005. (Ein nach philosophischen Disziplinen geordnetes Quellenbuch) — Volume 1 in Auszügen online — Rezension von Lloyd P. Gerson, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.07.55
