aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Diese Seite ist als Arbeitsplattform für mein Computerlinguistik-Studium gedacht. Hier können die Hausaufgaben zum Kurs Computational Lexicography entstehen.
- Report on The Canoo online dictionary Final Version
- Generative Lexion Final Version
- Lexicon-Encyclopedia-Debate Final version
- Lexical Semantics Final version
- Summary of discussion and question Final version
- Macrostructure Final version
- Dictionary Encoding Final version
- Wordnets Final version
- Lexical Acquisition Final Version
Questions about the chapter "Treatment of multi-word terms"
- [general question] Are there any computationl linguistic tools that can semantically interprete idioms? If yes, how do they do it?
- [referring to: Collocations as Lexical functions] Does the Meaning-Text-Theory have a new, different definition of "collocation" or can it be regarded as an 'implementation' and formalization of Hausmann's approach? (As far as we understood it, Hausmann states that it is an inherent linguistic feature of the base which collocators it takes. The Meaning-Text-Theory seems to describe exactly that while additionally abstracting over sematically similar collocators with lexical functions.)
- [referring to: IDAREX] How are the colons ":" in the xlex regular expression syntax used and what do they signify?