Benutzer:Matthias M./AceWiki/ext.aceWikiEditor.js
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
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* MediaWiki:Gadget-aceWikiEditor.js
* 2012 Dan Michael Heggø <danmichaelo+wikipedia @>
* Forked from MediaWiki:Gadget-codeeditor.js
* (c) 2011 Brion Vibber <brion @>
* GPLv2 or later
* Syntax highlighting for editing wikimarkup.
* Uses embedded Cloud9 Editor:
* Browsers tested:
* - Firefox 11.0 / Mac
* - Chrome 18.0.1025.142 / Mac
* Browsers tested with issues:
* - Opera 12.00 alpha / Mac: copy / paste doesn't work
* - Safari: renders ok, but for some funny reason you can't type "}"
* Same problem at
* Browsers not tested:
* - IE 8.0.6001.18702 / Win XP: Problems have been reported with
* Brion's CodeEditor, so problems should be expected!
* Known issues:
* - serious problems with right-to-left scripts and perhaps other complex scripts.
* - 'discard your changes?' check on tab close doesn't trigger
* - ties into WikiEditor, so doesn't work on classic toolbar
* - copy/paste not available from context menu (Firefox, Chrome on Linux -- kbd & main menu commands ok)
* - accessibility: tab/shift-tab are overridden. is there a consistent alternative for keyboard-reliant users?
* - accessibility: accesskey on the original textarea needs to be moved over or otherwise handled
* - cursor/scroll position not maintained over previews/show changes
$( document ).ready( function() {
// Add code editor module
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'aceWikiEditor' );
} );