
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

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// WikiPraise by Thomas Schmidt ( for Wikimedia Deutschland
// Copyright (c) 2011, Wikimedia Deutschland
// Redistribution and use, with or without modification, are permitted,
// provided that the above copyright notice is retained.

// <nowiki>

// The strings for every user's language:
const WikiTrustLangMsgs = {
'en': {
  MenueTitle: 'WikiPraise',
  ServerNotRespond: 'Error: Server does not respond.',
  WrittenInRev: 'Written in rev.',
  ClickToFix: 'Click to fix this box.',
  Author: 'Author',
  InfoText:'This is the WikiPraise view. Hover your mouse over the text and see who wrote that part of the article. Click to fix the box.',
  WikipediaErrorReturned:'<h2>Error!</h2><p>The Wikipedia server respondet with an error message. Please <a href="">contact us</a>.</p>',
  WikitrustErrorReturned:'<h2>Error!</h2><p>The WikiTrust server respondet with the error message "#1#". Please [ contact us].</p>'
'de-at': {
  MenueTitle: 'WikiPraise',
  ServerNotRespond: 'Fehler: Der Server antwortet nicht.',
  WrittenInRev: 'Geschrieben in Ver.',
  ClickToFix: 'Klick zum Fixieren!',
  Author: 'Autor',
  InfoText:'Dies ist der WikiPraise-Ansicht. Fahre mit der Maus über den Text um zu sehen, wer diesen Teil schrieb. Ein Klick fixiert die Box.',
'de': {
  MenueTitle: 'WikiPraise',
  ServerNotRespond: 'Fehler: Der Server antwortet nicht.',
  WrittenInRev: 'Geschrieben in Ver.',
  ClickToFix: 'Klick zum Fixieren!',
  Author: 'Autor',
  InfoText:'Dies ist der WikiPraise-Ansicht. Fahre mit der Maus über den Text um zu sehen, wer diesen Teil schrieb. Ein Klick fixiert die Box.',
'de-ch': {
  MenueTitle: 'WikiPraise',
  ServerNotRespond: 'Fehler: Der Server antwortet nicht.',
  WrittenInRev: 'Geschrieben in Ver.',
  ClickToFix: 'Klick zum Fixieren!',
  Author: 'Autor',
  InfoText:'Dies ist der WikiPraise-Ansicht. Fahre mit der Maus über den Text um zu sehen, wer diesen Teil schrieb. Ein Klick fixiert die Box.',
'fr': {
  MenueTitle: 'WikiPraise',
  ServerNotRespond: 'cas d\'erreur',
  WrittenInRev: 'version',
  ClickToFix: 'Klick zum Fixieren!',
  Author: 'auteur',
  InfoText:'Dies ist der WikiPraise-Ansicht. Fahre mit der Maus über den Text um zu sehen, wer diesen Teil schrieb. Ein Klick fixiert die Box.',
'es': {
  MenueTitle: 'WikiPraise',
  ServerNotRespond: 'error',
  WrittenInRev: 'versión',
  ClickToFix: 'Klick zum Fixieren!',
  Author: 'autor',
  InfoText:'Dies ist der WikiPraise-Ansicht. Fahre mit der Maus über den Text um zu sehen, wer diesen Teil schrieb. Ein Klick fixiert die Box.',
function WTgetMsg(msg) {
  var lang = window.mediaWiki.user.options.values.language;
    if (!(lang in WikiTrustLangMsgs)) lang = 'en';
    if (!(msg in WikiTrustLangMsgs[lang])) lang = 'en';
    return WikiTrustLangMsgs[lang][msg];

// The url parts for every language version of Wikipedia
const WikiTrustLangURLs = {
'en': { UserLink1: '/wiki/User:',UserLink2: '/wiki/User_talk:',UserLink3: '/wiki/Special:Contributions/'},
'de': { UserLink1: '/wiki/Benutzer:',UserLink2: '/wiki/Benutzer_Diskussion:',UserLink3: '/wiki/Spezial:Beiträge/'},
'fr': { UserLink1: '/wiki/Utilisateur:',UserLink2: '/wiki/Discussion_utilisateur:',UserLink3: '/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial:Contributions/'}
function WTgetURL(msg) {
  var variant = window.mediaWiki.user.options.values.variant;
  if (!(variant in WikiTrustLangURLs)) variant = 'en';
  if (!(msg in WikiTrustLangURLs[variant])) variant = 'en';
  return WikiTrustLangURLs[variant][msg];

$(function() {
  // Are we reading an article at the moment?
  // Yes, Vector style:
  if (($("li#ca-view").hasClass("selected")) && ($("li#ca-nstab-main").hasClass("selected"))) {
    $("li#ca-history").after('<li id="WikiTrustButton"><span>'+
      '<a href="#StartWikiTrust">'+WTgetMsg('MenueTitle')+'</a></span></li>');
    $("li#WikiTrustButton span a").click(function(){ WikiTrustLoad(); });
  // Yes, Monobook style:
  if ((mw.config.get('skin')=="monobook") &&
    ($("li#ca-nstab-main").hasClass("selected")) &&
    ) {
    $("li#ca-history").after('<li id="WikiTrustButton">'+
      '<a href="#StartWikiTrust">'+WTgetMsg('MenueTitle')+'</a></li>');
    $("li#WikiTrustButton a").click(function(){ WikiTrustLoad(); });
  // WikiTrust Deeplink used?
  if(window.location.hash.slice(1) == "StartWikiTrust") { WikiTrustLoad(); }

  error:function() {
    $("#content").fadeTo('slow', 1); // show content

function WikiTrustLoad() {
  // We can not live without some styling:
  $("head").append('<style type="text/css" charset="utf-8">'+
    'span.wikitrustinfo { color:#333; cursor:pointer; } '+
    ' { color:black; background-color:#CFDEE4; } '+
    'div#WikiTrustTooltip { position:absolute; top:100px; left:5px; background-color:#eee; width:143px; padding:4px; z-index:100; border:1px solid #93B5C0; font-size:80%; box-shadow:3px 3px 8px #666; }'+
    '.skin-monobook div#WikiTrustTooltip { font-size:110%; }'+
    'div#WikiTrustTooltip.fixed { border:3px solid #648793; }'+
    'p#WikiTrustTooltipTitle { background-color:#93B5C0; margin:-4px -4px 0 -4px; text-align:center; color:white; }'+
    '.fixed p#WikiTrustTooltipTitle { background-color:#648793; color:white; }'+
    '.fixed div#WikiTrustCloseButton { position:absolute; right:0; top:0; cursor:pointer; color:white; z-index:110; }'+
    '#WikiTrustInfotext { border: 1px solid #aaa; padding: 5px; line-height: 1.5em; margin: .5em 1em 0em 0em; text-align: center; clear: both; }'+
    '#WikiTrustLoading { position:absolute; left:50%; top:50%; width:100px; height:20px; margin-left:-50px; margin-top:-25px; background-color:#eee; box-shadow:3px 3px 8px #666; border:1px solid #93B5C0; z-index:200; padding:20px; text-align:center; }'+

  // save DIVs above content:

  // try find this revision's ID in the URL:
  var currentID=RegExp('[?&]oldid=([^&#]*)').exec(;
  // if there is no ID in the URL we take the latest version:
  if (currentID) currentID=currentID[1]; else currentID=mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId');

  $("#content").fadeTo('slow', 0.3); // the user has to wait

  // Get the WikiCode of this article:
  $('body').prepend('<div id="WikiTrustLoading">'+
    function(data) {
    if (data['error']) {
    } else data = data['text'];
    data = decodeURIComponent(escape(data)); // WHY???

    var genericHandler = function (match, trval, oid, username, txt) {
      // trval: trust value and not used
      // oid: version of change
      var replace = '<span class="wikitrustinfo versionid-'+ oid + 
        ' username-' +encodeURIComponent(username) +'"'+
        // ' title="Click to fix the left box"'+
        '>'+ txt + '</span>';
      return replace;

    // First, clean tags around links
    var templates = /\{\{#t:(\d+),(\d+),([^}]+)\}\}(\s*)\[\[([^\]]+)\]\](\s*)(?=\{\{#t:|$)/mg;
    data = data.replace(templates,
      function (match, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) {
        return p4 + genericHandler(match, p1, p2, p3, '[['+p5+']]') + p6;
    // And also clean tags after a semi-colon
    var semicolons = /^(;\s*)\{\{#t:(\d+),(\d+),([^}]+)\}\}(\s*[^\{<]*?)(?=\{|<|$)/mg;
    data = data.replace(semicolons,
      function (match, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
        return p1 + genericHandler(match, p2, p3, p4, p5);

    // Now let's transform into HTML code:
        if (data.indexOf("<p>undefined</p>")==0) {

        // Fix edit section links
        data = data.replace(/<span class="editsection"([^>]*)>(.*?) title="(.*?)"/g,
        function (match, one, two, three) {
          three = three.replace(/\{\{#t:\d+,\d+,[^}]+\}\}/g, '');
          return '<span class="editsection"'+one+'>'+two+' title="'+three+'"';

        // Fix trust tags with plain text after
        var plaintxt = /\{\{#t:(\d+),(\d+),([^}]+)\}\}([^\{<]*)(?=\{\{#t|<|$)/g;
        data = data.replace(plaintxt, genericHandler);

        // And eliminate any remaining trust tags
        // This line is not neccessary but to be sure:
        data = data.replace(/\{\{#t:\d+,\d+,[^}]+\}\}/g, '');

        // We're ready to put the new content into DOM:
        // Put the tooltip into DOM:
        $('<div id="WikiTrustTooltip"></div>').hide().prependTo('body');

        // ### breathe life into content with all the triggers:
        // first: If the user hovers content, show box with author's name:
        $('span.wikitrustinfo').hover(function() {
          if ($('#WikiTrustTooltip').hasClass('fixed')) return;
          var versionid=RegExp('versionid-([^ ]*)').exec($(this).attr("class"));
          if (versionid) versionid=versionid[1]; else return;
          var username=RegExp('username-([^ ]*)').exec($(this).attr("class"));
          if (username) username=decodeURIComponent(username[1]); else return;
          $('#WikiTrustTooltip').show().css({'top' : $(this).offset().top})
            .html('<p id="WikiTrustTooltipTitle">'+WTgetMsg('TooltipTitle')+'</p>'+
            '<p>'+WTgetMsg('Author')+': '+
            '<a href="'+WTgetURL('UserLink1')+username+'">'+username+'</a>'+
            '<br />'+
            '(<a href="'+WTgetURL('UserLink2')+username+'">'+WTgetMsg('UserLink2')+'</a> | '+
            '<a href="'+WTgetURL('UserLink3')+username+'">'+WTgetMsg('UserLink3')+'</a>)'+
            WTgetMsg('WrittenInRev')+' '+
            '<a href="/w/index.php?'+
            '<p class="infotext">'+
        // second: If the user leaves content, hide box:
        $('span.wikitrustinfo').mouseleave(function() {
          if ($('#WikiTrustTooltip').hasClass('fixed')) return;
        // third: On click keep the box where it is:
        $('span.wikitrustinfo').click(function() {
          if ($('#WikiTrustTooltip').hasClass('fixed')) {
            return false;
          $('#WikiTrustTooltip .infotext').hide();
          $('#WikiTrustTooltip').addClass('fixed').append('<div id="WikiTrustCloseButton">⨯</div>');
          return false;
        // fourth: unfix box if user clicks elsewhere:
        $('#bodyContent').click(function() {
        // fifth: unfix box if user clicks in box (X):
        $('#WikiTrustTooltip').click(function() { $('#bodyContent').click(); });

        // Restore DIV elements above content:
        $('#bodyContent').prepend('<div id="WikiTrustInfotext" class="noprint">'+
			  $("#content").fadeTo('slow', 1); // show new content
      } // success function
    }); // second ajax call
  }); // first ajax call

// </nowiki>