Benutzer Diskussion:Kastenhof Landau
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
(Weitergeleitet von Benutzer Diskussion:Kastenhof Landau - Das Museum für Steinzeit und Gegenwart)
Very long username
Hello, Your username is too long, please change it as it is not allowed. There is a message about this on your talk page on Arabic-Wikipedia. You have been given 7 days to change your username, but you don't. I will give you another 7 days for this, but after that if you haven't change it, your account will be blocked on Arabic wiki. Thanks for you. --Dr-Taher (Diskussion) 08:07, 12. Mär. 2021 (CET)
- Hello, I have changed your username to Kastenhof Landau, according to your request. Thanks for you. --Dr-Taher (Diskussion) 14:36, 14. Apr. 2021 (CEST)