Tetun: 22 agostu 2022: Ministra Saúde dr Odete Maria Freitas Belo hala'o enkontru ho Embaixadór Índia ba Indonésia no Timor-Leste Dr. Manoj Kumar Bharti, iha Palácio das Cinzas, Caicoli, Díli.
Iha enkontru dahuluk entre Ministra Saúde ho Embaixadór ba Nasaun rua ne'e foka liu na asuntu oinsá apoiu área saúde liuliu futuru apoiu ai-moruk bá Timor-Leste nomós oinsá haree koperasaun inklui mós kapasitasaun ba rekursu umanu liuliu iha área espesializasaun nomós área tékniku, haree mós administrasaun ho jestaun nian ne'ebé atu explora iha fururu entre Nasaun rua Timor-Leste ho Índia nomós asuntu seluk tan iha área saúde nian iha futuru.
This file is in the public domain in East Timor, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, according to Article 13 of the Indonesia Copyright Law No 6, 1982, which was still valid in East Timor from independence on 20 May 2002 until 27 May 2023.[1]
There shall be no infringement of Copyright for:
publication and reproduction of the symbol of the State and the national anthem in accordance with their original nature;
publication and reproduction of anything which is published by or on behalf of the Government, except if the copyright is declared to be protected by law or regulation or by a statement on the work itself or at the time the work is published;
repetition, either in whole or in part, of news from a news agency, radio or television broadcaster, and newspaper not less than 1 x 24 (one times twenty four) hours counted from the initial publication of such news, and the source there of shall be fully cited.
PD-TLGovPublic domain in the East Timor//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2022-08-22_Manoj_Kumar_Bharti.jpg
{{Information |description={{tet|1=22 agostu 2022: Ministra Saúde dr Odete Maria Freitas Belo hala'o enkontru ho Embaixadór Índia ba Indonésia no Timor-Leste Dr. Manoj Kumar Bharti, iha Palácio das Cinzas, Caicoli, Díli. Iha enkontru dahuluk entre Ministra Saúde ho Embaixadór ba Nasaun rua ne'e foka liu na asuntu oinsá apoiu área saúde liuliu futuru apoiu ai-moruk bá Timor-Leste nomós oinsá haree koperasaun inklui mós kapasitasaun ba rekursu umanu liuliu iha área espesializasaun nomós área té...