Picture of C. Aimone with an injection moulded en:eyetap that was also shown at the en:Smithsonian, and will be on exhibit at digifest 2004. This picture was made possible by way of the Nikon D2h, interfaced to a body-borne computer system, controlling a number of en:Metz Mecablitzflash lamps. The picture was taken at Deconism studio which has a glass ceiling so that natural light from outside (and natural artificial light from an outdoor catwalk mounted 30 feet above the glass ceiling) can be mixed with the artificial light from the Metz Mecablitzes. The D2h captures a much higher resolution, with using the Computer Enhanced Multiple Exposure Numerical Technique (CEMENT) but this image has been downsampled to a much smaller size for quick download on the WWW. The image was downsampled using the Gnu Image Manipulation Program (GIMP).
Since EyeTap devices fulfill the eyetap criteria, rays of light that would otherwise enter the right eye, are diverted into a camera, so that when we look a glogger in the eye, we see what looks like a "glass eye" exactly where their real eye is. This is because the light is reciprocal, i.e. we see the image of the camera that sees us from exactly the same vantage point as the center of projection of the tapped eye. The center of projection of a tapped eye is the center of the iris of the eye, so indeed, the image of the camera's iris is exactly aligned with the image of the eye's own iris.
What we don't see, of course, is the aremac (computer controlled laser light source) that's re-synthsizing the light that's getting swallowed by the camera. That part of the EyeTap is the part that only the wearer can see.
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{{Information |Description=Picture of C. Aimone with an injection moulded en:eyetap that was also shown at the en:Smithsonian, and will be on exhibit at digifest 2004. This picture was made possible by way of the Nikon D2h, interfaced to a b
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