English: This is a view of the Aristarchus and Herodotus craters taken from orbit during the Apollo 15 mission. The view is toward the south. Aristarchus crater is near the center of the image, and the flooded Herodotus is to the right. About a quarter of the way up from the bottom edge is Väisälä crater, a crisp-edged, bowl-shaped feature with a smaller craterlet near its right edge.
The wide cleft below Herodotus is the Vallis Schröter. A rille system in the lower left is part of the Rimae Aristarchus. Note how these rilles appear to begin at the edge of craters or depressions. Small secondary impacts from the Aristarchus impact are visible as streak-like marks and craterlets in the Lunar mare to the south of the rilles.
The fault line at the bottom is the Rupes Toscanelli. The Lunar mare in the top part of the image belongs to the Oceanus Procellarum. Some wrinkle-ridges are visible. In the right upper half the small lunar dome Herodotus Omega (ω) is visible next to a cross-hair artifact of the camera.
The top edge of the original image has been cropped slightly by the contributor to remove the blurred image of a window frame in the foreground.
Русский: Кратеры Аристарх, Геродот и борозды Аристарха на Луне.
Magyar: A Schröter-völgy a Holdon, a leghíresebb lávacsatorna
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This is a view of the Aristarchus and Herodotus craters taken from orbit during the ''Apollo 15'' mission. The view is toward the south. Aristarchus crater is near the center of the image, and the fl
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