Text Appearing Before Image: BRITISH FREIGHT ELECTRIFICATION—TYPICAL OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION ON TANGENT TRACK V July 1, 1916) ELECTRIC RAILWAY JOURNAL 5 Text Appearing After Image: BRITISH FREIGHT ELECTRIFICATION—SIDE VIEW OF LOCOMOTIVE consists mainly of empty cars that are being returnedto the yards at Shildon. Locomotives The locomotives are designed to haul trains weighing1400 tons at a speed of not less than 25 m.p.h. on thelevel. They were designed and built at the railroadcompanys shop, the electrical equipment having beeninstalled by Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, Ltd.,Stafford. The construction is of the articulated-trucktype, the trucks being connected by means of a buffercoupling arranged for lateral movement with verticalrigidity. The trucks are held together by a drawbarand spring, which can be adjusted for tension, butwhich cannot be subjected to excessive compression, asa portion of the coupling between trucks receives thebuffing stresses directly through the truck frames. Thecab is at the center of the engine, and sloping ends areprovided to contain the resistance, contactors, switchesand all high-tension electrical apparatus. The panto-graphs
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