Falls dies rechtlich nicht möglich ist: Roll-Stone erlaubt jedermann die Verwendung des Werks zu jedem Zweck ohne jegliche Bedingungen, außer solchen Bedingungen, die gesetzlich vorgeschrieben sind.
(65) (1) This section applies to sculptures and to works of artistic craftsmanship of the kind referred to in paragraph (c) of the definition of artistic work in section 10. (2) The copyright in a work to which this section applies that is situated, otherwise than temporarily, in a public place, or in premises open to the public, is not infringed by the making of a painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of the work or by the inclusion of the work in a cinematograph film or in a television broadcast.
(66) The copyright in a building or a model of a building is not infringed by the making of a [reproduction].
(68) The copyright in an artistic work is not infringed by the publication of a [reproduction] if, by virtue of section 65, section 66 or section 67, the making of […] did not constitute an infringement of the copyright.
This freedom applies to two-dimensional works only if they are considered "artistic works." See COM:CRT/Australia#FOP for more information.
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