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Datei:Maya Erskine.jpg

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Beschreibung U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry poses with the cast of the new television series "Heartbeat" while he visits the set on the Universal Studios lot in Burbank, California, on February 16, 2016, before meeting with a group of movie industry executives. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]
Quelle Secretary Kerry Poses With The Cast Of The New Television Series "Heartbeat" While He Visits The Set At Universal Studios Before A Meeting With Movie Industry Executives In Burbank, California
Urheber U.S. Department of State from United States
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: Secretary Kerry Poses With The Cast Of The New Television Series "Heartbeat" While He Visits The Set At Universal Studios Before A Meeting With Movie Industry Executives In Burbank, California (24708307389).jpg
Kameraposition34° 08′ 17,65″ N, 118° 21′ 13,61″ W Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Dieses und weitere Bilder auf OpenStreetMapinfo


Public domain This image is a work of a United States Department of State employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain per 17 U.S.C. § 101 and § 105 and the Department Copyright Information.


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34°8'17.646"N, 118°21'13.612"W

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aktuell04:33, 19. Mai 2022Vorschaubild der Version vom 04:33, 19. Mai 2022610 × 770 (134 KB)wikimediacommons>SINGmeAsadSONGFile:Secretary Kerry Poses With The Cast Of The New Television Series "Heartbeat" While He Visits The Set At Universal Studios Before A Meeting With Movie Industry Executives In Burbank, California (24708307389).jpg cropped 85 % horizontally, 73 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.
