BeschreibungNasutoceratops holotype.jpg |
English: Nasutoceratops titusi, n. gen et. sp., holotype skull (UMNH VP 16800) in dorsal (a) and lateral (b) views. Scale bar represents 50 cm and the naris and maxilla are photoreversed in (b). Referred squamosal (UMNH VP 19469) in lateral view (c). Note lateral squamosal ridge in (b) and (c). Epijugal of the holotype (UMNH VP 16800) in anterior view (d). Nasal of referred skull (UMNH VP 19466) in medial (e) and lateral (f) view. Nasal (g,h), premaxilla (h), and maxilla (i) of the holotype in caudal (g) and lateral (i) views (photoreversed). Scale bars for (c–i) represent 10 cm. Abbreviations (autapomorphies noted with an asterisk (*)): cns, caudal nasal septum*; f, frontal; ff, frontoparietal fontanelle; ins, internarial suture; j, jugal; js, jugal suture; la, lacrimal; m, maxilla; md, maxillary diastema; n, nasal; na, naris; nh, nasal horncore; np, nasal pneumatopore*; ns, narial septum; nsp, narial spine; o, orbit; on, otic notch; p, parietal; p0–p7, epiparietals; pf, parietal fenestra; epiparietals; pm, premaxilla; pms, premaxillary suture*; poh, postorbital horncore*; pts, pterygoid-epipterygoid suture; rs, rostral suture; sq, squamosal; sqr, lateral squamosal ridge; va, ventral angle. |