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Datei:Navy Theater Ballistic Missile Defense.JPG

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Navy_Theater_Ballistic_Missile_Defense.JPG(300 × 225 Pixel, Dateigröße: 15 KB, MIME-Typ: image/jpeg)


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Navy Theater-Wide TBMD (Theater Ballistic Missile Defense)

Description: Navy Theater-Wide (NTW) TBMD builds upon the Navy Area TBMD capability and consists of modifications to the Aegis Weapon System, and the integration of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO)-developed Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile (LEAP) and a third-stage rocket motor into the existing Standard SM-2 Block IV Missile. The NTW system will be capable of intercepting threat ballistic missiles in their ascent, midcourse, and descent phases of their exo-atmospheric trajectory. Coupled with the Navy Area TBMD capability, this will provide robust defense-in-depth to U.S. and allied forces, vital political and military assets, population centers, and large geographic regions against the threat of ballistic missile attack. (source Archivkopie in der Wayback Machine)

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Dieses Bild ist das Werk eines Seemanns oder Angestellten der U.S. Navy, das im Verlauf seiner offiziellen Arbeit erstellt wurde. Als ein Werk der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten ist diese Datei gemeinfrei.
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aktuell00:27, 22. Aug. 2005Vorschaubild der Version vom 00:27, 22. Aug. 2005300 × 225 (15 KB)wikimediacommons>QuadellNavy Theater-Wide TBMD (Theater Ballistic Missile Defense) Description: Navy Theater-Wide (NTW) TBMD builds upon the Navy Area TBMD capability and consists of modifications to the Aegis Weapon System, and the integration of the Ballistic Missile Defense

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