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PepiIIPyramid.jpg(667 × 500 Pixel, Dateigröße: 56 KB, MIME-Typ: image/jpeg)


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Beschreibung The 6th Dynasty Pyramid of Pepi II which is situated between Saqqara and Dashur. As well as the ruined pyramid there are three satellite pyramids for the Queens Ugebeten, Neit and Ipuit.
Quelle http://www.egyptarchive.co.uk/html/saqqara_pyramids_08.html
Urheber Jon Bodsworth
(Weiternutzung dieser Datei)
This file was transferred from Egypt Archive website under the license Copyrighted free use (see permission here). In short: you are free to use it for any purpose including unrestricted redistribution, commercial use, and modification.

This is Mr. Jon Bodsworth's statement about his pictures from Egypt Archive:

"All the photographs on this site are from my own originals and are copyright free. They can be reproduced in any medium. If you use any on the web I would appreciate an email. This site was designed to put as many photographs on the web as possible in an easy to use format. I have deliberately kept captions to a minimum but if you would like more information on any of the photographs let me know.

The photographs on this website are only a small proportion of over 3,500 that I have covering many areas of Egypt. If there is a specific photograph that you are looking for please let me know."

If you use any of the pictures on the web, the author Jon Bodsworth would appreciate an email: jon@egyptarchive.co.uk

As of March 2011, Egypt Archive website was closed so if a file is uploaded after that time we need further proof of permission.


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aktuell17:08, 12. Nov. 2006Vorschaubild der Version vom 17:08, 12. Nov. 2006667 × 500 (56 KB)wikimediacommons>Captmondo{{Information |Description=The 6th Dynasty Pyramid of Pepi II which is situated between Saqqara and Dashur. As well as the ruined pyramid there are three satellite pyramids for the Queens Ugebeten, Neit and Ipuit. |Source=http://www.egyptarchive.co.uk/htm
