BeschreibungRudolf Kirchschläger mit Herma Kirchschläger.jpg
Română: La invitaţia lui Nicolae Ceauşescu, preşedintele R.S.R., şi a Elenei Ceauşescu, dr. Rudolf Kirchschläger, preşedintele federal al Republicii Austria, împreună cu doamna Herma Kirchschläger au făcut, în perioada 8-11.XI.1978, o vizită de stat în ţara noastră. Aspect de la ceremonia semnării Comunicatului comun între R.S.R. şi Republica Austria. (11.XI.)(8-11.XI.1978).
The Romanian National Archives identifies, processes, systematizes, and makes available any photographic resources, regardless of their format, created during/about the communist regime in Romania, so that anyone can use them free of charge.[1] According to existing legislation and regulations of the Romanian National Archives, anyone that uses these photographs, regardless of purpose or nature of the work, is obliged to mention:[2]
The number of the photo (e.g. #G008)
The complete name of the database (Fototeca online a comunismului românesc)
The date of access to the database, in round brackets (e.g. (06.01.2025))
The archive quota of the work: ANIC, archival database, structural part, thematic subdivision, quota (e.g. ANIC, ISISP archival database, Nicolae Ceauşescu – Portraits, 8/1966)
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Arhivele Nationale ale Romaniei si Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului in Romania
Horizontale Auflösung
240 dpi
Vertikale Auflösung
240 dpi
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Windows
11:36, 8. Mär. 2009
Nicht kalibriert
1.321 px
909 px
12:35, 8. Mär. 2009
Datum zu dem die Metadaten letztmalig geändert wurden