Electoral constituencies of Samoa, labelled using English names of locations. District borders and geography as shown in second image below, constituency borders as described in Territorial Constituencies Act 1963, and roughly as shown in 2006 Census report (Samoan Bureau of Statistics)
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2006-01-05T03:53:13Z Golbez 500x243 (9470 Bytes) Map of the districts of Samoa, numbered in alphabetical order. Made by [[User:Golbez]]. [[Category:Maps of Samoa]]
2011-04-19T01:02:20Z MichaelBillington 2000x935 (98053 Bytes) {{Information |Description=Districts of Samoa, based on [[Samoa_districts_numbered.png]] * Higher resolution version, with more accurate district borders (based on borders of the constituencies contained in the districts) add
{{Information |Description=Electoral constituencies of Samoa, labelled using English names of locations. District borders and geography as shown in second image below, constituency borders as described in Territorial Constituencies Act 1963, and roughly a