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Datei:Stamp of Kazakhstan 522.jpg

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English: Stamp of Kazakhstan
Quelle http://www.kazpost.kz/?page=phil/stamps05
Urheber Post of Kazakhstan
(Weiternutzung dieser Datei)
Public domain KAZAKHSTAN

Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights - full text (.pdf)

Article 8. Works Not Protected by Copyright
The following shall not be protected by copyright:

  1. official documents (laws, court decisions and other texts of a legislative, administrative, judicial or diplomatic nature) together with official translations thereof;
  2. State emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs and other State symbols and official signs);
  3. works of folklore,
  4. communications concerning events and facts that have an informational character.

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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell17:40, 27. Nov. 2008Vorschaubild der Version vom 17:40, 27. Nov. 2008349 × 414 (31 KB)wikimediacommons>Butko{{Information |Description={{en|Stamp of Kazakhstan}} |Source=http://www.kazpost.kz/?page=phil/stamps05 |Date=2005 |Author=Post of Kazakhstan |Permission={{tl|PD-KZ-exempt}} |other_versions= }} {{PD-KZ-exempt}} [[Category:Stamps with unidentified topic]

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