English: Photo is taken from the southern wall of the Statham's Quarry, Gooseberry Hill, Western Australia looking north. The foreground is the base of the quarry, and the rockwall facing the view is the medium difficulty abseiling location. There are climbers at the base.The view above the quarry is across the Helena Valley looking toward the ridge that lie behind (or the east of) the Greenmount Hill National Park. The localities that lie off picture to the left between the Stathams Quarry location and the Greenmount Hill Ridge are - Helena Valley, and Boya - the hillsides of Darlington constitute the main part of the picture.
The Quarry rock face that is visible in the distance in this picture is Hudman Road (aka Government Quarry or C Y O'Connor's) Quarry (another climbing location) which is situated at the western edge of the Darlington locality.
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