BeschreibungTamgha on the monument of Shine Usus - southern side below.png
Nachzeichnung aus folgender Originalquelle: S. G. KLYASHTORNY: THE TES INSCRIPTION OF THE UIGHUR BÖGÜ QAGHAN, Akadémiai Kiadó: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol. 39, No. 1 (1985), pp. 137-156, stable URL: hier: S. 143, Fig. 6c ("Tamgha on the monument of Shine Usus - southern side below"); Kontext (KLYASHTORNY 1985, S. 140): "The lower part of the Tes stele, discovered by us is a rectangular granité block, 0.86 m in length with 0.32 and 0.22 m long sides and with a surface, grooved by short channels. Between the channels there are some runiform characters — with six strokes along the wider sides and with five strokes along the narrower ones. The whole length of the surviving text — the length of the remained parts of the strokes — is about 0.76 m. The height of the characters is 3.5—4 cm. The characters are engraved in the same professional way as those of the Terkh and Selenga inscriptions — their paleography is practically identical (see the paleography Table and Fig. 5). In the lower part of the stele, at one of the narrow sides, there is a tamgha of the type that is close, although not identical with that of the tamghas in the lower parts of the Terkh monument (on the tortoise) and of the stone of Shine Usu (see Fig. 5). It can be presumed that all the three tamghas are characters of the authors of the monuments."
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{{Information |Description=Nachzeichnung aus folgender Originalquelle: S. G. KLYASHTORNY: ''THE TES INSCRIPTION OF THE UIGHUR BÖGÜ QAGHAN'', Akadémiai Kiadó: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol. 39, No. 1 (1985), pp. 137-156, stable URL: hier: S. 143, Fig. 6c ("Tamgha on the monument of Shine Usus - southern side below"); Kontext (KLYASHTORNY 1985, S. 140): "The lower part of the Tes stele, discovered by us is a rectangular granité bloc...
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