English: Modified map used to show the Yakima Valley AVA within Washington State. Modified copied similarly released to public domain. *note Map excludes depiction of southern en:Horse Heaven Hills AVA which is also part of Yakima Valley. Will hopefully try to get an updated map at some point.
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2007-06-15 03:13 Agne27 705×468×8 (128997 bytes) {{PD-USGov}} Modified map used to show the Yakima Valley AVA within Washington State. Original public domain image locate at [http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/us_2001/washington_ref_2001.jpg Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection] provided by [http://www.l
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{{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia}} {{Information |Description={{en|Modified map used to show the Yakima Valley AVA within Washington State. Original public domain image locate at [http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/us_2001/washington_ref_2001.jpg Perry-Casta�
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