Benutzer:Shi Annan/Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
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Die Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (dt.: Griechisch-orthodoxe Erzdiözese von Amerika, griechisch Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Αρχιεπισκοπή Αμερικής) mit ihrem Sitz in New York City ist eine Eparchie des Ökumenischen Patriarchats von Konstantinopel in den Vereinigten Staaten. Ihr gegenwärtiger Primas (Elder Archibishop) ist der Erzbischof Elpidophoros von Amerika.
Zu den besonderen Aufgaben der Erzdiözese gehören Evangelisation und Anleitung und Stärkung der „Kirche“ in den Vereinigten Staaten im Rahmen der Orthodoxen christlichen Tradition.
Besonderes Gewicht legt die Greek Orthodox Church in America auf die Göttliche Liturgie in Verbindung mit der Eucharistie und den weiteren Sakramenten und die Verankerung der Theologie in der Heiligen Schrift und der geheiligten Tradition, welche durch die Doktrinen und Kanones der Ökumenischen und spezifischen lokalen Konzilien und der Kanones der Kirchenväter festgelegt sind.[1]
Bereits vor der Gründung der griechischen Erzdiözese in der westlichen Hemisphere gab es zahlreiche Gemeinden von griechisch-orthodoxen Christen.[2] Die erste etablierte griechisch-orthodoxe Gemeinde in Amerika wurde 1864 in New Orleans, Louisiana, von einer kleinen Kolonie griechischer Händler gegründet.[3][4] Bereits am 26. Juni 1768 sollen die ersten griechischen Siedler bei St. AUgustine gelandet sein, der ältesten Stadt Amerikas.[5] Die erste Dauerhaft bestehende Gemeinde wurde 1892 in New York City gegründet,[6] wo sich heute die Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity und der Sitz des Erzbischofs von Amerika befindet. Die Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America wurde 1921 gegründet[7] und 1922 vom State of New York offiziell anerkannt.
1908 übernahm die Kirche von Griechenland die Jurisdiction für die griechisch orthodoxe Gemeinschaft von Amerika,[8] aber 1922 übertrug Patriarch Meletios II. (Meletius IV of Constantinople) die Jurisdiction zurück auf das Ökumenische Patriarchat von Konstantinopel.[9] 1996 wurde die eine Erzdiözese vom Ökumenischen Patriarchat aufgeteilt und die Verwaltung der beiden Kontinente auf vier Metropolien verteilt: America, Canada, Central America und South America. Damit behielt die Archdiocese of America nur das Territorium der Vereinigten Staaten.
Die Diözese besteht aus dem Archdiocesan District New York City, sowie acht Metropolien (ehemaligen Diözesen: New Jersey, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Boston und Denver.[10] Sie wird gemeinsam vom Erzbischof und dem Eparchial Synod of Metropolitans verwaltet. Die Synode wird vom Erzbischof geleitet in zusammenarbeit mit den Metropoliten, welche den Dienst und die Unternehmungen ihrer jeweiligen Metropolien beaufsichtigen. It has all the authority and responsibility which the Church canons provide for a provincial synod.[11]
Holy Eparchial Synod
The Holy Eparchial Synod of the Archdiocese is composed of:
- Archbishop Demetrios (Trakatellis) of America, President
- Metropolitan of Chicago (vacant since the death of Metropolitan James (Garmatis) on June 2, 2017)
- Metropolitan Savvas (Zembillas) of Pittsburgh
- Metropolitan Methodios (Tournas) of Boston
- Metropolitan Isaiah (Chronopoulos) of Denver
- Metropolitan Alexios (Panagiotopoulos) of Atlanta
- Metropolitan Nicholas (Pissaris) of Detroit
- Metropolitan Gerasimos (Michaleas) of San Francisco
- Metropolitan Evangelos (Kourounis) of New Jersey
Es gibt mehr als 500 Parishes (Gemeinden), 800 Priester und ca 440.000 bis 2 mio. Gläubige, wobei die Zahlen abhängig sind von den Quellen und der Zählweise.[12] Die Zahl der Parishes ist in der Zeit zwischen 1990 und 2000 um 9% gestiegen und der Mitgliederzuwachs kommt hauptsächlich durch Kinder von Gemeindegliedern.[13] Membership is concentrated in the Northeastern United States. The states with the highest rates of adherence are Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and New York.[14] However, there are also large numbers of members in Florida and California.
The Archdiocese receives within its ranks and under its spiritual aegis and pastoral care Orthodox Christians, who either as individuals or as organized groups in the Metropolises and Parishes have voluntarily come to it and which acknowledge the ecclesiastical and canonical jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.[15]
The Archdiocese also includes 21 monastic communities, 17 of which were founded by Elder Ephraim (former abbot of Philotheou monastery). The largest of these is St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery in Florence, Arizona.
Additionally, one seminary is operated by the Greek Archdiocese, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts, which educates not only Greek Archdiocese seminarians but also those from other jurisdictions, as well.
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America was a member of SCOBA and is a member of its successor organization, the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America. Due to the order of the Diptychs, the Greek Archbishop of America serves as the Chairman of the Assembly.
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese comprises some 525 parishes and 20 monasteries across the United States of America.[16] The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese has one seminary school under its jurisdiction. This school is called Holy Cross. The seminary is located in Brookline, Massachusetts and in 2012 celebrated its 75th anniversary as a school of theology. The campus is also home to the only accredited Greek Orthodox undergraduate college in America, Hellenic College. These two schools are situated on the highest geographical point adjacent to Boston, known as the "Holy Hill".
The Episcopacy
- Diözesanbischöfe
- Archbishop Demetrios (Trakatellis) of America
- Metropolitan Methodios (Tournas) of Boston
- Metropolitan Isaiah (Chronopoulos) of Denver
- Metropolitan Alexios (Panagiotopoulos) of Atlanta
- Metropolitan Nicholas (Pissare) of Detroit
- Metropolitan Gerasimos (Michaleas) of San Francisco
- Metropolitan Savas (Zembillas) of Pittsburgh (elected November 2, 2011; enthronement December 8, 2011)
- Metropolitan Evangelos (Kourounis) of New Jersey
(This is the actual hierarchical seniority order and formal listing of the bishops.)
- Auxiliary bishops
- Bishop Andonios (Paropoulos) of Phasiane, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of America (and by extension also of the Direct Archdiocesan District)
- Bishop Demetrios (Kantzavelos) of Mokissos, assigned to the Metropolis of Chicago
- Bishop Sebastianos (Skordallos) of Zela
- Bishop Apostolos (Koufallakis) of Medeia, assigned to the Metropolis of San Francisco
- Retired bishops
- Metropolitan Maximos (Aghiorgoussis) of Pittsburgh
- Bishop Iakovos (Pililis) of Catania
- Metropolitan Philotheos (Karamitsos) of Meloa
- Bishop Dimitrios (Couchell) of Xanthos
- Former Archbishops of America
- Alexander (Demoglou), 1922–1930
- Athenagoras (Spyrou), 1931–1948
- Michael (Konstantinides), 1948–1958
- Iakovos (Coucouzis), 1959–1996
- Spyridon (Papageorge), 1996–1999
- Ertbischöfliches Sekretariat
The Office of the Archbishop responds to the demands associated with the overall duties of the Archbishop. Tasks include: scheduling of the archbishop's pastoral visitations, official and unofficial meetings with clergy and laity, public and official appearances, audiences, conferences and travels. In addition, the Office processes all forms of communication addressed to the Archbishop.
- Sekretariat des Chancellors
The Office of the Chancellor is concerned with the well-being of the clergy, their ongoing assignments and reassignments, their continuing education, and the benefits provided to them by the Church.
- Verwaltungsbüro
The Office of Administration has a responsibility for the administrative, financial and developmental functions of the Archdiocese. This Office manages the human resources and operations of the Archdiocesan headquarters in New York. Additionally, the Office acts as the coordinator and liaison for the Clergy-Laity Congress, the Archdiocesan Council and the various Archdiocesan Institutions.
- Archdiocesan Council
The Archdiocesan Council is the advisory and consultative body to the Archbishop. It interprets and implements the decision of the Clergy-Laity Congress and the Regulations of the Archdiocese, administers the temporal and financial affairs of the Archdiocese, and possesses interim legislative authority between Clergy-Laity Congresses.
Departments and ministries [17]
- Archiv
Since the establishment of the first Greek Orthodox Church in 1864, the evolution of the Greek-American community has been a primary concern of the leadership of the Church. This department works to maintain the historical documents of the Greek Orthodox Church and of Hellenism in the Americas.
- Benefits Committee
The Archdiocese Benefits Committee is the legal body of the Church in America to address the temporal needs of our clergy and lay employees of the Archdiocese.
- Communications
The Department of Communications facilitates communication throughout the Church in America and communicates the scope of the ministry and activity of Archdiocese in the larger contexts of America and the world. The Department assists the Hierarchs, Clergy, Parishes, Departments, Organizations, Institutions, and Programs in receiving and communicating information.
- Education Office / Direct Archdiocesan District
The Direct Archdiocesan District Office of Education serves the District's parochial day schools and the afternoon Greek language schools by providing professional training for all teachers (Greek and English curricula); appropriate materials for teaching Greek as a second language; and The Comprehensive Examination in Modern Greek for the evaluation of student learning.
- Finance
The Department of Finance maintains the material well-being of the Archdiocese of America. It is responsible for the oversight of all financial matters of the Archdiocese.
- GOTelecom
The mission of GOTelecom is to serve the needs of the Church by producing and disseminating religious, cultural and educational mass media materials pertaining to Orthodox Christianity and Hellenic Culture.
- Greek Education
The purpose of the Greek Education and Culture program of the Archdiocese is to instill in youth the spiritual, moral and cultural values of Greek Orthodox heritage.
- Information Technology
The IT Department sets the overall strategic technology vision for the Archdiocese, technology standards, and all computer operations and systems at the Archdiocese. Overseeing and coordinating technology efforts in the various Archdiocesan departments, organizations, and institutions is also a focal point for the IT Department in order to improve the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of information shared and disseminated.
- Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations
The Ecumenical Office has as its main function the task of providing information, stimulating interest and coordinating ecumenical activities on the archdiocesan, metropolitan and parish levels. It adheres to the principle that Orthodoxy and Orthodox ecumenism must always speak the truth, never compromising the integrity and purity of Orthodox teachings, but always respecting the sincerity of the religious convictions and spiritual sensitivities of others.
- Internet Ministries
The Department of Internet Ministries is responsible for identifying, leveraging, and developing technologies appropriate for Orthodox Christian digital ministry. In this capacity, the Department is charged with the development and expansion of the Archdiocese’s presence on the Internet and the World Wide Web. The Department is also responsible for creating and coordinating all digital applications and services provided by the Archdiocese; overseeing and managing all multimedia programs and their development; creating new programs and services through iPods, cell phones, and any other emerging technologies.
- Marriage and Family
This department has been established to deal with marriage and family—fundamental institutions of vital importance for the Church and Society. A significant part of the work of the department is the issue of inter-Christian marriages.
- Orthodox Observer
The Orthodox Observer is a monthly publication of the Archdiocese for the purpose of serving as a direct link between the leadership of the Church and each individual reader. It communicates the message of the Gospel and provides news of local, national and international interest about the Church.
- Outreach and Evangelism
The Department of Outreach & Evangelism has been established to reach out to inactive Orthodox Christians and to the unchurched, meet the needs of those inquiring about the Orthodox faith, and offer each community the tools for parish renewal and for the establishment of new parishes.
- Parish Development
2004 gründete die Erzdiözese das „Office of Parish Development“ as a resource for various aspects of parish development, including raising funds for expansion projects and renovations, stewardship, grant opportunities, endowments, and more. The Office of Parish Development aims to assist parishes to work according to an effective strategy that is rooted in sound fundraising principles. 2006, the annual Stewardship Program materials of the Archdiocese are created and distributed through the Office of Parish Development.
- Philanthropy
The task of this department is to develop further and to coordinate the philanthropic work of the Archdiocese. Working closely with various community organizations, most especially the Ladies Philoptochos Society, this Department will coordinate on a national level the philanthropic work of the Church wherever the need may arise.
- Press Office, News and Media Relations
This office is responsible for the coordination of the English and Greek Press Offices, Radio and Television Office (GOTelecom) and Archdiocese involvement in matters of public and political affairs in the United States and relations with the White House, Congress, academic leaders, local and state officials. Further the department is responsible for the implementation of programming for public events involving the Archdiocese, and the Clergy-Laity Congresses.
- Public Affairs
The Department of Public Affairs assists the Office of the Archbishop in coordinating the Archdiocese involvement in matters of public and political affairs in the United States, the White House, Congress, academic leaders and local and state officials. This office also implements programming for public events related to public affairs.
- Registry
This department keeps the vital records of the Greek Orthodox Faithful, including marriages, divorces, baptisms, and funerals. It compiles annual vital statistics in cooperation with diocesan registrars, and maintains the canonical files.
- Religious Education
This department serves the parishes and metropolises by providing materials and services that will advance their programs of religious education. The department also serves individuals, organizations, military bases, ecumenical groups, and overseas parishes with catechetical resources.
- Stewardship Program
The Stewardship Program is a ministry resource to help guide parish stewardship campaigns. Materials are created around a central theme, which changes annually, and include posters, brochures, sample communication documents, month-to-month operation guidelines, and other resources for priests and lay leadership. The stewardship materials are mailed to all parishes in the fall of each year and are also available online at The Office of Parish Development, which oversees the Stewardship Program, is also available to provide additional assistance to parishes regarding their individual stewardship programs.
- Youth and Young Adult Ministries
The Department's mission is to (1) minister to youth and youth workers, as well as young adults and their families, helping them to better understand and experience the Orthodox Faith; (2) assist the local parish and/or metropolis in creating and sustaining youth and young adult ministries; and (3) create resources, which are disseminated throughout our Archdiocese.
To further their work, they have developed an active social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Blogger ("The Ladder" Blog). Their weekly YouTube videos ("Be the Bee," on the Y2AM channel) have been well-received, as has "ExeGenius," an annotated version of the Sunday Gospel readings.
The Department oversees a variety of programs for youths of all ages, including HOPE (kindergarten through second grade), JOY (third through sixth grades), GOYA (ages thirteen through eighteen), Altar Boys, Scouting, and Camping Ministries.
Archdiocesan institutions
Information about different institutions throughout the United States which are part of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
- Archdiocesan Cathedral of Holy Trinity
The Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity provides regular divine worship, counseling, Christian education, human services and cultural programs for people in the New York City area.
- Hellenic College and Holy Cross School of Theology
Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology together constitute a Greek Orthodox Christian institution of higher learning providing undergraduate and graduate education. Located on a 52 acre campus in Brookline, Massachusetts, Hellenic College and Holy Cross seek to educate leaders, priests, lay persons, men and women.
- Saint Basil Academy
Saint Basil Academy is the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese home away from home for children in need. Serving as a philanthropic center of the Church, the purpose of the Academy is to provide a loving Christian environment, where resident children are nurtured into adulthood. Although children are brought to the Academy for various reasons, the common thread of all the resident children is the inability of a parent of guardian to sufficiently care for them.}
- St. Michael's Home
Saint Michael's Home is a New York State Department of Social Services-certified residential adult care facility of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The programs and services of St. Michael's Home are specifically designed for senior individuals who seek assisted living in a Greek Orthodox environment.
- St. Photios National Shrine
The St. Photios National Shrine is the only Greek Orthodox National Shrine in the country. It is primarily a religious institution and is located in America’s oldest city, St. Augustine, Florida. The purpose of the Shrine is two-fold. First, it honors the memory of the first colony of Greeks in the New World and the succeeding generations of Greek immigrants (protopori). Secondly, it serves to preserve, enhance and promote the ethnic and cultural traditions of Greek heritage and the teachings of the Greek Orthodox Church in America. Over 100.000 people visit the Shrine each year.
- Hellenic Cultural Center
The Hellenic Cultural Center of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America was established in 1986 with the goal of cultivating the rich Orthodox heritage and the Hellenic customs, culture and traditions within the Greek-American community.
- National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians
The National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians is the Archdiocesan ministry responsible for liturgical music activities and the development, support, and recognition of church musicians. Chartered in 1976 as an auxiliary of the Archdiocese, the National Forum serves as the liaison among local church musicians, metropolitan church music federations, and the Archdiocese. It also serves as the gathering place for church musicians to discuss issues related to liturgical music and to formulate needed responses.
- National Sisterhood of Presvyteres (NSP)
The National Sisterhood of Presvyteres, formally established in 1982, consists of all the Presvytéres (i.e. the wives of married priests) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The purpose of the Sisterhood is to promote the spirit of Christian love among the Presvyteres by giving them opportunities to get acquainted with one another. This is accomplished with retreats, meetings, social gatherings and newsletters which help the Presvyteres develop a unique bond. The Sisterhood National Board meets annually, whereas, the general membership convenes every two years at the Clergy-Laity Congress.
- 1.Vorlage:NoteThe number of adherents given in the "Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Churches" is defined as "individual full members" with the addition of their children. It also includes an estimate of how many are not members but regularly participate in parish life. Regular attendees includes only those who regularly attend church and regularly participate in church life.[18]
- ↑ The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. GOARCH.
- ↑ Pappaioannou 1984: 180.
- ↑ Pappaioannou 1984: 179
- ↑ Tracing Greek geography from Bayou Road to the banks of Bayou St. John. 2017-10-03.
- ↑ Pappaioannou 1984: 178.
- ↑ Pappaioannou 1984: 180.
- ↑ Pappaioannou 1984: 182.
- ↑ Pappaioannou 1984: 180.
- ↑ Pappaioannou 1984: 182.
- ↑ Metropolises. GOARCH
- ↑ The Official Text of the Charter of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. GOARCH.
- ↑ How many Eastern Orthodox are there in the USA? Hartford Seminary. 9. Februar 2008.
- ↑ PDF Orthodox Churches in USA: Origins, Growth, Current Trends of Development. Hartford Seminary.
- ↑ 2000 Religious Congregations and Membership Study. Glenmary Research Center 2009-12-01.
- ↑ The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. GOARCH October 23, 2011.
- ↑ Referenzfehler: Ungültiges
-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen Krindatch, A. 2011: 56. - ↑ Departments.
- ↑ Krindatch, A. (2011). Atlas of american orthodox christian churches. (p. x). Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press
- Rev. George Pappaioannou: The Historical Development of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America. In: F.K. Litsas: A Companion to the Greek Orthodox Church. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America, New York, NY 1984: 178–206.
- Offizielle Homepage.
- Official Website of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople
- Commentary on the charter dispute by the 2004 Vice-President of the Archdiocesan Council
- Profile of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America on the Association of Religion Data Archives website
[[Category:Eastern Orthodox church bodies]] [[Category:Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America|*]] [[Category:Religious organizations established in 1921]] [[Category:Organizations based in New York City]] [[Category:Members of the World Council of Churches]] [[Category:Eastern Orthodox organizations established in the 20th century]] [[Category:Dioceses established in the 20th century]] [[Category:Members of the National Council of Churches]] [[Category:1921 establishments in New York (state)]]