ALC (Automarke)
ALC war eine britische Automarke.[1][2]
Ein namentlich nicht genanntes englisches Unternehmen stellte im Jahre 1913 Automobile her. Der Markenname lautete ALC.
Im Angebot stand nur ein Modell. Ein Zweizylindermotor trieb die Fahrzeuge an. Der Neupreis betrug 100 Pfund.
- Harald H. Linz, Halwart Schrader: Die Internationale Automobil-Enzyklopädie. United Soft Media Verlag, München 2008, ISBN 978-3-8032-9876-8, Kapitel ALC.
- David Burgess Wise: The New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Automobiles. Greenwich Editions, London 2004, ISBN 0-86288-258-3, S. 151. (englisch)
- ↑ Harald H. Linz, Halwart Schrader: Die Internationale Automobil-Enzyklopädie. United Soft Media Verlag, München 2008, ISBN 978-3-8032-9876-8, Kapitel ALC.
- ↑ David Burgess Wise: The New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Automobiles. Greenwich Editions, London 2004, ISBN 0-86288-258-3, S. 151. (englisch)
Aberdonia | AC | Academy | Ace | Achilles | Adams (1903–1906) | Adams (1906–1914) | Adams-Hewitt | Adamson | Addison | Advance | AGR | Ailsa | Ailsa-Craig | Albany | Albion | Albruna | ALC | Alesbury | Alexandra | All British | Alldays | Alvechurch | AMC | Anglian | Arden | Argon | Argyll | Ariel | Armadale | Armstrong | Armstrong-Whitworth | Arno | Arrol-Johnston | Aston Martin | Atalanta | Athmac | Atholl | Attila | Aurora | Austin | Autocars and Accessories | Autocrat | Autotrix | Averies | Aviette | Avon | Badminton | Baguley | Baker & Dale | Bantam | Barcar | Barimar | Barnes | Bat | Beacon | Beaufort | Belgrave | Bell | Belsize | Bentall | Berkeley | Bifort | Bolsover | Bon-Car | Bowen (1905–1906) | Bowen (1906–1908) | BPD | Bradwell | Bridgwater | Bristol | Brit | Britannia (1896–1908) | Britannia (1913–1914) | British | British Ensign | Briton | Broadway | Brooke | Brooks & Woollan | Brotherhood | Brough | Brown | BSA | Buckingham | Burke | C & H | Cadogan | Calcott | Caledonian (1899–1906) | Caledonian (1912–1914) | Calthorpe | Campion | Canterbury | Carden | Carlette | Carpeviam | Carter | Cavendish | CCC | Celtic | Century | Certus | CFL | Chambers | Channon | Chase | Chater-Lea | Chenhall | Cheswold | Chota | City & Suburban | Clement | Climax | Clyde | Cole-Wiedeman | Coltman | Comet | Compact | Cone | Cooper | Cope-Bohemian | Coronet | Cotton | County | Courier | Cowey | Craig-Dorwald | Crawshay-Williams | Crescent | Cripps | Critchley-Norris | Crompton | Crossley | Crosville | Crouch | Crowdy | Croxted | Crypto | Cumbria | Cummikar | Cycar | D Ultra | Daimler | Dalgliesh-Gullane | Dalhousie | Dallison | Davy | Day-Leeds | De P | Deasy | Deemster | Dennis (1899–1915) | Dennis (1911–1912) | Dewcar | Dickinson Morette | DL | DMC | Dodson | Dolphin | Doru | Douglas | Downshire | DPL | Drummond | Dunkley | Duo | Duplex | Dursley-Pedersen | Eagle (1901–1907) | Eagle (1914) | Eastbourne | Eclipse | Edwards | EJYR | Ekstromer | Electromobile | Ellis | Elswick | Empress | Enfield | English Mechanic | Eric | Evelyn | Excelsior | EYME | Fairy | Fawcett-Fowler | FD | Fergus | Ferox | Fleetbridge | Flycar | Flyer | Forman | Forrest | Foy-Steele | Frick | Friswell | Gamage | Garrard | General | Gibbons | Gilburt | Gilyard | Girling | Globe (1904–1907) | Globe (1913–1916) | Glover | GN (1910–1925) | GN (1912) | GNL | Goodchild | Gordon | Granta | Greyhound | GWK | Hall | Hallamshire | Hampton | Hardman | Hardy | Harper | HCE | Herbert | Hercules | Heron | Heybourn | Hill & Stanier | Hillman | Hind | Hitchon-Weller | HMC | Horbick | Horley | Hornet | Horstmann | Howard | Howett | HSM | Hubbard | Humber | Humphris | Hurlincar | Hurmid | Hurst | Hutton | Iden | Imperial (1900–1905) | Imperial (1904–1905) | Imperial (1914) | Invicta (1900–1905) | Invicta (1913–1914) | Iris | Ivanhoe | Ivel | Ivor | Jackson | James & Browne | JAP | JBS | Jenkins | Jennings | Jowett | Kelvin | Kendall | Kennedy (1907–1910) | Kennedy (1914–1916) | Kestrel | King | Knight Junior | Knight of the Road | Korte | Kyma | La Plata | Lacre | LAD | Lagonda | Lambert | Lambert & West | Lambert-Herbert | Lanchester | Lawton | Le Sylphe | Lea-Francis | Leader | LEC | Lenox | Leo | Leonard | Lester | Lindsay | Lipscomb | Lloyd & Plaister | LM | Lotis | Lucar | Malvernia | Manchester | Marlborough | Mars | Marsh | Marshall-Arter | Martin | Mascot | Matchless | Maudslay | Maxim | Mayfair | McKenzie | Medea | Media | Medici | Medinger | Melen | Mendip | Mercury (1905) | Mercury (1914–1923) | Merlin | Meteor (1903–1905) | Meteor (1914–1916) | Meteorite | Metropolitan | Miles | Milo | Mitchell | MMC | Mobile | Monarch | Morgan (1904–1907) | Morgan (seit 1909) | Morris | Morrison | Morriss | MSL | Nameless | Napier | National (1902–1912) | National (1904–1905) | NB | NEC | New Century | New Eagle | New Hudson | New Imperial | New Leader | New Orleans | New Pick | Newey | Newey-Aster | Newmobile | No Name | Norfolk | Norma | Norris | Northern | Norton | Old Mill | Omnium | Oppermann | Orion | Orleans | Osterfield | Owen | Palladium | Panther | Paragon | Parnacott | PDA | Pearson-Cox | Pelham | Pennine | Perry | Phoenix | Pick | Pilgrim | Pilot | Pinnacle | Planet | PMC | Premier (1906–1914) | Premier (1912–1914) | Projecta | Provincial | Pullcar | Pyramid | QC | QED | Quadrant | Queen | Raleigh | Ranger | Rational (1901–1906) | Rational (1910–1911) | RCC | Realm-Forrest | Rennie | Rex | Ribble | Richardson | Richmond | Ridley (1901–1907) | Ridley (1914) | Riley | Robertson | Robinson | Robinson & Hole | Robinson & Price | Roc | Rollo | Rolls-Royce | Roper-Corbet | Rothwell | Rover | Royal Enfield | Royal Ruby | Roydale | Rudge | Rutherford | Ryde | Ryknield | Ryley | Sabella | Salmon | Salvo | Sanderson-Aster | Sandringham | Santler | Scotia | Scout | Seal | Seetstu | Seymour-Turner | Shamrock | Sheffield-Simplex | Siddeley | Siddeley-Deasy | Silvertown | Simms | Simplic | Singer | Sirron | SK Simplex | Sloane | SM | Speedwell | Speedy | SPQR | St. Vincent | Stag | Staines-Simplex | Standard | Stanhope | Star | Starling | Stellite | Sterling | Stesroc | Stoneleigh | Straker-Squire | Stuart | Sturmey | Summers & Harding | Sunbeam | Surridge | Swift | Talbot | Taunton | Taylor-Swetnam | TDC | Teco | TH | Thames | Thor | Thornycroft | Thurlow | Tiny | Titan | Toboggan | Torpedo | Truner | Turner | Turner-Miesse | Tyseley | Unique | Universal | Utopian | VAL | Valveless | Varley-Woods | Vauxhall | Vee Gee | Veloce | Via | Viceroy | Vickstow | Victor | Victoria | Viking | Vox | Vulcan | Waddington | Walco | Walcycar | Wall | Warne | Warren-Lambert | Wasp | Waverley | Wearwell | Weigel | Werbell | West | Westland | Westminster | Weston | White | Whitgift | Whitlock | Whitlock-Aster | Wilbrook | Wilkinson | Williamson | Willis | Wilson-Pilcher | Wilton | Winco | Windham | Wingfield | Winter | Withers | Wolf | Wolseley | Wolseley-Siddeley | Woodrow | Worthington | Wrigley | WSC | WW | Wyvern | YEC | Zendik | Zenith