Benutzer:CaraCatLady/ Tiina Kiilaspea

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Tiina Kiilaspea (geb. 16.06.1947) ist eine estnische Komponistin von vorwiegend Chormusik und Kinderliedern. Seit dem Jahr 2000 ist sie Mitglied der Estonian Composers Union (ECU), einer Vereinigung estnischer Komponisten mit aktuell ca. 120 Mitgliedern.

Leben und Ausbildung:

1965 schloss Tiina Kiilaspea ihre Ausbildung in Chorleitung und Musiktheorie an der Tallinna Muusika Keskkool (Talliner Musik Gymnasium) ab, an der sie ebenfalls Komposition bei Uno Naissoo und Veljo Tormis studierte. Im Jahr 1970 erlangte sie ihren Abschluss in Chorleitung bei Gustav Ernesaks und Komposition bei Eino Tamberg an der Estnischen Musikakademie (estnisch: Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia) in Tallinn. Von 1970 bis 1973 lehrte sie am pädagogischen Institut der Universität Tallinn und von 1973 bis 1986 an der Estnischen Musikakademie. Zusätzlich leitete sie den Talliner Studentenchor (1967-1979) und den Tallinna Ülikooli Naiskoor (Tallinner Universitätsfrauenchor) von 1990 bis 1994.

Tiina Kiilaspea schreibt hauptsächlich Chormusik und Kinderlied, für welche sie bereits eine Vielzahl an Kompositionspreisen erhielt. Ihr Lied "Tähediamendid" (deutsch: Sterndiamanten) gewann 2007 den zweiten Preis in der Kategorie "Gemischter Chor" beim patriotischen estnischen Chorliederwettbewerb "Armastan sind, Eestimaa" (deutsch: Ich liebe dich, Estland) und ihr Lied "Suitsupääsuke" (deutsch: Rauchschwalbe) gewann 2004 den zweiten Preis in der Frauenchor-Kategorie desselben Wettbewerbs. Beim Wettbewerb für neue Lieder für gemischten Chor, organisiert von der Eesti Segakooride Liit (deutsch: Estnische Gemischte Chöre Vereinigung) und der Estonian Composers Union im Jahr 1999, gewann ihr Lied "Palve" (deutsch: Gebet) den dritten Preis. Für ihr Lied "Aasta kauneimal õhtul" (deutsch: Am schönsten Abend des Jahres) gewann Tiina Kiilaspea 1998 den zweiten Preis des Kompositionswettbewerbs des Festivals Eesti muusika päevad(deutsch: Estnisches Musiktage Festival). Und bereits 1969 gewann Kiilaspea den ersten Preis des "Üleliidulisel noorte heliloojate konkursil" (deutsch: Junge Komponisten Wettbewerb) für vier ihrer Chorstücke.



Waltz [Valss]: 1965, folk music ensemble


Nameless [Nimetu]: 2011, piano in four hands

In Rainy Mood [Vihmane meeleolu]: 1974, clarinet, piano

Little Mischief [Väike vallatus]: 1974, clarinet, piano

Little Variations [Väikesed variatsioonid]: 1974, clarinet, piano

Pastorale [Pastoraal]: 1974, clarinet, piano

Waltz [Valss]: 1974, clarinet, piano

Introduction and Rondo [Introduktsioon ja rondo]: 1972, trumpet, piano

Little Suite [Väike süit]:  Little Gavotte, Little Minuet, Sarabande, Bourrée, 1968, clarinet, bassoon

Melody [Meloodia]: 1962, four-hands piano

Works for Solo Instruments:

Works for Piano:

Variations [Variatsioonid]: 1969, piano

Little Mischief [Väike vallatus]: 1968, piano

Raindrops Swung in the Tree [Puu otsas kiikusid vihmapiisad]: 1968, piano

Caprice [Kapriis]: 1967, piano

Fugue No. 1 C-major [Fuuga nr. 1 C-duur]: 1967, piano

Fugue No. 2 C-minor [Fuuga nr. 2 c-moll]: 1967, piano

Works for other Instruments:

Five Intervals [Viis intervalli]: 2002, kannel

  1. Seconds
  2. Thirds
  3. Fourths
  4. Fifths
  5. Sixths

Two Pieces [Kaks pala]: 2002, kannel

Valtser [Valtser]: 2002, kannel

Works for voice(s) and piano

I Stay [Ma jään]: 2016, soprano, piano

Text: Krista Kajar

Bitter Berries [Kibekad marjad]: 2000, mezzo soprano, piano

Text: Aita Kivi

The Most Captivating Tune

Bitter Berries

A Fight

The Rainbow of Friendship [Sõpruse vikerkaar]: 2000, 2 voices, piano

Text: Meeli Õunapuu

Three Questions [Kolm küsimust]: 1999, mezzo soprano

Text: Karl Eduard Sööt, Leelo Tungal, Kalju Lepik

What Was That?

How We Were Created?

Am I Growing Like a Tree?

It Is Spring [Kevad on käes]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Kristiina Kotkas

Three Songs on Katri Vala’s Lyrics [3 laulu Katri Vala tekstidele]: 1968, mezzo soprano, piano

Text: Katri Vala (translated by Debora Vaarandi, in Estonian)



Your Name

Works for voice(s) and other instrument(s):

Three Malle Talvet’s Songs [3 Malle Talveti laulu] :2001, mezzo soprano, kannel

Text: Malle Talvet

How to Say Good-Bye

Rasp the Throat Like Crystal

Time Flows Invisibly

Vocal and Choral Music:

Works for mixed choir and orchestra:

The Witch [Nõid]: Cantata, 1973, mezzo soprano, baritone, mixed choir, symphony orchestra, percussion, strings, Text: Minni Nurme

Works for mixed choir and instrument(s)

Mother [Ema]: Cantata, 1971, soprano, mixed choir, flute, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, 2 violins, cello,

Text: Katri Vala (translated by Debora Vaarandi, in Estonian)

Works for female choir and instrument(s):

In Silence [Vaikides]: 2001, soprano, female choir, piano

Text: Doris Kareva

Boys’ Jest [Poiste pilge]: 2000, female choir, violin

Text: folklore

Joy and Sorrow [Rõõm ja mure]: 1999, female choir, harp

Text: Lydia Koidula

Kyrie: 1994, female choir, organ

In the Name of the Homeland [Kodumaa nimel]: 1969, female choir, piano

Text: Hocine Bouzaher (translated by E.Teder, in Estonian)

Works for children’s choir and instrument(s)

I Am, You Are [Ma olen, sa oled]: 1998, children's choir, piano

Text: Liina Kolju

Homeland, My Dear Land [Kodumaa, mu armas maa]: 1983, children's choir, piano

Text: Ivo Keerd

How Splendid Is Our School-time [Nii tore on me kooliaeg: 1956, children's choir, piano

Text: Neeme Laanepõld

Works for toddlers’ choir and instrument(s)

Christmas Joy [Jõulurõõm]: 2001, toddlers' choir, piano

Text: Ernst Enno

Coming Home With Joy [Koju tullakse rõõmuga]: 1998, toddlers' choir (2 voices), piano

Text: Kadri Kärg

Kitty [Kassike]: 1998, toddlers' choir, piano

Text: Pille Runnel

Mother Mind and Mother Tongue [Emameel ja emakeel]: 1998, toddlers' choir, piano

Text: Erich Meerja

Precious Golden Home [Kallis kuldne kodukene]: 1998, 2 voices, piano

Text: Kersti Merilaas

Engine Driver’s Song [Vedurijuhi laul]: 1968, toddlers' choir (2-voices), piano

Text: Alexander Vvedenski (translated by Heljo Mäng, in Estonian)

Coldproof Man [Külmakindel mees]: 1962, toddlers' choir (2 voices)  

Text: Adolf Rammo

Works for boys’ choir and instrument(s):

Christmas Time [Jõuluaeg]: 2007, boys' choir, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

I´m Drawing a Picture with Three Colors [Kolme värviga joonistan pildi]: 2002, boys' choir, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Today the Spirits Are Going Around [Täna hinged käivad ringi]: 2000, boys' choir, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Three Colors [Kolm värvi]

Dedicated to Marju Sirel and Elva Boys' Choir: 1999, boys' choir, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Works for choir a cappella:

The New School Year [Õppeaasta jälle uus]: 2003, children's choir

Text: Liia Jegorov

Waiting for Happiness [Õnne ootel]: 1999, female choir

Text: Maire Under

An Apple [Õun]: 1973, mixed choir

Text: Eižens Vēveris (translated by Biruta Uibo, in Estonian)

Student’s Song [Õpilase laul]: 1970, boys' choir

Text: Heiki Ernits

Works for mixed choir a cappella:

Summer Has Arrived [Suvi on käes]: 2018, mixed choir

Text: Andres Ehin

Psalm 150: 2017, mixed choir

Commissioned by: Mixed choir of Laitila (Finland) congregation on the occation of its 100th birthday (2019)

Today I am Happy [Ma täna olen rõõmus]: 2016, mixed choir

Text: Eino Tamberg

Holidays are on the Way [Pühade tulekul]: 2014, mixed choir

Text: Julius Oro

And Suddenly Everything Ends [Ja äkki saab otsa kõik]: 2013, mixed choir

Text: Juhan Viiding

When I Don't Have Anymore [Kui mul ei ole enam]: 2010, mixed choir

Text: Urmas Alender

Fire Song [Tulelaul]: 2009, mixed choir

Text: Betti Alver

My Heart Is Not Proud, Lord [Ei ole uhke mu süda, Issand]: 2009, mixed choir

Text: Psalm 131

Song Festival [Laulupidu]: 2009, mixed choir

Text: Olev Sau

When We Dance 'Oat-John' [Kui me tantsime "Kaera-Jaani"]: 2009, mixed choir

Text: Ninell Koit

Christmas Night Ties Gossamers [Jõuluöö seob härmalõngu]: 2008, mixed choir

Text: Albert Ruutsoo

Christmas Sadness, Christmas Joy [Jõulunukrus, jõulurõõm]: 2006/2007, mixed choir

Text: Leelo Tungal

Frog’s Stubbornness [Konna jonn]: 2005/2007, mixed choir

Text: Heli Illipe-Sootak

Odotin sinua aamulla (I Waited for You in the Morning) [Odotin sinua aamulla (Ootasin sind hommikul)]: 2007, mixed choir

Text: Anniki Mokkila

Let´s Be Monkies [Hakkame ahvideks]: 2006, mixed choir

Text: Siljalill

Nice [Tore]: 2006, mixed choir

Text: Betti Alver

Star Diamonds [Tähediamendid]: 2006, mixed choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

Christmas Path [Jõulutee]: 2005, mixed choir

Text: Aale Oengo-Kingo

Come with the Cup of Music [Tule muusika kruusiga]: 2005, mixed choir

Text: Artur Alliksaar

Music of Trouble, Music of Joy [Muremuusika, rõõmumuusika]: 2005, mixed choir

Text: Juhan Viiding

Our Love Is Simple as a Song [Me armastus on lihtne nagu laul]: 2005, mixed choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore, translated to Estonian by Uku Masing

The Voice Close to Us Has Fallen Silent [Meile lähedane hääl on vaikinud]: In memoriam Helju Tauk, 2005, mixed choir

Text: Albert Schweitzer

Can We Hold Together? [Kas oskame hoida kõik ühte]: 2003, mixed choir

Text: Paul-Eerik Rummo

Estonian Song [Eesti laul]: 2003, mixed choir

Text: Juuli Kotkas

Euro Fortune [Euroõnn]: 2003, mixed choir

Text: Toomas Vaarmets

Luulet igatsuste maalt [Luulet igatsuste maalt]: 1999, mixed choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

Prayer [Palve]: 1999, mixed choir

Text: "Celtic prayers" by Alexander Carmichael (translated by Valda Rand, in Estonian)

Love Goes Along the Unforseen Road [Käib aimamata rada armastus]: 1998, mixed choir

Text: Doris Kareva

Restoration of Honor and Good Name [Au ja hea nime ennistamine]: 1998, mixed choir

Text: Ilona Laaman

School Joy [Koolirõõm]: 1998, mixed choir

Text: Valve Laar

Turning Towards the Sun [Ta pööras end päikese poole]: 1998, mixed choir

Text: Made Viljur

Unspoken Words [Ütlemata jäänud sõnadest]: 1998, mixed choir

Text: Made Viljur

World Around Us Is Sea [Maailm me ümber on meri]: 1998, mixed choir

Text: Maria Elise

Above Saaremaa [Saaremaa kohal]: 1997, mixed choir

Text: Debora Vaarandi

Christmas Night [Jõuluöö]: Dedicated to Ene Üleoja, 1997, mixed choir

Text: Henrik Visnapuu

Estonia [Estonia]: 1997, mixed choir

Text: Silvia Kelle

In the Most Beautiful Evening of the Year [Aasta kauneimal õhtul]: 1997, mixed choir

Text: Marie Under

Publisher: Estonian Mixed Choirs' Union

My Summer, You Are Leaving [Sa lahkud, mu suvi]: 1997, mixed choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Such Is Life [Elu on selline]: 1997, mixed choir

Text: Aarne Mäe

Two Rivers [Kaks jõge]: 1997, mixed choir

Text: Anna Haava

Everything Turns to a Song [Kõik muutub lauluks]: 1995, mixed choir

Text: Henrik Visnapuu

Forgive Me My Debts [Anna andeks mulle mu võlad]: 1995, mixed choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

Homeland, You’re Crying [Kisendad, kodumaa]: 1995, mixed choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

I Would Want You to Want [Mina tahaksin, et sa tahaksid]: 1995, mixed choir

Text: Jaan Kaplinski

It Is You and Only You I Want [Tahan sind, ainult sind]: 1995, mixed choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore (translated by Uku Masing, in Estonian)

Mother’s Tear [Ema pisar]: 1995, mixed choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

Birches Are Yellow All over the Land [Kased on kollased üle maa]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

Evening Prayer [Õhtupalve]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Hando Runnel

Forgive Me, I’m Coming [Andesta mulle, ma tulen]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

Have Faith in Love [Usalda armastust]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore (tõlkinud Uku Masing)

Home Village, Homeland [Koduküla, kodumaa]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Hando Runnel

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

The Great Silent-keeper Has Come [Suur Vaikija on tulnud]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

The Love Left [Nüüd lahkus armastus]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Karl Eduard Sööt

The Most Beautiful Poetry [Kõige ilusam luule]: Dedicated to Ants Sööt, 1994, mixed choir

Text: Anna Haava

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

The Party Is Starting [Pidu hakkab]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Hando Runnel

Vegetation [Vegetatsioon]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Jüri Üdi

You Must Sing [Sa pead laulma]: 1994, mixed choir

Text: Rein Raud

I Have One Bread [Mul on üks leib]: 1993, mixed choir

Text: Ume Kelam

Simple Things [Lihtsad asjad]: 1992, mixed choir

Text: Debora Vaarandi

Shy on the Swing [Kiigel kartlik]: 1987, mixed choir

Text: folklore

Take the Torches [Tõrvikud võtke]: 1987, mixed choir

Text: Eino Leino (translated by Debora Vaarandi, in Estonian)

Wedding Guests’ Songs [Pulmaliste laulud]: 1970, mixed choir

Text: folklore

A Kiss [Suudlus]: 1969, mixed choir

Text: Fazil Hüsnü Dağlarca (translated by Ly Seppel, in Estonian)

Looking for a Song [Laulu otsimine]: 1969, mixed choir

Text: folklore

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

Refugee [Põgenik]: 1969, mixed choir

Text: Marie Under

Voice [Hääl]: 1969, mixed choir

Text: Hino Sodžõ (translated by Agu Sisask, in Estonian)

A Dream [Uni]: 1968, mixed choir

Text: Viivi Luik

In the Woods [Metsa all]: 1968, mixed choir

Text: Udo Otsus

Leaving [Lahkumine]: 1968, mixed choir

Text: Katri Vala (translated by Debora Vaarandi, in Estonian)

Mushrooms [Seened]: 1968, mixed choir

Text: Katri Vala (translated by Debora Vaarandi, in Estonian)

Running Over the Hill [Joosi, joosi üle mäe]: 1968, mixed choir

Text: folklore

Spring [Kevad]: 1965, mixed choir

Text: Paul-Eerik Rummo

The Moon Was Sneaking [Kuu hiilis]: 1965, mixed choir

Text: Ly Seppel

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

Works for female choir a cappella:

Oh, If I Could Go [Oh, kui oskaks minna]: 2019, female choir

Text: Uku Masing

Mauve Mouth of Cirsium [Ohaka lillakas suu]: 2018, female choir

Text: Leelo Tungal

Oh, Heavenly Chocolate [Oo, jumalik šokolaad!]: 2018, female choir

Text: Marco Antonio Orellana

In paradisum: 2017, female choir

Let´s Be Monkies [Hakkame ahvideks]: Arrangement of mixed choir song (2006), 2017, female choir

Text: Siljalill

Scurry, Mu Ant [Siba, mu sipelgas]: For the jubilee of Viktoria Jagomägi, 2017, female choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

Gratitude [Tänu]: 2014, female choir

Text: Silvia Kelle and newer folk song

I Crochet My Life Lighter [Heegeldan oma elu helgemaks]: 2014, female choir

Text: Aino Ant

How Good Is to Be Glad [Kui hea on olla rõõmus]: 2013, female choir

Text: Ellen Niit

Lullaby [Hällilaul]: 2013, female choir

Text: Ernst Enno

Publisher: Estonian Female Song Society

Not to Go Shopping [Mitte poodi minna]: 2013, female choir

Text: Katre Ligi

Publisher: Estonian Female Song Society

Sleep Comes [Uni tuleb]: 2013, female choir

Text: Julius Oro

This Luminosity and Light [Seda heledust ja valgust]: 2011, female choir

Text: Imbi Kolla

I Am Not [Miä äi ole]: 2010, female choir

Text: Siim Kärner

Where to the Cranes Are Flying High Above? [Kuhu lendavad kõrgel kured?]: II redaction, 2010, female choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

It Is Better to Give Than to Take [Anda on parem kui võtta]: 2009, female choir

Text: Jaan Kaplinski

Money [Raha]: Arrangement of male choir song, 2009, female choir

Text: Veiko Märka

And the Light Is Shining [Ja särab valgus]: 2008, female choir

Text: Peeter Sink

Between Today and Tomorrow [Tänase ja homse vahel]: 2007, female choir

Text: Jaan Kaplinski

I Am Still a Child [Veel olen laps]: 2007, female choir

Text: Ellen Niit

I See a Glimmer of Light in Your Hair [Näen sinu juustes valgusehelki]: 2007, female choir

Text: Viljo Kajava, translated by Linda Viiding

In Front of Our Mind’s Eyes [Meie vaimusilmade ees]: 2007, female choir

Text: Lassi Nummi

It's Beautiful to Live [Elada siiski on ilus]: 2007, female choir

Text: Artur Alliksaar

Look Carefully! [Vaata hoolega!]: 2007, female choir

Text: Anne Hietanen, translated to Estonian by Katrin Liivak

Singing Game [Siimumäng]: 2007, female choir

Text: folklore

To Grandmother [Vanaemale]: 2007, female choir

Text: Meeli Õunapuu

Anna Haava’s Last Poem [Anna Haava viimane luuletus]: 2006, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

Father, Here’s My Prayer [Isa, siin on minu palve]: dedicated to Viktoria Jagomägi, 2006, female choir

Text: Elle Eha

Future and Past [Tulevik ja minevik]: 2006, female choir

Text: Toomas Paul

Where to the Cranes Are Flying High Above? [Kuhu lendavad kõrgel kured?]: 2006, female choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

Swallow [Pääsuke]: 2005, female choir

Text: Ellen Niit

The Voice Close to Us Has Fallen Silent [Meile lähedane hääl on vaikinud]: In memoriam Helju Tauk, 2005, female choir

Text: Albert Schweitzer

Too Much of Heaven [Liig palju taevast]: 2005, female choir

Text: Leelo Tungal

Two Lullabies [2 uinulaulu]: 2005, female choir

Text: Elvi Sinervo, Anna Haava

“Again, again” or “What the beekeeper told” ["Jälle, jälle" ehk "See, mida üks mesinik rääkis"]: 2004, female choir

Text: Paul-Eerik Rummo

To Asta [Astale]: 2004, female choir

The Song Follows Us [Laul saadab meid]: 2003, female choir

Text: Velda Tuiv

Flakes of Life [Eluhelbed]: 2002, female choir

Text: Betti Alver

It’s a Silent Christmas Night [On vaikne jõuluöö]: 2002, female choir

Text: Lea Gabral

Deep Peace of the Clear Heaven [Selge taeva sügav rahu]: 2001, female choir

Text: Doris Kareva

May the Way Rise for Meeting You [Tõusku tee kohtama sind]: 2001, female choir

Text: Jaan Tammsalu

Not One Rose Is Without Thorns [Ei ole okasteta ükski roos]: 2001, female choir

Text: Triin Toomel

Only One Glance [Vaid üks pilk]: 2001, female choir

Text: Aita Kivi

Birthday Song [Sünnipäevalaul]: 2000, female choir

Text: Tuuli Kalakoski

Chamber on the Rock [Koda kaljul]: 2000, female choir

Text: Karl Torro

Home – a Wonderful Place [Kodu – imeline ase]: 2000, female choir

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

I’m Like a Birdie [Olen kui linnuke]: 2000, female choir

Text: Ernst Enno

Motto for the Estonian National Library Female Choir [Moto Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu naiskoorile]: 2000, female choir

Prayer of Light [Valguspalve]: 2000, female choir

Text: Doris Kareva

Silence [Vaikus]: 2000, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Sleigh Bell Is Ringing Quietly [Vaikselt heliseb aisakell]: 2000, female choir

Text: Meeli Õunapuu

Thistle Tree of Pain [Valu ohakapuu]: 2000, female choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

To Play? [Kas mängida?]: 2000, female choir

Text: Elle Eha

Two Songs on Ernst Enno’s Lyrics [2 laulu Ernst Enno tekstidele]: 2000, female choir

Text: Ernst Enno

1. The Garden Was Lovely and Sweet

2. Wonderful Sound

Autumn Song [Sügiselaul]: belongs to the cycle "The Seasons", 1999, female choir

Text: Gustav Suits

I Am You [Ma olen sina]: 1999, female choir

Text: Doris Kareva

Idlers, Sing! [Laisad laulma]: 1999, female choir

Text: folklore

Looking for a Song [Laulu otsimine]: 1969/1999, female choir

Text: folklore

Only with the Heart One Can See Rightly [Ainult südamega näed hästi]: Dedicated to Silvia Mellik, 1999, female choir

Text: Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince" (translated by Ott Ojamaa, in Estonian)

Take Me to the Shade of Leaves [Võta mind lehtede varju]: 1994/1999, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

With the Flea to the Church [Kirbuga kirikusse]: 1999, female choir

Text: folklore

A Summer Day [Üks suvepäev]: belongs to the cycle "The Seasons", 1998, female choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

Again I’m Thinking of You [Jälle mõtlen su pääle]: 1998, female choir

Text: Doris Kareva

Although It’s Autumn Again [Kuigi jälle on sügis]: 1998, female choir

Text: Elle Eha

From Whose Eyes to Search the Love? [Kelle silmadest otsida armastust?]: 1998, female choir

Text: Marie Elise

How Could It Be That One Star... [Kuidas saab olla, et üks täht]: 1998, female choir

Text: Natan Zah (translated by Kristiina Ross, in Estonian)

How Gloomy for How Long Is Your Land [Kui tume veel kauaks]: 1998, female choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

Looking into the Fire, Beloved [Armsaim, vaadates tulle]: 1998, female choir

Text: Elle Eha

My Songs [Minu laulud]: 1998, female choir

Text: Silvia Kelle

Nowadays Birds’ Song [Tänapäeva lindude laul]: 1998, female choir

Text: Harald Suislepp

Red Blossom of the Apple Tree [Punane õunapuuõis]: belongs to the cycle "The Seasons", 1998, female choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

The Only Way [Üksainuke tee]: 1998, female choir

Text: Virve Osila

The Spring Has Begun [On alanud kevad]: 1998, female choir

Text: Virve Osila

There Are Yellow Leaves in the Trees [Kollaseid lehti on puudel]: 1998, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

To the Joy [Rõõmule]: 1998, female choir

Text: Marie Under

Autumn Wind [Sügisetuul]: 1997, female choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

I Am a Tear in Your Cry [Olen pisar su nutus]: 1997, female choir

Text: Helju Mikkel

May the Song Be the Echo of Our Feelings [Laul, see olgu me tunnete kaja]: 1997, female choir

Text: Karl Eduard Sööt

Music [Muusika]: 1997, female choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

On the Swing of Life [Elukiigel]: 1997, female choir

Text: Taimi Proos

Singing Is Our Inheritance [Laul on me pärisosa]: 1997, female choir

Text: Elle Eha

Song of September [Septembrilaul]: 1997, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Spell to the Mother of the Earth [Loits Maaemale]: 1997, female choir

Text: Silvia Kelle

Commissioned by: Estonian Female Song Society

You’re Coming II [Sa tuled II]: 1997, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Credo: 1996, female choir

Fall Asleep Quietly [Jää vaikselt unele]: 1996, female choir

Text: Tiina Kiilaspea

Flea on the Swing [Kirp kiigel]: 1996, female choir

Text: folklore

Juhan Liiv’s Aphorisms [Juhan Liivi mõtteterad]: 1996, female choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

My Forest [Minu mets]: 1996, female choir

Text: Rein Sander

The Happiness of Your People and Yourself [Su rahva, su enese õnn]: 1996, female choir

Text: Ülo Alo

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

The Singer [Laulja]: 1996, female choir

Text: Kristjan Jaak Peterson

Always You’re Standing Alone [Alati seisad üksi]: 1995, female choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore (translated by Stella Noa, in Estonian)

Chimney Swallow [Suitsupääsuke]: 1995, female choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

Gloria: Dedicated to Helju Tauk, 1995, female choir

Let the Lilies Bloom on the Grave [Las õitseda liiliad haual]: 1995, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

Tears of Song [Laulupisarad]: 1995, female choir

Text: Lydia Koidula

The Breath of Poetry [Luule hingus]: 1995, female choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore (translated by Valev Mirtem, in Estonian)

The Sea [Meri]: 1995, female choir

Text: Katri Vala (translated by Debora Vaarandi, in Estonian)

Three Autumn Moments on Viivi Luik’s Lyrics [Kolm sügishetke Viivi Luige tekstidele]: 1995, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Night Song

You Took My Eyes into the Heart

Forgive Me and Give This Flower

When You’re Going Away, Leave Something in My Soul [Lahkudes jäta midagi mu hinge]: 1995, female choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore (translated by Valev Mirtem, in Estonian)

Wintry titmouse [Talvine tihane]: belongs to the cycle "The Seasons": 1995, female choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

Arrival’s Song [Saabuja laul]: 1994, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Camomile Grass, Knotweed Grass [Muruks kummel, muruks linnurohi]: 1994, female choir

Text: Hando Runnel

Don’t Go, My Love [Ära mine, mu arm]: 1994, female choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore (translated by Uku Masing, in Estonia)

Fear [Kartus]: 1994, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

I Could Have Died [Oh oleksin ära surnud]: 1994, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

I Have Loved You [Sind ma olen armastand]: 1994, female choir

Text: Hando Runnel

I Love You, My Dear [Armastan sind, armsaim]: 1994, female choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore (translated by Uku Masing, in Estonian)

I May [Võin]: 1994, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

Publisher: Estonian Female Song Society

I’m Not Saying to Anyone [Ei mina ütle ühelegi]: 1994, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

In True Friendship I’d Want To… [Truus sõpruses ma tahan...]: 1994, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

In Your Eyes There Is a Cold Moon [Sinu silmis on külmetav kuu]: 1994, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik, Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

Keep Calm, My Heart [Rahu, mu süda]: 1994, female choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore (translated by Uku Masing, in Estonia)

Lacrimosa: 1994, female choir

My Heart, the Bird of Wild Woods [Mu süda, kõnnumetsa lind]: 1994, female choir

Text: Rabindranath Tagore (translated by Uku Masing, in Estonian)

My Songs, My Little Songs [Mu laulud, mu väikesed laulud]: 1994, female choir

Text: Karl Eduard Sööt

Oh, Don’t Ask [Oh ära sa küsi]: 1994, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

Pain, Love and Songs [Valu, arm ja laulud]: 1994, female choir

Text: Karl Eduard Sööt

Poetry in You Arms [Luulet sinu süles]: 1994, female choir

Text: Hando Runnel

Red Temple [Punane tempel]: 1994, female choir

Text: Katri Vala (translated by Debora Vaarandi, in Estonian)

Somber and Windy Voice of Stinging Nettles [Raudnõgeste nukker ja tuuline hääl]: 1994, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

The Great Silent-keeper Has Come [Suur Vaikija on tulnud]: 1994, female choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

The Last Song Can’t Be Sung [Viimast laulu ei saa laulda]: 1994, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

Two Songs on Juhan Liiv’s Lyrics [2 laulu Juhan Liivi tekstidele]: 1994, female choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

1. Prayer

2. My Cherished Homeland

You Are the Dearest [Sa kõige armsam mulle]: 1994, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

Publisher: Estonian Fenale Song Society

You’re Not My Angel [Ei ole sina minu ingel]: 1994, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

Homecoming [Kojutulek]: 1993, female choir

Text: Katri Vala (translated by Debora Vaarandi, in Estonian)

It’s Good Like This [Nii on hea]: 1993, female choir

Text: Ume Kelam

Once There Was a Song [Kord olnud üks laul]: 1993, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

Songs to Dearie One [Laulud kullakesele]: 1993, female choir

Text: Karl Eduard Sööt

Ave Maria: 1992, female choir

Coast Swallow [Rannapääsuke]: 1992, female choir

Text: Kersti Merilaas

Forgive [Anna andeks]: 1989, female choir

Text: Anna Haava

Our Life [Meie elu]: 1982, female choir

Text: folklore

On My Beloved Country Lane [Meil aia-äärne tänavas]: 1973, female choir

Text: Lydia Koidula

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

My Way [Minu tee]: 1972, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

You’re Coming I [Sa tuled I]: Dedicated to Female Choir of Tartu University, 1972, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Joyful Autumn [Rõõmus sügis]: 1968, female choir

Text: Milvi Seping

The White Blossom of Autumn [Sügise valge õis]: 1966, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

In One Distant Day [Ühel kaugel päeval]: 1965, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Smile [Naeratus]: 1965, female choir

Text: Viivi Luik

Works for male choir a cappella

And My Heart of Squeaked of Joy [Ja mu süda niutsus rõõmust]: 2018, male choir

Text: Jaan Kross

Over the Endless Snowy Field [Üle lõpmatu lumise välja]: 2016, male choir

Text: Arved Paul

Night [Öö]: 2015, male choir

Text: Heiti Talvik

Life Is Short [Elu see on lühike]: 2013, male choir

Text: Jaan Kaplinski

One Word [Üks sõna]: 2010, male choir

Text: Juhan Saar

Minni Has the Innocent Face of an Angel [Minnil süütu ingli nägu]: 2009, male choir

Text: Laur Tamm

Stupid as a Sheep [Ma loll kui lammas]: 2009, male choir

Text: Heiti Kender

To You from Loved Songfest Arc [Sul armsa laululava kaarelt]: 2009, male choir

Text: Mati Leis

From the Time of Songfest [Laulupeoaegne]: 2008, male choir

Text: Henn-Kaarel Hellat

Optimistic [Optimistlik]: 2008, male choir

Text: Tiiu Lehiste

Sang the Nightingale Behind the House [Laulis ööbik maja taga]: 2008, male choir

Text: Bernhard Viiding

Simple Man [Lihtne mees]: 2008, male choir

Text: Ott Arder

The Words of Old [Vana sõnad]: 2008, male choir

Text: Gustav Ernesaks

Let the Mice Eat the Treasure [Söögu hiired varandust]: 2007, male choir

Text: Hando Runnel

Now Again [Nüüd kui jälle]: 2007, male choir

Text: Aleksander Suuman

Eats Meat [Sööb liha]: 2006, male choir

Text: Rein Raud

Money [Raha]: 2006, male choir

Text: Veiko Märka

Rye-bread [Rukkileib]: 2006, male choir

Text: Peeter Jakobson

This Singing Nation [See laulev rahvas]: 2006, male choir

Text: Ingrid Põldsaar

Estonia [Eesti]: 2003, male choir

Text: Karl-Eduard Sööt

This Is Our Soil [See on meie muld]: 2003, male choir

Text: Leelo Tungal

A Snow-storm [Tuisk on]: 2002, male choir

Text: Juhan Viiding

I Am the Son of Cowberries [Pohlade poeg mina olen]: 2002, male choir

Text: Paul-Eerik Rummo

Miraculous Night [Imeline öö]: 2002, male choir

Text: Virve Osila

There Is Silence in Your Heart Cage [Su südamepuuris on vaikus]: 2002, male choir

Text: Jüri Üdi

Lizzard’s Way on the Stone Also Leaves a Trace [Ka sisaliku tee kivil jätab jälje]: 2001, male choir

Text: Karl Ristikivi

Noctet [Noktett]: 2001, male choir

Text: Andres Ehin

Winter Night [Taliöine]: 2001, male choir

Text: Heiti Talvik

Eating the Apples and Looking at the Stars [Õunu süües ja tähti vaadates]: 2000, male choir

Text: Vello Jürna

Here, Under the Blue Sky [Siin sinitaeva all]: 2000, male choir

Text: Andres Marand

In the High Grass [Kõrges rohus suures rahus]: In memoriam Lepo Sumera, Raimo Kangro, Tarmo Lepik, 2000, male choir

Text: Juhan Viiding

Snowbirds’ Song [Talvelindude laul]: 2000, male choir

Text: Harald Suislepp

Thistle Tree of Pain [Valu ohakapuu]: 2000, male choir

Text: Kalju Lepik

A Game [Mäng]: 1998, male choir

Text: Maret Suits-Elson

Autumnal [Sügisene]: 1998, male choir

Text: Elle Eha

Clouds Are Rowing, Birch Rustle [Pilved sõudvad, kasekohin]: 1997, male choir

Text: Juhan Liiv

Moon Song [Kuulaul]: 1996, male choir

Text: Joel Sang

Cold [Külm]: 1994, male choir

Text: Anna Haava

Everyone Has One’s Own Song [Igaühel oma laul]: 1989, male choir

Text: Tiina Kiilaspea

When I Wanted [Kui mina tahtsin]: 1971/1982, male choir

Text: folklore

Dog Was Chained at the Fence Post [Koer oli ketis aiateibas]: 1968, male choir

Text: Paul-Eerik Rummo

We Don’t Feed upon Bread Only [Üksnes leivast me ei ela]: 1965, male choir

Text: Manivald Kesamaa

Works for children’s choir a cappella

Birthday Song [Sünnipäevalaul]: 2019, children's choir (2-voice)

Text: Tuuli Kalakoski

Because We Are Stars [Sest me oleme tähed]: 2011, children's choir

Text: Passamaquoddy Indians' Song

The New Year with the New Feeze [Uuel aastal uue hooga]: 2011, children's choir

Text: Heliriin Puistamaa

My Little Estonia [Mu väike Eestimaa]: 2009, 3-part children's choir

Text: Meeli Õunapuu

Christmas Sadness, Christmas Joy [Jõulunukrus, jõulurõõm]: 2006, children's choir

Text: Leelo Tungal

Song Festival City [Laulupeolinn]: 2004, children's choir

Text: Leelo Tungal

Estonia [Eestimaa]: 2002, children's choir

Text: Imbi Sõber

I Like the Love [Mulle meeldib armastus]: 2002, children's choir

Text: Mariann Kaasik

Schoolchildren of Paunvere [Paunvere koolilapsed]: 2002, children's choir

Text: Priit Sulbi

Frogs [Konnad]: 2001, children's choir

Text: Anna Haava

Happiness [Õnn]: 1999, children's choir

To the Native Country [Sünnimaale]: 1998, children's choir

Text: Leida Rohtla

A Cur [Murka]: 1965, children's choir

Text: Jaan Kaplinski

Works for toddlers’ choir a cappella:

It's Valorous to Be the Estonian [Eestlane on olla vahva]: 2011, toddlers' choir (2-voice)

Text: Sulev Oll

Song of Speech [Kõnelemise laul]: 2011, toddlers' choir (2-voice)

Text: Sulev Oll

When I Was [Kui mina alles]: 2011, toddlers' choir (2-voice)

Text: Reinhold Kamsen

Estonian Language [Eesti keel]: 2009, 2-part children's choir

Text: Madli Urbanik

Hello, Hello, Little Lamb [Tere, tere, lambatall]: 2009, 2-part children's choir

Text: Ellen Niit

Autumn the Wizard [Võlur Sügis]: 2007, children's choir (3 voices)

Text: Katrin Pärnpuu

Getting Dressed [Riide pannes]: 2007, toddlers' choir

Text: Karl Eduard Sööt

Spangle of Snow [Lumelitrike]: 2007, toddlers' choir

Text: Kerli Randmer

Sparrow’s Complaint [Värvukese kaebus]: 2007, toddlers' choir

Text: Karl Eduard Sööt

Verdant Fir [Kuusekene haljas]: 2007, toddlers' choir

Text: Jakob Hermann

Fly’s Mushroom Soup [Kärbse seenesupp]: 2005, toddlers' choir

Text: Heli Illipe-Sootak

Frog’s Stubbornness [Konna jonn]: 2005, toddlers' choir

Text: Heli Illipe-Sootak

Christmas Eve [Jõululaupäev]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Madli Kivimäe

Cold’s Presents [Külma kingid]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Reet Oiderma

Croak [Krooks]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Uno Leies

Day of Languages [Keelte päev]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Miraculous Christmas Bells [Imelised jõulukellad]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Kustas Põldmaa

Outside the Christmas Night Is So Beautiful [Väljas jõuluöö nii kena]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Ella Oro

Silent Starry Night [Vaikne tähtine öö]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Ella Oro

Summer [Suvi-suvekene]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

The Spring Is Coming [Kevad tuleb]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Maarja Pajo

To Believe or to Doubt? [Uskuda või kahelda?]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Henno Käo

To Home for Christmas [Jõuluks koju]: 2004, toddlers' choir

Text: Madli Kivimäe

Frogs Made the Choir [Konnad tegid laulukoori]: 2003, toddlers' choir

Text: Olivia Saar

Mother-fatherland [Isa-ema maa]: 2001, toddlers' choir

Text: Leelo Tungal

Don't Say You Are Feckless [Ära ütle, et ei oska]: 2-voice toddlers' choir

Text: Wimberg

Works for boys’ choir a cappella

Cow Is a Strange Animal [Imelik loom on lehm]: 2019, boys' choir

Text: Andres Ehin

A Little Cat [Väike kass]: 2018, boys' choir

Text: Ilmar Laaban

Good, Obedient Boy [Hea, sõnakuulelik poiss]: 2018, boys' choir

Text: Paul-Eerik Rummo

My Estonia, Fatherland [Minu Eesti isamaa]: 2011, boys' choir (2-voice)

Text: Peeter Raotma

Feel the Joy of Life [Tunne elust rõõmu]: 2009, boys' choir

Text: Siljalill

Let’s Keep the Nature Clean [Hoiame loodust]: 2008, boys' choir (2 voices)

Text: Taniel Paju

This Is My Home [See ongi minu kodu]: 2008, boys' choir

Text: Hando Runnel

Whether To Be Like a Wolf? [Kas võtta hundist eeskuju?]: 2007, boys' choir (2 voices)

Text: Kristo Huum

Fatherland of Every Child [Iga lapse isamaa]: 2006, boys' choir

Text: Leelo Tungal

The Biggest Treasure [Kõige suurem varandus]: 2004, boys' choir

Text: Leida Rohtla

Kentucky Lion [Kentuki Lõvi]: 2000, boys' choir

Text: Eduard Mishin

Fisherman’s Story [Kalamehe jutt]: 1973, boys' choir

Text: Milvi Seping

Gadfly’s Funeral [Parmu matus]: 1968, boys' choir

Text: folklore

Why Do You, Chafer, Chirp? [Mis sa sitikas, sirised?]: 1968, boys' choir

Text: folklore

Works for joint choint choir or multiple choirs a cappella:

Sing, the One Who Is Created to Sing [Kes on laulma loodud, laulgu]: Cantata, 2001, joint choir

Text: Ave Alavainu

Works for vocal ensemble

Devil [Kurat]: 2012, 5 male voices

Text: Juhan Saar

The Light [Valgus]: 2010, alto, tenor

Text: Imbi Kolla

Songs for Children:

Beetle in the Garden [Sitikas aias]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Boiling [Keetmas]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Jakob Tamm

Clever Juku [Kaval Juku]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Ukrainian folk joke

Clumping [Müta-müta]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Croak-Croak [Krooks-krooks]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Dance of Mice [Hiirte tants]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Jakob Tamm

Estonian Winter [Eesti talv]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Jaan Speek

Frore Boy [Pakasepoiss]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Külli-Riin Tigasson

Grandmother's Stories [Vanaema jutud]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Heiki Vilep

Gymnasts' Song [Võimlejate laul]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

I'm Spinning [Ketran, ketran]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Sander Liivak

I'm Very Small [Mina olen õige väike]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Uno Sikemäe

Little Homemaker [Väike perenaine]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Merry Autumn Wind [Lõbus sügistuul]: 2016/2019, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Nests [Pesad]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Helvi Jürisson

Oh, These Boys [Oh neid poisse]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Rooster's Song [Kuke laul]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: folklore

The Feeling of Spring in the Air [Õhus tunda kevadet]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

We have Spring and April [Meil on kevad ja aprill]: 2019,  voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

Wrong Answer [Vale vastus]: 2019, voice, piano

Text: Ukrainian folk joke

Ant Called Reet [Sipelgas Reet]: 2018, voice, piano

Text: Urve Tinnuri

Elections [Valimised]: 2018, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Hen's Nest [Kanapesa]: 2018, voice, piano

Text: Milvi Panga

Tale of Spoons [Lusikate lugu]: 2018, voice, piano

Text: Milvi Panga

A Flower Blooms at the Meadow [Aasal õitseb mahlakann]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Ernst Enno

As Things Go [Nii see käib]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Lehte Hainsalu

Chantarelle [Kukeseen]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Didactic Story [Õpetlik lugu]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Helin Vill

Fighting the Virus [Võitlus viirusega]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Flea Market [Kirbuturg]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Helin Vill

Football of the Ants [Sipelgate jalgpall]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Uno Leies

Hand in Hand [Käsikäes]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

Hornet Is a Faredodger [Herilane sõidab jänest]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Henno Käo

Ice Age [Jääaeg]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Like This [Niimoodi]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

Look Out! [Aga nüüd hoidke alt]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Painful Memory [Valus mälestus]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Pie Song [Pirukalaul]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Piglet's Rock [Põrsa rokk]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Piglethood [Põrsapõli]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Pocket Money [Taskuraha]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Helin Vill

Puffball [Murumuna]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Raspberry Bushes [Vaarikud-kaarikud]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

Song of a Baltic Herring [Silgulaul]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Song of Getting Dressed [Riidessepanemise laul]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

Spring in Henhouse [Kevad kanalas]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

The Fly [Kärbes]: 2017, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Black Dog [Must Muri]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Uno Sikemäe

Caress Paw [Paikäpp]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Thea Tõnupärt

Corn-crake's Song [Räägu rääk]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Eno Raud

Dear Mother [Emake]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Siiri Laidla

Fern Flower Tea [Sõnajalaõietee]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Hen and Egg [Kana ja muna]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Jaanus Vaiksoo

Hole in the Sock [Auk sokis]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

I Can Do It Myself [Oskan ise]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

I Don't Want to Catch Cold [Ma nohu ei taha]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Important Person [Tähtis isik]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Jolly Breaks [Lõbusad vahetunnid]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Contra

Orioles' Party in Rain [Peoleode vihmapidu]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Eno Raud

Pink Piglet [Roosa põrsas]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Contra

Puppy [Kutsikas]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Winter Is Over [Tali läbi]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Wool Rainbow [Villavikerkaar]: 2016, voice, piano

Text: Jaak Kõdar

All Children Love to Lick Icicles [Kõik lapsed armastavad jääpurikaid lutsida]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Monika Allert

Awaited [Oodatu]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

Babbling Spring Waters [Vulisevad kevadveed]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Epp Maria Orglaan

Berries [Marjad]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Helvi Jürisson

Cat Mortimer's Birthday [Kass Mortimeri sünna]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Markus Saksatamm

Cats Went to Catch Mice [Kassid läksid hiiri püüdma]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Felix Kotta

Clever Spider [Kaval ämblik]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Eino Sepp

Dream [Unistus]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Johanna Uuemäe

Dreams of a Boy [Ühe poisi unistused]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Vahur Kersna

February [Veebruar]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Karolin Pruul

Fly's Mushroom Soup [Kärbse seenesupp]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Heli Illipe-Sootak

In November [Novembris]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Markus Saksatamm

In Secret [Salamahti]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

Kitty in Garden [Kiisu aias]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Heli Illipe-Sootak

Let's Clean Up [Teeme korda]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Mart Found a Beetle [Mart see leidis mardika]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Miracle Power [Imevägi]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

More Than Important [Tähtsast tähtsam]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

Mother Gave You Life [Ema andis sulle elu]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Peeter Volkonski

Mother Wind With Father Snowdrift [Tuulõeit Tuisutaadiga]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Kauksi Ülle

Mother's Birthday [Ema sünnipäev]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Jaak Kõdar

National Bird [Rahvuslind]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Contra

Newfoundland [Njuufa]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Aapo Ilves

Ride to Town [Linnasõit]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Shrove Tuesday [Vastlapäev]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Kristiina Jaanus

Snail's Holiday in Estonia [Tigu puhkab Eestis]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Markus Saksatamm

Song of Bad Weather [Halva ilma lauluke]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Markus Saksatamm

Spring Feelings in Stomach [Kevadtunded kõigil kõhus]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Krista Uibopuu

Spring, Come Quietly [Kevad, tule tasa]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Merilin Prantsus

The May Has Arrived [Juba on saabunud mai]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Anett Reisenbuk

The Meaning of Life [Elu mõte]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Tarmo Vaarmets

Vernal Waters [Kevadised veed]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Laura Vahejõe

Who Doesn't Believe [Kes ei usu?]: 2015, voice, piano

Text: Siim Kärner

Apple of Your Eye [Silmatera]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

August: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Being a Child is the Most Fabulous Job [Laps on kõige vahvam amet]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Peeter Volkonski

But the Most Beautiful [Aga kõige ilusam]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Peeter Volkonski

Call of Spring [Kevade kutse]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Tiina Tootsi

Care Is Good Feeling [Hoolitsus on tore tunne]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Peeter Volkonski

Chestnut Animals [Kastaniloomad]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

Christmas Verse [Jõulusalm]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

Clothes-driers [Pesukuivatajad]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

Cock Step [Kukesamm]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ira Lember

Come to Eat! [Sööma!]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

Dog's Worry [Muri mure]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

Dogs' Lullaby [Koerte hällilaul]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Karl Ristikivi

Esuriency [Hundiisu]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ira Lember

Grandmother's Stories [Vanaema jutud]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Heiki Vilep

I Don't Smoke [Suitsu ma ei tõmba]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Heiki Vilep

If You Have a Firend [Kui on sõber sul]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Kertu Lääts

In Spring Month [Kevadkuul]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

It's Snowing [Lund sajab]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Reina Henn

Joke Month [Naljakuu]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Little Bunny [Väike jänes]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

Man Has Many Hands [Inimesel palju käsi]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Heiki Vilep

Maple Juice Song [Vahtramahlalaul]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Jaanus Vaiksoo

Mouse's Late Autumn [Hiire hilissügis]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

My Little Apple-Tree [Minu väike õunapuu]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ira Lember

Oh, Boys [Oh neid poisse]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Otter's Skin [Saarmanahk]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Party [Pidu]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Heiki Vilep

Pasqueflower and Bell Bear [Karukell ja kellakaru]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Peeter Volkonski

Ride-Ride [Sõit-sõit]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Rye Song [Rukkilaul]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ira Lember

Self-Service Market [Selvepood]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

Shalala [Šallalalaa]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Peeter Volkonski

Shenanigan [Koerus]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Ira Lember

The Best [Kõige parem]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

To Mother [Emale]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Andry Leevik

Trick [Vingerpuss]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Christin Vardi

What Am I [Mis ma olen]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Whatnot is Eatable [Mida kõike ei sööda]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

White Snowman [Valge lumemees]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Mari Pent

Worm's Trouble [Ussi mure]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Evelin Samuel

You Want to See Finches [Tahad näha leevikesi]: 2014, voice, piano

Text: Milvi Panga

Christmas Peace [Jõulurahu]: 2013, voice, piano

Text: Merike Lille

Dotted Mittens [Käpik täpuline]: 2013, voice, piano

Text: Tiit Rein

Drug Store [Rohupood]: 2013, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Hot the Seasons Came? [Kuidas tulid aastaajad?]: 2013, voice, piano

Text: Rändi Lindal

Little Me, Rednose [Väike mina, punanina]: 2013, voice, piano

Text: Triinu Läst

Snow Is Gliding [Lumi liugleb]: 2013, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Snow Is Gliding [Lumi liugleb]: 2013, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Stains [Plekid]: 2013, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Summer Comes [Suvi tuleb]: 2013, voice, piano

Text: Emma Ettel Ilisson

Apple Song [Õunalaul]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Tarmo Vaarmets

Autumn Came with the Brush [Sügis tuli, pintsel käes]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Brigitta Paal

Before Winter [Vastu talve]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Siim Kärner

Boys' Leisure Time [Poiste vaba aeg]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Kaspar Kiilaspää

Bug's Worry [Putuka mure]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Eno Raud

Bunny's Song [Jänkuonu laul]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Martin Allmaa

Campanas [Kellukesed]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Janne Nael

Cat and Mouse [Kass ja hiir]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Kadri Sala

Cat Family's Summer Day [Kassipere suvepäev]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Tuulike Agan

Chickenpox [Tuulerõuged]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Andres Kahu

Counting the Cabbages [Kapsaid lugemas]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Crow Steps [Varesejalgadest]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Heiki Vilep

Dance Party in the Wood [Tantsupidu metsas]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

Don't Sting! [Ära sutsa!]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Mari Karilaid

Doors [Uksed]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Milvi Panga

Easter [Munadepühad]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Helina Sikkel

Easter Bunny [Lihavõttejänes]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Fast Rides [Kiired sõidud]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Fathers [Isad]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Kalev Vapper

Fiat [Kõrgem käsk]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

For My Dear Mother [Kallile emale]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Johanna Randmann

From Acorn the Oak Arises [Tammetõrust tõuseb tamm]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Heli Illipe-Sootak

Game II [Mäng II]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Siim Kärner

Garden [Peenar]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Milvi Panga

Gumboots Are for Walking [Kummikud on kõndimiseks]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Heli Illipe-Sootak

Hedgehog [Siil]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Aira Eding

Icicle [Jääpurikas]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Riho Püü

In Deep Forest [Paksus metsas]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Henno Käo

It's March Outside [Väljas on märts]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Marie Heinmaa

Jobs [Tööd]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Jaanika Padar

Kitchen Lady [Köögitädi]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Aare Karv

Kitten Story [Siiru-viiru kiisulugu]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Aime Paeveer

Mole [Mutt]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Katrin Rebane

Morning Walk [Hommikune jalutuskäik]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Kati Keskküla

Mother and Father [Ema ja Isa]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Kauksi Ülle

Mushroom People [Seenerahvas]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

National Bird [Rahvuslind]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Contra

Oats Motor [Kaeramootor]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Ira Lember

Plumule Party [Idupidu]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Eno Raud

Puppies' Dream [Koerapoiste unistus]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Altosaar

Rabbit's Cabbage Field [Jänese kapsamaa]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Bente Sild

Razzmatazz [Sigadi-sagadi]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Children of Valuoja Elementary School

School Again [Jälle kool]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Kaspar Kristal

Sheep's Bleating [Lamba määgimine]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Eno Raud

Snow [Lumi]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Karolin Roosipuu

Snowy-Snow [Lumi-lumi]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Milvi Panga

So Good to Be a Spider! [Ämblik olla tore on!]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

Spider Spinned the Gossamer [Ämblik härmalõnga kudus]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Spring Has Arrived [Kätte jõudnud kevade]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Jörgen Rootsmann

Spring Is in the Air [Tunda on kevadet õhus]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Christopher Vokk

Spring Mud [Kevadpori]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Contra

Teeth Shepherd [Hambakarjane]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Jaak Kõdar

This Is Our Estonia [See on meie Eestimaa]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Heiki Vilep

Three Friends [Kolm sõpra]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Tiger [Tiiger]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Cätlin Gentalen

Tiger Puppy [Tiigripoju]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Johanna Randmann

Titmouse on the Window [Tihane aknal]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Tõiv Helm

Two and Five [Kaks ja viis]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Inge Tera

Uncle Hedgehog [Siilionu]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Krista Kuusk

Uncle Heino Is Waiting for Summer [Onu Heino suveootus]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Jaanus Vaiksoo

Underneath the Ice [Jää all]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Henno Käo

Vernal Thoughts [Kevadised mõtted]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Maarja-Liis Mardim

Waiting for Spring [Kevade ootus]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Jürgen Veldemaa

Wandering Cat Mom [Rändav kassiemme]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Aino Pervik

Weird Man [Veider mees]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Jaanus Vaiksoo

Wintry [Talvine]: 2012, voice, piano

Text: Ants Joandi

Auntie Cow [Tädi lehm]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Beets and Boys [Peedid ja Peedud]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Jaan Kaplinski

Bluebottle Fly's Buzz [Porikärbse kärbsepirin]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Eno Raud

Christmas Mouse [Jõuluhiir]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

Crows Are Flying to South [Varesed lendavad lõunasse]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Crybaby [Piripilli-Liisu]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Karl August Hindrey

Currant-Sisters [Sõstrad-sõsarad]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Venda Sõelsepp

Day Has Eyes, Night Has Ears [Päeval silmad, ööl kõrvad]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Sulev Oll

Every Ram Has a Michaelmas Day [Igal oinal oma mihklipäev]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Sulev Oll

Every Winter Has Its Youth [Igal talvel oma noorus]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Ott Arder

Fairy Bread [Haldjaleib]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Robert Louis Stevenson, translated by Heljo Mänd

Familiar Uncle [Tuttav onu]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Adolf Rammo

Grumpy Sock [Pahur sokk]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Hedgehog Fries the Chafer [Siil praeb sitikat]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

Honey-Hornet [Merilane]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Valter Kruut

How Wonderful! [Oi, kui hea!]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

How You Push, So It Goes [Kuidas lükkad, nõnda läheb]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Sulev Oll

Is It Allowed [Kas tohib?]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Siim Kärner

Kittens [Kiisud]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Reinhold Kamsen

Little Frog [Väike konn]: 2011, voice, accompaniment

Text: Inga Rand

Little Snowdrifts [Tuisupoisid]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Little Song in Estonian [Väike eestikeelne laul]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Migratory Bird [Rändlind]: 2011, voice, accompaniment

Text: Inga Rand

Oink [Ruikk]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

Once [Ükskord]: 2011, voice, accompaniment

Text: Veronika Valk and five little girls

Onion [Sibul]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Venda Sõelsepp

Pepper-Dwarf Has a Lot of Work [Piprapäkal palju tööd]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

Playing a Postman [Postiljoni mängis Liis]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Signe Ora

Prayer to Rain Cloud [Palve vihmapilvele]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Ott Arder

Puppy Full of Tricks [Kutsikas on krutskeid täis]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Elina Sildre

Rain Song [Vihmalaul]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Sulev Oll

Santa's Routes Before the Holidays [Jõuluvana käigud enne pühi]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Julios Oro

Soft Surpise [Pehme üllatus]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Ira Lember

Splashing Song [Sulistamiselaul]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

Sweet Toddler with Wistful Face [Armas nukra näoga põnn]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

The Coming of the Dwarfs [Päkapikkude tulemine]: 2011, voice, accompaniment

Text: Aira Iholainen, translated by Kaja Juksar

The Cow of the Sweet Milk [Magusa piima lehmake]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Valter Kruut

The Moon [Kuu]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Andrus Norak

The Sandbox Is Nice Place [Tore paik on liivakast]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

The Signs of Spring [Kevademärgid]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Ain Väät

Thrillers for Christmas [Õudusjutte jõuludeks]: 2011, voice, accompaniment

Text: Klaus Eduard

Titmouse Nodding Off on the Spruce [Tihane, kes kuusel tukub]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: folklore

Titmouses' Rock [Tihaste rokk]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Ülle Kütsen

Tractor [Trakats]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

Two Together [Kahekesi]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Ira Lember

Uncle Don't Do and Aunt Be Quiet [Onu Ära Tee ja tädi Ole Tasa]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Ülle Kütsen

Vastly Much, but Not Even Handful [Ilmatu palju, kuid pole peotäitki]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Valter Kruut

When the Birch Turns Yellow [Kui kask kolletab]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Valeeria Villandi

Winter Joys [Talverõõmud]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Anni Sildvee

Wolf [Hunt]: 2011, voice, piano

Text: Juhan Jaik

Bruisers [Riiukuked]: 2010, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Cat Is Fishing [Kass kalal]: 2010, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Child into the Bevy, Midge to the Herd [Laps parve, sääsk karja]: 2010, voice, piano

Text: Ott Arder

Forces of Bank Swallows [Kaldapääsukeste väed]: 2010, voice, piano

Text: Peep Veedla

On the Morning of July [Heinakuu hommikul]: 2010, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Our Big Troubles [Meie suured mured]: 2010, voice, piano

Text: Jaan Kaplinski

Rat Is Munching Sweets [Rott mugib magusat]: 2010, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

When Dad Is Home [Kui isa on kodus]: 2010, voice, piano

Text: Manivald Kesamaa

Breakdown of Snow [Lumelagu]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Building the Roof [Katusetegu]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Heli Illipe-Sootak

Butter Mushroom [Võiseen]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Candle Gnome [Küünlapäka]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

Publisher: SP Muusika

Cat Asks for Milk [Kass küsib piima]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Commanding Song [Käsulaul]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Estonian Independence Day [Eesti iseseisvuspäev]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Ilmar Trull

Evil Needles [Õelad nõelad]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Jaak Kõdar

Fine Fellow [Täitsamees]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Guinea-pig [Merisiga]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Martin Riim

Hail Grains [Raheterad]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Maurice Carême (translated by Helvi Jürisson)

Hop-hop-horse [Hopp-hopp-hobune]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Aime Paevere

I Was a Good Child [Olin hea laps]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Jam Cooker [Moosikeetja]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Kitty Cooked Porridge in the Kitchen [Kiisu keetis köögis putru]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Heli Illipe-Sootak

Large Spruce Wood [Suur kuusik]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Laughing Bird ["Naerulind"]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Laughter [Naer]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Jaak Kõdar

Little Lie [Väike vale]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Henno Käo

Lullaby [Unelaul]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Ott Arder

Moon Fell into the Water [Kuu kukkus vette]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

My Rat [Minu rott]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Maryn Laande

Now Evening Is Here [Nüüd käes on õhtu]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Siim Kärner

Pie Song [Pirukalaul]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

Piglet's Evening [Põrsaõhtu]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Jaak Kõdar

Polar Bear [Jääkaru]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Jaak Kõdar

River [Jõgi]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Henno Käo

Scamps [Võrukaelad]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Ira Lember

Ship Trip [Laevasõit]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Kaalu Kirme

Sleep Comes [Uni tuleb]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

Snowman Has a Runny Nose [Lumememmel nina tilgub]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Aime Paevere

Some... [Mõned]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Henno Käo

Summer [Suvi]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Kady-Ann Sutt

Sweet Cookie on Christmas Tree [Magus präänik ehtis puud]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

The Father Does Not Spell [Isa ei veeri]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

The Song of Tomorrow [Homse päeva laul]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Sulev Oll

Torrential Rain [Padusadu]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Aino Pervik

Uncle Heino, a Fine Fellow [Onu Heino, tore mees]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Jaanus Vaiksoo

Uncle Heino's Misfortune [Onu Heinol vedas viltu]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Jaanus Vaiksoo

Velvet Animal [Sametloom]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Gunvor Rootsi

We Do Not Come to Your Place [Ei tule meie teie poole]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Hando Runnel

When Your Clothes Squabble [Kui su riided riidlevad]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Andrus Norak

White Bread [Sai]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Who Are Knocking in the Woods? [Kes seal metsas toksivad?]: 2009, voice, piano

Text: Jaak Kõdar

Bedtime [Magamaminek]: 2008, voice, piano

Text: Viivi Luik

Candy Dwarf’s Sweet Job [Kommipäkal magus töö]: 2008, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

Dwarf [Päka]: 2008, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

Dwarf’s Christmas Trick [Päkapikus jõuluvigur]: 2008, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

Every Dwarf Has Another Dwarf [Igal päkal teine päka]: 2008, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

Publisher: SP Muusika

Ginger Bread Rustler [Piparkoogi krõbistaja]: 2008, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

January [Jaanuar]: 2008, voice, piano

Text: Siivi Põldots

Look Under the Christmas Tree! [Vaata kuuse alla sa]: 2008, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

Publisher: SP Muusika

Who Can Be in Apple Dish? [Kes võib olla õunakausis?]<. 2008, voice, piano

Text: Kristel Luige

Caterpillar and Butterfly [Tõuk ja liblik]: 2007, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

In the Sauna [Saunas]: 2007, voice, piano

Text: Uno Leies

Look, It’s Coming! [Näe, tulebki!]: 2007, voice, piano

Text: Venno Loosaar

Crow’s Story [Varese lugu]: 2006, voice, piano

Text: Thea Tõnupärt

Goat [Kitseke]: 2006, voice, piano

Text: Juta Kaidla

Snowman [Lumememm]: 2006, voice, piano

Text: Otfried Preussler (translated by Vladimir Beekman, in Estonian)

The Ant [Sipelgas]: 2006, voice, piano

Text: Vladimir Sokolov (translated by Paul Viiding, in Estonian)

The Imp [Nukitsamees]: 2006, voice, piano

Text: Argo Nõmme

Apple of Your Eye [Silmatera]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Do You Know This Road? [Kas sa tunned seda teed?]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Helvi Jürisson

Donkey’s Christmas Tree [Eesli jõulupuu]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Ott Arder

Flatfishes [Lestad]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Helvi Jürisson

Frightening Song [Hirmutamislaul]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Original [Omanäoline]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Andres Ehin

Potato [Kartul]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Liisi Lehtsaar

Potato’s Trouble [Kartuli mure]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Epp Kuslap

Success [Edukad]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: 6th grade of Viljandi Carl Robert Jakobson Gymnasium

That’s How It Goes [Nii see käib]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Lehte Hainsalu

The Story of a Big Dog [Suure koera lugu]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: 5th grade of Ilmatsalu Primary School

The Story of a Little Dog [Väikese koera lugu]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: 5th grade of Ilmatsalu Primary School

Publisher: SP Muusikaprojekt

We Ploughed [Meie kündsime]: 2005, voice, piano

Text: Animal fairy-tale from Kullamaa

A Good Wish [Hea soov]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Tiina Tootsi

Autumn Loves to Dance Tango [Sügis armastab tantsida tangot]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Märjamaa

Baby’s Song to Mother [Tita laul emale]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Siiri Laidla

Bear’s Winter Song [Karu talvelaul]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Ellen Niit

Birdies’ Christmas Song [Linnukeste jõululaul]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Ernst Enno

Bringing the Fir [Kuuske toomas]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: P. Leevi

Bubbles [Mullid]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Bunny’s Christmas Tree [Jänku jõulupuu]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Christmas Night Falls on the Earth [Laskub maale jõuluöö]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Kersti Merilaas

Cold [Külmapoiss]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Maris Sule

Dog Is Wagging the Tail [Muri saba liputab]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Uno Leies

Dragon Makes a Cheery Mood [Lohe kohe heaks teeb tuju]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

Dream, Come to Me [Tule mulle, unekene]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Tiina Kiilaspea

Dwarf [Päkapikk]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Juta Akimova

Dwarf’s Song to a Disobedient Child for Christmas [Päkapiku laul pahale lapsele jõuludeks]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

Failed Fishing [Äpardunud kalapüük]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Wimberg

Fishes in the Rain [Kalad vihma ajal]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Free Fish [Vaba kala]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Henno Käo

Holidays Are Coming [Pühade tulekul]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

Home Place [Kodukoht]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Rasmus Sõnajalg

I Am a Sausage Slice [Olen vorstiviil]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Karl Martin Sinijärv

It’s March Outside [Väljas on märts]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Bo-Berit Peet

Kitty’s Birthday [Miisu sünnipäev]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Uno Leies

Let’s go to Toompea [Läheks õige Toompeale]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Milvi Panga

Man Made of Snow [Lumest mees]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Grete Tobber

Mischief [Koerus]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Mother’s Day [Emadepäev]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Mouse’s Life [Hiire elu]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Oh, How Wonderful [Oh, mis tore]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Jörgen Rootmann

Rabbit [Jänes]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Rich Child [Pururikas laps]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Snow-woman [Lumeeit]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Somebody Else [Keegi muu]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Venno Loosaar

Song About the Cow [Laul lehmast]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Spring Weather [Kevade ilm]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Mari-Liis Laanvee

Thoughts [Mõtted]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Heiki Vilep

Publisher: Koolibri

Trill [Trillerdise rohi]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Winter [Talv]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Eneli Õigus

Winter Wants to Come Already [Tali tahaks tulla juba]: 2004, voice, piano

Text: Henno Käo

Christmas Party in the Woods [Metsa jõulupuu]: 2003, voice, piano

Text: Uno Leies

Frog [Konn]: 2003, voice, piano

Text: Venno Loosaar

Rat’s Cage [Roti puur]: 2003, voice, piano

Text: Siim Treilmann

Washing the Floor [Põrandapesu]: 2003, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Harbinger of Spring [Kevadekuulutajad]: 2002, voice, piano

Text: Uno Leies

Publisher: SP Muusika

Lizzard [Sisalik]: 2002, voice, piano

Text: Tuuli Kalakoski

March [Märts]: 2002, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Catfish [Säga]: 2000, voice, piano

Text: Eno Raud

I Am a Cheerful Porridge Pot [Olen lõbus pudrupada]: 2000, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Let’s Ride Down the Hill [Lähme künkast alla laskma]: 2000, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Quickly [Sipsti-sapsti]: 2000, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Quiet Down, my Dearie [Rahu, mu kullake]: 2000, voice, piano

Text: Tiina Kiilaspea

Rainy Market [Vihmane turulkäik]: 2000, voice, piano

Text: Anete Erdfeld

Today I’m Sitting in Arms of Sun [Täna istun päiksel süles]: 2000, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Tuft-tailed Nation [Tuttsaba rahvas]: 2000, voice, piano

Text: Neeme Laanepõld

A Cup [Tass]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

April [Aprill]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

Bruin the Sweettooth [Mesikäpp-maiasmokk]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: H. Martis

Carl’s “Gate” [Kaarli "värav"]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Lea Nurkse

Child’s Request to the Chickling [Lapse palve tibukesele]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

Publisher: SP Muusika

Fall Is Singing [Sadu laulab]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Milvi Panga

Icicle Lickers [Purikalimpsijad]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Publisher: Koolibri

Kitties’ Morning Song [Kiisude hommikulaul]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Karl Ristikivi

Kitty [Kiisu Ants]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

Laughing Snowman [Naerev lumemees]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Little Bean [Oakene]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Little Rabbit [Väike jänes]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

Mouse Fairy [Hiirehaldjas]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Mouse’s Trick [Hiire nõks]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

October [Oktoober]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Julius Oro

Oh, If I Was… [Oh oleksin ma...]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Merike Kungla

Piglet [Notsukene, otsuke]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Porridge Song [Pudrulaul]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Lauri Lomper

Shrovetide Bun [Vastlakukkel]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Shrovetide Ride [Vastlasõit]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Snake and Dick [Uss ja Juss]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Snowman [Lumemees]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Andres Lillemägi

Spotted Woodpecker [Kirju rähn]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Muia Veetamm

Suggestion [Soovitus]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Eno Raud

Thank You [Aitäh]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Maimu Linnamägi

Publisher: SP Muusika

To You, Mother [Emakene, sinule]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Juta Kaidla

Waiting for a Winter [Talve ootel]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Sirje Lambing

What Do I Have [Mis mul on]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Lea Nurkse

Who Doesn’t Want to be Pretty [Kes ei tahaks olla ilus]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Heljo Mänd

Whooping Song [Uhhuu laul]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Karmen Kelk

Worry [Murepüksid]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Young Mans’s Holiday [Mehepoja püha]: 1998, voice, piano

Text: Leelo Tungal

Jaunty and Fat [Viks ja paks]: 1997, voice, piano

Text: Terje Laimets

Little Mouse Made a Snowman [Hiirepoeg tegi lumememme]: 1997, 2 voices, piano

Text: Vilve Aavik-Vadi

Publisher: Koolibri

Sleep, My Little One [Maga, mu väike]: 1997, voice, piano

Text: Tove Jansson (translated by Elo Raukas, in Estonian)

A Flower [Lill]: 1996, voice, piano

Text: Mario Raitar

Homes [Kodud]: 1996, voice, piano

Text: Toomas Pirn, Publisher: Koolibri

It’s Snowing [Lumi sajab]: 1996, voice, piano

Text: Mario Raitar

On the Wood Path in Summer Time [Suveajal metsarajal]: 1996, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

Stones [Kivi, kivi, kivikesed]: 1996, voice, piano

Text: Olivia Saar

Song About the Adder [Laul rästikust]: 1989, voice, piano

Text: Iko Maran

Song About Dubbing Cats Knight [Kasside rüütlikslöömise laul]: 1988, voice, piano

Text: Karl Ristikivi

Gadfly’s Song [Parmulaul]: 1983, voice, piano

Text: Erika Esop

Mouse’s Car [Hiire auto]: 1983, voice, piano

Text: Uno Leies

My Car [Minu auto]: 1982, voice, piano

Text: Tiina Kiilaspea

Story About a Spider [Laul ämblikust]: 1982, voice, piano

Text: Karmen Kelk

Two Cuckoos [Kaks kägu]: 1982, voice, piano

Text: Uno Leies

Bear Song [Karulaul]: 1981, voice, piano

Text: Tiina Kiilaspea

Wolf Song [Hundilaul]: 1981, voice, piano

Text: Tiina Kiilaspea

Publisher: Koolibri

Insect [Putukas]: 1973, voice, piano

Text: Lea Nurkse

Olsen’s Mummy [Olseni mammi]: 1973, voice, piano

Text: Inger Hagerup (translated by Heljo Mänd, in Estonian)

Publisher: Koolibri

Violet [Sinilill]: 1965, voice, piano

Text: Viivi Luik

Pied Wagtail [Linavästrik]: 1962, voice, piano

Text: Hugo Angervaks

Bunny [Jänku]: 1956, voice, piano

Text: Tiina Kiilaspea

Lion Song [Lõvilaul]: 1952, voice, piano

Text: Tiina Kiilaspea

Frog Is a Fabulous Animal [Konn on imetore loom]: voice, piano

Text: Erna Kask

Instrumental works for Children:

Story About Crow [Lugu varesest]: 2007, piano in four hands, narrator

Text: Thea Tõnupärt

Nine Pieces for Violin and Piano [9 pala viiulile ja klaverile]: violin, piano

Commissioned by: Otepää Music School

1. Rabbit’ s Sigh

2. When I Was Thinking Over

3. Hopping

4. Asking

5. On Tiptoe and Sliding

6. Oho!

7. In Hungarian Style

8. In Dorian Mode

9. Mysterious Steps

Orchestrations and Arrangements:

For Starling [Kuldnokale]: Arrangement of Villem Reimann's song, 2017, female choir

Text: Muia Veetamm