Benutzer:Colin Marquardt

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

See also


architecture foo of fff is


  p_cnt : process (clk, rst)
    variable v_cnt : natural; -- never goes negative
    if rst = '0' then     -- asynchronous reset (active low)
      v_cnt := 2**18-1;   -- reset to desired maximum count value
      led   <= '1';
    elsif rising_edge(clk) then
      v_cnt := v_cnt - 1; -- decrement counter variable
      if v_cnt = 0 then   -- if at 0, then...
        v_cnt := 2**18-1; -- ...wrap around and...
        led   <= not led; -- ...toggle LED state
      end if;
    end if;
  end process p_cnt;

end foo;


22:42:01      cmarqu · xkcd: Ah, no, you'd do apt-get install <list from the website>
22:43:13      cmarqu · sudo apt-get install debhelper cdbs mono-gmcs  cli-common-dev libgnome2.0-cil libdbus-1-cil libxml-parser-perl libmono-dev libgnomeui-dev libexif-dev libsqlite3-dev libgphoto2-2-dev liblcms1-dev libmono-sqlite2.0-cil libmono-system-runtime2.0-cil libmono-sqlite1.0-cil libmono-cairo2.0-cil libusb-dev
22:43:15        xkcd · so debhelper cdbs mono-gmcs etc
22:43:17        xkcd · okay
22:43:18        xkcd · :)
22:43:20      cmarqu · :)
22:44:10        xkcd · Thanks.
22:44:34      cmarqu · Now make me a sandwich.
22:44:49        xkcd · :)
22:44:55      cmarqu · Hehe
22:45:04        xkcd · (Make it yourself)
22:45:23      cmarqu · sudo apt-get make-sandwich
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