Benutzer:DanSy/H Forschung

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Wesentlich Forscher

  • Jacques Benveniste, immunuloge und leiter des staatlichen INSERM forschungslabors


Basophile Degranulation


+ 1988 E. Davenas, F. Beauvais, J. Arnara*, M. Oberbaum*, B. Robinzon, A. Miadonna, A. Tedeschi, B. Pomeranz§, P. Fortner§, P. Belon, J. Sainte-Laudy, B. Poitevin & J. Benveniste
(-) Randi Reproduktion, Ok der gilt nicht, sein Verhalten bei der Reproduktion war mehr als fragwürdig und lässt Raum für Betrug.
0 1997 beauftragt die Zeitung Le Monde einen Reporter, so lange zu recherchieren, bis der Streit um Benvenistes Versuche endgültig entschieden sei. Nach monatelanger Arbeit kommt Eric Fottorino zu keinem eindeutigen Schluss: Die Betrugsvorwürfe gegen Benveniste seien nicht eindeutig belegt. Es bleibe die Möglichkeit, dass Benvenistes Behauptungen wahr seien – oder dass er einem Artefakt aufgesessen sei.[3]
+ 1993 Hirst et al.
- Friend (von J. Benveniste): über die Studie Hirst et al., -> is bullshit.[4]
- Jim Burridge: fails to provide evidence of a difference[5]
- Jim Burridge, "A Repeat of the 'Benveniste' Experiment: Statistical Analysis", Research Report No. 100, Department of Statistical Science, University College London, England, March 1992, available here as zipped pdf[6]
+ Belon et al.
- Studie: Belon P, Cumps J, Ennis M, Mannaioni PF, Sainte-Laudy J, Roberfroid M, Wiegant, Results of a European multi-centre trial. Inflamm Res 1999
Kommentar: S. Baumgartner und A. Guggisberg, Bern
- ...Kritisch anzumerken ist zudem, dass keine Daten von entsprechenden Wasserkontrollen gezeigt werden, was der Hypothese Raum gibt, dass die beobachteten Aktivierungshemmungen durch hochverdünntes Histamin unspezifisch sein könnten, d.h. dass etwa nur ein aufgrund des Vortexens veränderter pH, Sauerstoff- oder Ionengehalt der Lösungen für die Aktivierungshemmung verantwortlich sein könnte....[7]
+ Professor Ennis [8]
(-) Reproduktion BBC (die darf man auch nicht all zu ernst nehmen, reine Show, denk ich): Methode wurde von Ennis beanstandet, wen wunderts[9]
Da habe ich überhaupt nichts drüber gefunden????:
Professor Robertfroid from the University of Louvain (Belgium) who declared to the journal Le Monde in January 1997 that the technical conditions were such that no artefact or cheating were possible. Three-thousand-six-hundred experiments confirmed beyond discussion the validity of the effect at high dilution. These experiments have not been published under proper scientific format but Robertfroid' declarations to Le Monde binds him personally and nobody discuss his professional and ethical level.


Jahr Res Wer Link
xxxx + Rolland Conte xxx
5.6.2000 - LR Milgroma, KR Kingb, J Leeb and AS Pinkusc [10]
  Using similar instrumentation and experimental protocols, we have shown that it is likely that Conte's original results are attributable to experimental artifact originating in the glassware used for the manufacture of the NMR tubes.
1.2001 - Aabel S, Fossenheim S, Rise F (Br Homeopath J 2001;20:14–20) [11] [12]
  In conclusion, published results from NMR research on homeopathy indicating differences between homeopathic solutions and control samples could not be reproduced.
20.2.2004 - A Bernini, O Spiga, A Ciutti, S Chiellini, N Menciassi, V Venditti and N Niccolai [13]
  suggesting that a rapid exchange occurs, in a picosecond timescale, among all the possible hydration surface sites both in solution and the solid state, excluding the possibility that solvent molecules can form liquid–crystal-like supramolecular adducts, which have been proposed as a molecular basis of ‘memory of water’.
1.11.2004 - Anick DJ [14]
  The results failed to support a hypothesis that remedies made in water contain long-lived non-dynamic alterations of the H-bonding pattern of the solvent.

?? + A REDEM device was employed as a black box [15]


Jahr Res Wer Link
2 May 2007 + (keine Angaben über Signifikanz) Louis Rey [16]
  gives the results and shows evidence that the ‘signature’ peak of LiCl 15c is substantially lower than that of NaCl 15c and lower than succussed pure D2O. This demonstrates that: ultra-high dilutions are different from their dilution fluid.
  • Bemerkenswert: Fig. 8 aus Versuche 2002 und Fig. 3 aus 2007 sind deckungsgleich?!
2006 - R. van Wijk, S. Bosman and E. P. A. van Wijk [17] [18]
  From this model we can conclude that C15 LiCl does not significantly differ from C15 D2O in experiments B and C (p = 0.72, and p = 0.63, ANOVA t-tests). In experiment A, there tends to be a difference between both groups (p = 0.059, ANOVA t-test).[...] We report here differences in thermoluminescence between C15 D2O and C15 LiCl, which correspond with the observations reported by Rey (2003). However, the difference from all of these recordings of these substances was not statistically significant.
10 December 2002 + (keine Angaben über Signifikanz) Louis Rey [19] [20]
  As a working hypothesis, we believe that this phenomenon results from a marked structural change in the hydrogen bond network initiated at the onset by the presence ofthe dissolved ions and maintained in the course ofthe dilution process, probably thanks to the successive vigorous mechanical stirrings.