aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Ostafrikanischer Monsun/Kusi & Kaskasi/Lemma finden
Innertropische Konvergenzzone. Monsun, Indischer Monsun, Passat (Windsystem) (gleiche Windrichtungen wie Kusi (Wind) und Kaskasi, IOD
- Holocene Monsoon variability in East Africa: a marine perspective, 2012
- East African monsoon variability since the last glacial, 2012
- Half-precessional dynamics of monsoon rainfall near the East African Equator, 2009
- A diagnostic study of the eastern Africa monsoon circulation during the northern hemisphere spring season, 1998
- Rainfall Anomalies in the Source Region of the Nile and Their Connection with the Indian Summer Monsoon, 1997
- The East African monsoons and their effects on agriculture, 1979