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Martin Schostak (* 28. Dezember 1965) in Berlin ist ein deutscher Arzt und Professor für Urologie am Universitätsklinikum Magdeburg. Seine klinischen Schwerpunkte liegen im Bereich der radikale Tumorchirurgie von Prostata, Harnblase und Niere, die Therapie fortgeschrittener Tumore und Salvage-Therapie. Er ist Vorsitzender des Arbeitskreises Fokale Therapie der Akademie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie.


Nach dem Studium der Humanmedizin an der Freien Universität Berlin und der Université Medicale de Grenoble in Frankreich wurde er 1992 an der Charité Berlin promoviert und schloss 1996 seine Facharztausbildung für Urologie ab. Von 2001 bis 2004 war er Oberarzt der Urologischen Klinik der Charité Berlin unter Leitung von Universitätsprofessor Dr. Kurt Miller. Von 2004 bis 2009 war er leitender Oberarzt dieser Klinik, von 2009 bis 2011 war er in derselbigen als stellvertretender Direktor tätig. Seit 2011 ist Schostak Direktor der Klinik für Urologie und Kinderurologie am Universitätsklinikum Magdeburg.

Medizinische Forschung

Mitarbeit in Gremien


MedLine-gelistete Orginalartikel, Reviews und Buchbeiträge 2008 - 2015

  • Wendler JJ, Ganzer R, Hadaschik B, Blana A, Henkel T, Köhrmann KU, Machtens S, Roosen A, Salomon G, Sentker L, Witzsch U, Schlemmer HP, Baumunk D, Köllermann J, Schostak M, Liehr UB; Arbeitskreis für fokale und Mikrotherapie der Akademie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie e.V. [Irreversible electroporation : Current value for focal treatment of prostate cancer]. Urologe A. 2015 Jun;54(6):854-62
  • Wendler JJ, Porsch M, Nitschke S, Köllermann J, Siedentopf S, Pech M, Fischbach F, Ricke J,Schostak M, Liehr UB. A prospective Phase 2a pilot study investigating focal percutaneous irreversible electroporation (IRE) ablation by NanoKnife in patients with localised renal cell carcinoma (RCC) with delayed interval tumour resection (IRENE trial). Contemp Clin Trials. 2015 May 9;43
  • Ohlmann CH, Duensing S, Eichenauer R, König F, Machtens S, Schostak M, Thomas C, Albers P. [Metastasized prostate cancer : Position paper on the use of chemotherapy]. Urologe A. 2015 May 10
  • Wendler JJ, Porsch M, Fischbach F, Pech M, Schostak M, Liehr UB. Letter to the Editor Concerning "Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) Fails to Demonstrate Efficacy in a Prospective Multicenter Phase II Trial on Lung Malignancies: The ALICE Trial" by Ricke et al. 2015 (doi:10.1007/s00270-014-1049-0). Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2015 Apr 23.
  • Wendler JJ, Jürgens J, Schostak M, Liehr UB. Traumatically shattered kidney without urine extravasation or vascular amputation. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Mar 5;2015
  • Porsch M, Ulrich M, Wendler JJ, Liehr UB, Reiher F, Janitzky A, Baumunk D, Schindele D, Seseke F, Lux A, Schostak M. A Randomised Phase II Trial Comparing Docetaxel Plus Prednisone with Docetaxel Plus Prednisone Plus Low-Dose Cyclophosphamide in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Chemotherapy. 2014;60(2):129-34.
  • Baumunk D, Schostak M. [Treatment of localized prostate cancer with high-intensity focused ultrasound]. Urologe A. 2015 Feb;54(2):183-90
  • Stolzenburg JU, Graefen M, Kriegel C, Michl U, Martin Morales A, Pommerville PJ, Manning M, Büttner H, Henneges C, Schostak M. Effect of surgical approach on erectile function recovery following bilateral nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy: an evaluation utilising data from a randomised, double-blind, double-dummy multicentre trial of tadalafil vs placebo. BJU Int. 2015 Jan 5.
  • Bachmann A, Tubaro A, Barber N, d'Ancona F, Muir G, Witzsch U, Grimm MO, Benejam J, Stolzenburg JU, Riddick A, Pahernik S, Roelink H, Ameye F, Saussine C, Bruyère F, Loidl W, Larner T, Gogoi NK, Hindley R, Muschter R, Thorpe A, Shrotri N, Graham S, Hamann M, Miller K, Schostak M, Capitán C, Knispel H, Thomas JA A European multicenter randomized noninferiority trial comparing 180 W GreenLight XPS laser vaporization and transurethral resection of the prostate for the treatment of benign prostatic obstruction: 12-month results of the GOLIATH study. J Urol. 2015 Feb;193(2):570-8.
  • Roosen A, Ganzer R, Hadaschik B, Köllermann J, Blana A, Henkel T, Liehr AB, Baumunk D, Machtens S, Salomon G, Sentker L, Witsch U, Köhrmann KU, Schostak M: [Focal therapy for prostate cancer in Germany - 2014 status.] Urologe A. 2014 Jun 20
  • Wendler JJ, Schindele D, Baumunk D, Liehr UB, Porsch M, Schostak M: Circular Abscess Formation of the Inner Preputial Leaf as a Complication of a Penile Mondor's Disease: The First Case Report. Case Rep Urol. 2014
  • Baumunk D, Zepp S, Miller K, Schäfer M, Schrader M, Weikert S, Jentzmik F, Ebbing J, Cash H, Breckwoldt J, Hachenberg T, Schostak M. Peridural anesthesia in open retropubic radical prostatectomy - a prospective randomized trial evaluating blood loss. submitted Urol int, Urol Int. 2014 May 17
  • Bachmann A, Tubaro A, Barber N, d'Ancona F, Muir G, Witzsch U, Grimm MO, Benejam J, Stolzenburg JU, Riddick A, Pahernik S, Roelink H, Ameye F, Saussine C, Bruyère F, Loidl W, Larner T, Gogoi NK, Hindley R, Muschter R, Thorpe A, Shrotri N, Graham S, Hamann M, Miller K, Schostak M, Capitán C, Knispel H, Thomas JA.: 180-W XPS GreenLight Laser Vaporisation Versus Transurethral Resection of the Prostate for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Obstruction: 6-Month Safety and Efficacy Results of a European Multicentre Randomised Trial-The GOLIATH Study. Eur Urol. 2013 Nov 11
  • Böhm M, vom Dorp F, Schostak M, Hakenberg OW; Arbeitskreis Urinzytologie der DGU (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie): [Urine cytology - update 2013. A systematic review of recent literature]. Urologe A. 2013 Sep;52(9):1207-24.
  • Baumunk D, Schostak M. [Status quo in radical prostate surgery]. Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther. 2013 Jul;48(7-8):480-7.
  • Baumunk D, Reunkoff R, Kushner J, Baumunk A, Kempkensteffen C, Steiner U, Weikert S, Moser L, Schrader M, Höcht S, Wiegel T, Miller K, Schostak M. Interdisciplinary decision making in prostate cancer therapy -- 5-years' time trends at the Interdisciplinary Prostate Cancer Center (IPC) of the Charite Berlin. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2013 Aug 5;13(1):83
  • Baumunk D, Andersen C, Heile U, Ebbing J, Cash H, Porsch M, Liehr UB, Janitzky A, Wendler JJ, Schindele D, Blaschke S, Miller K, Schostak M. [High-intensity focussed ultrasound in low-risk prostate cancer - oncological outcome and postinterventional quality of life of an inexperienced therapy centre in comparison with an experienced therapy centre].Aktuelle Urol. 2013 Jul;44(4):285-92
  • Wendler JJ, Baumunk D, Liehr UB, Schostak M. Kidney Dislocation in a Monstrous Inguinal Intestinal Hernia with Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction and Acute on Chronic Renal Failure. Urol Int. 2013 Mar 12.
  • Schindele D, Furth C, Liehr UB, Porsch M, Baumunk D, Janitzky A, Wendler JJ, Genseke P, Ricke J,Schostak M. [Magnetic resonance urography in pediatric urology]. Urologe A. 2012 Dec;51(12):1708-13
  • Liehr UB, Wendler JJ, Blaschke S, Porsch M, Janitzky A, Baumunk D, Pech M, Fischbach F, Schindele D, Grube C, Ricke J, Schostak M. [Irreversible electroporation: the new generation of local ablation techniques for renal cell carcinoma] Urologe A. 2012 Dec;51(12):1728-34.
  • Janitzky A, Borski J, Porsch M, Wendler JJ, Baumunk D, Liehr UB, Schostak M. [Long-term results for subcutaneous Detour® prosthesis for ureteral obstruction: experiences of implantation, aftercare and management of complications]. Urologe A. 2012 Dec;51(12):1722-7
  • Janitzky A, Borski J, Porsch M, Wendler JJ, Baumunk D, Liehr UB, Schostak M. [Placement of percutaneous nephrostomy by open magnetic resonance imaging: clinical results and current status in urology]. Urologe A. 2012 Dec;51(12):1722-7.
  • Porsch M, Wendler JJ, Fischbach F, Schindele D, Janitzky A, Baumunk D, Liehr UB, Ricke J,Schostak M. [Placement of percutaneous nephrostomy by open magnetic resonance imaging: clinical results and current status in urology]. Urologe A. 2012 Dec;51(12):1722-7
  • Baumunk D, Blana A, Ganzer R, Henkel T, Köllermann J, Roosen A, Machtens S, Salomon G, Sentker L, Witzsch U, Köhrmann KU, Schostak M [Focal prostate cancer therapy: capabilities, limitations and prospects]. Urologe A. 2013 Apr;52(4):549-56.
  • Kountidou CS, Stier K, Niehues SM, Lingnau A, Schostak M, Fuller TF, Lützenberg R. Successful repair of post-transplant mycotic aneurysm of iliac artery with renal graft preservation: a case report. Urology. 2012 Nov;80(5):1151-3. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2012.07.048. Epub 2012 Sep 19.
  • Wendler JJ, Porsch M, Hühne S, Baumunk D, Buhtz P, Fischbach F, Pech M, Mahnkopf D, Kropf S, Roessner A, Ricke J, Schostak M, Liehr UB. Short- and mid-term effects of irreversible electroporation on normal renal tissue: an animal model. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2013 Apr;36(2):512-20. doi: 10.1007/s00270-012-0452-7. Epub 2012 Aug 15.
  • Baumunk D, Cash H, Ebbing J, Porsch M, Janitzky A, Wendler JJ, Liehr UB, Ganzer R, Blana A,Schostak M. [HIFU in salvage treatment of patients with prostate cancer after primary external radiation therapy--status 2012]. Aktuelle Urol. 2012 Sep;43(5):330-6. Epub 2012 Aug 8
  • Baumunk D, Reichelt U, Hildebrandt J, Krause H, Ebbing J, Cash H, Miller K, Schostak M, Weikert S Expression parameters of the metabolic pathway genes pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-1 (PDK-1) and DJ-1/PARK7 in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). World J Urol. 2012 Apr 29.
  • Erber B, Schrader M, Miller K, Schostak M, Baumunk D, Lingnau A, Schrader AJ, Jentzmik F. Morbidity and Quality of Life in Bladder Cancer Patients following Cystectomy and Urinary Diversion: A Single-Institution Comparison of Ileal Conduit versus Orthotopic Neobladder. ISRN Urol. 2012;2012:342796. Epub 2012 Feb 6
  • Bolbrinker J, Seeberg S, Schostak M, Kempkensteffen C, Baelde H, de Heer E, Kreutz R. CYP3A5 genotype-phenotype analysis in the human kidney reveals a strong site-specific expression of CYP3A5 in the proximal tubule in carriers of the CYP3A5*1 allele. Drug Metab Dispos. 2012 Apr;40(4):639-41. Epub 2012 Jan 3
  • Jentzmik F, Krause H, Reichelt U, Schrader AJ, Schrader M, Baumunk D, Cash H, Miller K, Schostak M. GSTP1 CpG island hypermethylation for DNA-based detection of occult tumor cells in surgical margins after radical prostatectomy. World J Urol. 2011 Sep 24.
  • Schostak M, Baumunk D, Jagota A, Klopf C, Winter A, Schäfers S, Kössler R, Brennecke V, Fischer T, Hagel S, Höchel S, Jäkel D, Lehsnau M, Krege S, Rüffert B, Pretzer J, Becht E, Zegenhagen T, Miller K, Weikert S; for the Prostate Cancer Project Group of the Berlin Tumor Center, Inc., Germany. Time trends in prostate cancer surgery: data from an Internet-based multicentre database. BJU Int. 2011 Aug 24.
  • Ebbing J, Schostak M, Steiner U, Stier K, Neymeyer J, Miller K, Baumunk D. Novel low-cost prostate resection trainer-description and preliminary evaluation. Int J Med Robot. 2011 Aug 3. doi: 10.1002/rcs.407.
  • Weikert S, Baumunk D, Stephan C, Cash H, Jahnke K, Steiner U, Werthemann P, Kempkensteffen C, Magheli A, Hinz S, Jagota A, Reichelt U, Busch J, Klopf C, Miller K, Schostak M. [Introduction of interdisciplinary prostate cancer centers based on the recommendations of the German Cancer Society. A cost-benefit analysis 3 years after accreditation]. Urologe A. 2011 Sep;50(9):1083-8. German
  • Hoffmann C, Compton F, Schäfer JH, Steiner U, Fuller TF, Schostak M, Zidek W, van der Giet M, Westhoff TH. Intraoperative assessment of kidney allograft perfusion by laser-assisted indocyanine green fluorescence videography.Transplant Proc. 2010 Jun;42(5):1526-30
  • Busch J, Röllig C, Weißbach L, Kempkensteffen C, Hinz S, Jahnke C, Schostak M, Lein M, Weikert S, Stephan C, Deger S, Ollenschläger G, Miller K, Schrader M. [What is most important is what comes across : Urological guidelines from the target group's point of view.] Urologe A. 2009 Oct 16. German.
  • Jentzmik F, Schostak M, Stephan C, Baumunk D, Lingnau A, Weikert S, Lein M, Miller K, Schrader M. Extraperitoneal radical cystectomy with extraperitonealization of the ileal neobladder: a comparison to the transperitoneal technique. World J Urol. 2009 Sep 24.
  • Lingnau A, Miller K, Steiner U, Jentzmik F, Weikert S, Schostak M. Postoperative and Adjuvant Intravesical Therapy of Superficial Bladder Tumours Aktuelle Urol. 2009 Jul 27.
  • Payne SR, Serth J, Schostak M, Kamradt J, Strauss A, Thelen P, Model F, Day JK, Liebenberg V, Morotti A, Yamamura S, Lograsso J, Sledziewski A, Semjonow A.DNA methylation biomarkers of prostate cancer: confirmation of candidates and evidence urine is the most sensitive body fluid for non-invasive detection. Prostate. 2009 Sep 1;69(12):1257-69.
  • Kempkensteffen C, Hinz S, Johannsen M, Krause H, Magheli A, Christoph F, Köllermann J, Schrader M, Schostak M, Miller K, Weikert S. Expression of Mcl-1 splicing variants in clear-cell renal cancer and their correlation with histopathological parameters and prognosis. Tumour Biol. 2009;30(2):73-9. Epub 2009 Apr 27.
  • Schostak M, Schwall GP, Poznanović S, Groebe K, Müller M, Messinger D, Miller K, Krause H, Pelzer A, Horninger W, Klocker H, Hennenlotter J, Feyerabend S, Stenzl A, Schrattenholz A. Annexin A3 in urine: a highly specific noninvasive marker for prostate cancer early detection. J Urol. 2009 Jan;181(1):343-53. Epub 2008 Nov 13.
  • Hinz S, Kempkensteffen C, Christoph F, Krause H, Schrader M, Schostak M, Miller K, Weikert S. Expression parameters of the polycomb group proteins BMI1, SUZ12, RING1 and CBX7 in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder and their prognostic relevance. Tumour Biol. 2008;29(5):323-9. Epub 2008 Nov 5.
  • Schreiter N, Jagota A, Popken G, Akhavuz O, Nitzke T, Düffelmeyer M, Fischer T, Schostak M, Miller K, Schrader M.Germ cell tumors - documentation of diagnosis and therapy by means of a web-based modular database system Aktuelle Urol. 2008 Nov;39(6):442-7. Epub 2008 Oct 31. German.
  • Kempkensteffen C, Hinz S, Jäger T, Weikert S, Krause H, Schostak M, Christoph F, Strenziok R, Miller K, Schrader M. Expression levels of the IAP antagonists XAF1, Smac/DIABLO and HtrA2 in testicular germ cell tumours Aktuelle Urol. 2008 Nov;39(6):436-41. Epub 2008 Oct 31. German.
  • Wiegel T, Lohm G, Bottke D, Höcht S, Miller K, Siegmann A, Schostak M, Neumann K, Hinkelbein W.Achieving an undetectable PSA after radiotherapy for biochemical progression after radical prostatectomy is an independent predictor of biochemical outcome--results of a retrospective study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2009 Mar 15;73(4):1009-16. Epub 2008 Oct 27.
  • Blana A, Rogenhofer S, Ganzer R, Lunz JC, Schostak M, Wieland WF, Walter B.Eight years' experience with high-intensity focused ultrasonography for treatment of localized prostate cancer. Urology. 2008 Dec;72(6):1329-33; discussion 1333-4. Epub 2008 Oct 1.
  • Köllermann J, Weikert S, Schostak M, Kempkensteffen C, Kleinschmidt K, Rau T, Pantel K. Prognostic significance of disseminated tumor cells in the bone marrow of prostate cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant hormone treatment. J Clin Oncol. 2008 Oct 20;26(30):4928-33. Epub 2008 Sep 15.
  • Christoph F, Hinz S, Weikert S, Kempkensteffen C, Schostak M, Miller K, Schrader M. Comparative promoter methylation analysis of p53 target genes in urogenital cancers. Urol Int. 2008;80(4):398-404. Epub 2008 Jun 27.
  • Köllermann J, Schlomm T, Bang H, Schwall GP, von Eichel-Streiber C, Simon R, Schostak M, Huland H, Berg W, Sauter G, Klocker H, Schrattenholz A. Expression and Prognostic Relevance of Annexin A3 in Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol. 2008 Jan 16.
  • Kempkensteffen C, Hinz S, Krause H, Jager T, Köllermann J, Weikert S, Christoph F, Schostak M, Miller K, Schrader M.Expression of splicing variants of the inhibitor of apoptosis livin in testicular germ cell tumors.Tumour Biol. 2008;29(2):76-82.
  • Schrader M, Kempkensteffen C, Christoph F, Hinz S, Weikert S, Lein M, Krause H, Stephan C, Jung K, Hoepfner M, Albers P, Miller K, Schostak M. Germ cell tumors of the gonads: a selective review emphasizing problems in drug resistance and current therapy options. Oncology. 2009;76(2):77-84. Epub 2008 Dec 20. Review.
  • Ebbing J, Christoph F, Kempkensteffen C, Weikert S, Schostak M, Hinz S, Lein M, Miller K, Schrader M. Testicular cancer - explanatory models for high cisplatin chemosensibility and new therapeutic options. Aktuelle Urol. 2008 Nov;39(6):429-35. pub 2008 Oct 31. Review. German.
  • Miller K, Lein M, Schostak M, Schrader M. Adjuvant and neoadjuvant drug therapy for prostate cancer Urologe A. 2008 Nov;47(11):1460-4. Review. German.
  • Schostak M, Miller K, Schrader M: Hormone therapy for prostate cancer –Immediate initiation. Radiat Ther Oncol. 2008;41:49-57
  • Schostak M, Miller K, Schrader M: Radical prostatectomy in the 21st century – the gold standard for localized and locally advanced prostate cancer. Front Radiat Ther Oncol. 2008;41:7-14
  • Schostak M „Komplikationen nach radikaler Prostatektomie“ in „Komplikationen in der Urologie“ 3. Auflage (Steffens), Steinkopf-Verlag, 2008
  • Schostak M „Urolithiasis“ in „Rationelle Diagnostik und Therapie in der inneren Medizin – leitlinienbasierte Empfehlungen für die Praxis“ (Mertens), Urban & Fischer-Verlag 2012
  • Schostak M "Behandlung karzinomspezifischer Komplikationen" in Uroonkologie 5. Auflage (Rübben); Springer-Verlag in press 2012
  • Schostak M "Urologische Ursachen des akuten Abdomens" in "Das akute Abdomen" (Buhr) Springer-Verlag in press 2012
  • Schostak M Gastherausgeber, “Advances in Urology”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation in press 2012
  • Schostak M Herausgeber “Alternative operative Therapien in die Uroonkologie Springer, in press

Auswahl an Publikationen auf PubMed
