Benutzer:Genderforschung/Jean Marie Vianney Higiro

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Jean Marie Vianney Higiro (* 1950) war der Direktor des staatlichen Presseamts Office Rwandais d’Information (ORINFOR), a government corporation that run Radio Rwanda, Rwandan Television and state controlled media in the Republic of Ruanda.

eine Regierung Unternehmen, das laufen Radio Ruanda, ruandische Fernsehen und staatlich kontrollierten Medien in der Republik Ruanda.

Early life

Higiro wurde in Ruanda unter belgischer Herrschaft geboren. Er immatrikulierte an der National University of Rwanda Später studierte er in den Vereinigten Staaten und schloss als Ph.D. in Radio-Television-Film an der Universität von Texas in Austin ab.

Rwandan Civil War

On July 31, 1993, Dr. Higiro was appointed director of the Rwandan Information Office by the coalition government led by Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana. He left Kigali on April 9 and arrived in Nairobi on April 10, 1994 during a US embassy evacuation. He left Nairobi for the United States on July 19, 1994, the day he was supposed to be sworn in as minister of information in the RPF led government headed by Faustin Twagiramungu.

During the Civil war Doctor Higiro was targeted for his "moderate beliefs" and his enemies plotted to murder him. He ended up escaping with his immediate family.

Post Civil War

Doctor Higiro settled in Massachusetts and became a communications professor at Western New England University, in Springfield, Massachusetts. Doctor Higiro's time in the U.S. has not been uneventful. In the late 1990s, his enemies attempted to murder him in the U.S., but they did not succeed.

In February 2008, the Washington Post reported that current Rwandan authorities had requested that the United States arrest Higiro and accused him of providing financial support of ethnic Rwandan rebel fighters in eastern Congo. According to the report, Higiro acknowledges supporting a group called the "Rally for Unity and Democracy," what the report characterized as 'a political and military organization aimed at opening up political space in Rwanda and peacefully removing what [Higiro] called "the dictatorial government" of President Paul Kagame.' (


Higiro ist der Bruder von Béatrice Munyenyezi und Prudence Kantengwa. Munyenyezi ist die Schwiegertochter der ehemaligen Familien- und Frauenministerin von Ruanda, Pauline Nyiramasuhuko.
