<timeline> ImageSize = width:800 height:85 PlotArea = left:55 right:20 top:10 bottom:25 AlignBars = early
Colors =
id:epoch value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1) # light yellow id:period value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7) # light red id:age value:rgb(0.7,1,0.7) # light green id:era value:rgb(1,1,0.7) # light blue id:eon value:rgb(1,0.7,1) # light purple id:black value:black
Period = from:-4570 till:-2500 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:500 start:-4500 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:100 start:-4500
Define $markred = text:"*" textcolor:black shift:(0,3) fontsize:10
align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
bar:Äon color:eon
from:-3800 till: -2500 text:Archaikum from:-4570 till: -3800 text:Hadäikum
bar:Ära color:era fontsize:7 from: -2800 till: -2500 text:Neoarchaikum from: -3200 till: -2800 text:Mesoarchaikum from: -3600 till: -3200 text:Paläoarchaikum from: -3800 till: -3600 text:Eoarchaikum
<timeline> ImageSize = width:810 height:110 PlotArea = left:55 right:30 top:10 bottom:25 AlignBars = justify
Colors =
id:epoch value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1) # light yellow id:period value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7) # light red id:age value:rgb(0.7,1,0.7) # light green id:era value:rgb(1,1,0.7) # light blue id:eon value:rgb(1,0.7,1) # light purple id:black value:black
Period = from:-2500 till:-542 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:500 start:-2500 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:100 start:-2500
Define $markred = text:"*" textcolor:red shift:(0,3) fontsize:10
align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
bar:Äon color:eon
from:-2500 till: -542 text:Proterozoikum
bar:Ära color:era fontsize:7 from: -1000 till: -542 text:Neoproterozoikum from: -1600 till: -1000 text:Mesoproterozoikum from: -2500 till: -1600 text:Paläoproterozoikum
bar:Periode color:period fontsize:6 from: -630 till: -542 text:Ediacarium from: -850 till: -630 text:Cryogenium from: -1000 till: -850 text:Tonium from: -1200 till: -1000 text:Stenium from: -1400 till: -1200 text:Ectasium from: -1600 till: -1400 text:Calymmium from: -1800 till: -1600 text:Statherium from: -2050 till: -1800 text:Orosirium from: -2300 till: -2050 text:Rhyacium from: -2500 till: -2300 text:Siderium
<timeline> ImageSize = width:800 height:110 PlotArea = left:55 right:20 top:10 bottom:25 AlignBars = justify
Colors =
id:epoch value:rgb(0.8,0.8,1) # blue1 id:period value:rgb(0.65,0.65,1) # blue2 id:age value:rgb(0.5,0.5,1) # blue3 id:era value:rgb(0.35,0.35,0.7) # blue4 id:eon value:rgb(0.2,0.2,0.4) # blue5 id:black value:black
Period = from:-2500 till:-600 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:500 start:-2500 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:100 start:-2500
Define $markred = text:"*" textcolor:black shift:(0,3) fontsize:10
align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
bar:Äon color:eon
from: -2500 till: -600 text:Steinzeit
bar:Ära color:era fontsize:7 from: -2500 till: -600 text:Altsteinzeit
bar:Periode color:period fontsize:6 from: -2500 till: -600 text:Altpaläolithikum
<timeline> ImageSize = width:800 height:110 PlotArea = left:55 right:20 top:10 bottom:25 AlignBars = justify
Colors =
id:epoch value:rgb(0.8,0.8,1) # blue1 id:period value:rgb(0.65,0.65,1) # blue2 id:age value:rgb(0.5,0.5,1) # blue3 id:era value:rgb(0.35,0.35,0.7) # blue4 id:eon value:rgb(0.2,0.2,0.4) # blue5 id:black value:black
Period = from:-600 till:-8 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:-600 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:-600
Define $markred = text:"*" textcolor:black shift:(0,3) fontsize:10
align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
bar:Äon color:eon
from: -600 till: -8 text:Steinzeit
bar:Ära color:era fontsize:7 from: -600 till: -8 text:Altsteinzeit
bar:Periode color:period fontsize:6 from: -600 till: -35 text:Mittelpaläolithikum from: -35 till: -8 text:Jungpaläolithikum
<timeline> DateFormat = yyyy ImageSize = width:910 height:auto barincrement:17 PlotArea = left:20 right:20 bottom:20 top:10 Legend = columns:1 left:100 top:100 columnwidth:200 Colors =
id:noir value:black id:canvas value:rgb(0.97,0.97,0.97) id:Holo value:rgb(0.4,0.8,0.7) id:Pléi value:rgb(0.5,1,0.5) # vert id:Plio value:rgb(0.7,1,0.7) # vert pâle id:Mio value:rgb(0.8,1,0.8) # vert clair id:gris value:gray(0.80) id:grilleMajor value:rgb(0.80,0.80,0.80) id:rouge value:rgb(0.90,0.40,0.40) legend:Hominidae_mimo_rod_Homo id:rougemoy value:rgb(0.88,0.48,0.48) id:rougeclair value:rgb(0.86,0.56,0.56) id:bleu value:rgb(0.76,0.76,0.96) id:grilleMinor value:rgb(0.86,0.86,0.86) id:bleuclair value:rgb(0.56,0.56,0.86) legend:Homo
Period = from:-7100 till:0 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy AlignBars = justify ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:100 start:-6900 gridcolor:grilleMinor ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:500 start:-7000 gridcolor:grilleMajor BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas bars:canvas BarData=
bar:evenement1 bar:espace1 bar:evenement1b bar:espace1b bar:evenement2 bar:espace2 bar:evenement3 bar:espace3 bar:evenement4 bar:espace4 bar:evenement4b bar:espace4b bar:evenement5 bar:espace5 bar:evenement6 bar:espace6 bar:evenement7 bar:espace7 bar:evenement8 bar:espace8 bar:evenement9 bar:espace9 bar:evenement0 bar:espace0 bar:espace0a bar:evenement0b bar:espace0b bar:evenement0c bar:espace0c bar:evenement0d bar:espace0d bar:evenement0e bar:espace0e bar:evenement0f bar:espace0f
- barset:evenement
bar:ages0 bar:ages
Define $left = anchor:from align:left shift:( 4,-4)
Define $right = anchor:till align:right shift:(-4,-4)
bar:evenement1 color:noir width:20 $left from:-2400 till:-1200 text:"Australopithecus boisei" color:rougeclair bar:evenement1b color:noir width:20 $left from:-4900 till:-3900 text:"Ardipithecus ramidus*" color:rouge from:-3000 till:-2000 text:"Australopithecus aethiopicus" color:rougeclair
bar:evenement2 color:noir width:20 $left from:-6300 till:-5300 text:"Ardipithecus kadabba*" color:rouge from:-3700 till:-2800 text:"Australopithecus bahrelghazali*" color:rougeclair $right from:-2200 till:-1000 text:"Australopithecus robustus" color:rougeclair bar:evenement3 color:noir width:20 $left from:-7100 till:-6800 text:"Sahelanthropus tchadensis*" color:rouge from:-4100 till:-2900 text:"Australopithecus afarensis" color:rougeclair
bar:evenement4 color:noir width:20 $left from:-6500 till:-5500 text:"Orrorin tugenensis*" color:rouge from:-4500 till:-3500 text:"Australopithecus anamensis*" color:rougeclair $right from:-3000 till:-2000 text:"Australopithecus africanus*" color:rougeclair $right
bar:evenement4b color:noir width:20 $left from:-3600 till:-3200 text:"Kenyanthropus platyops*" color:rougemoy $right from:-2950 till:-1950 text:"Australopithecus garhi*" color:rougeclair $right bar:evenement5 color:noir width:20 $left from:-2900 till:-1700 text:"Homo rudolfensis" color:bleuclair bar:evenement6 color:noir width:20 $left from:-2400 till:-1700 text:"Homo habilis" color:bleuclair
bar:espace6 width:15 at:-2000 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:evenement7 color:noir width:20 $left from:-1700 till:-1400 text:"Homo georgicus*" color:bleuclair at:-2000 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:espace7 width:15 at:-2000 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace7 width:15 at:-1700 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:evenement8 color:noir width:20 $left from:-2000 till:-1000 text:"Homo ergaster" color:bleuclair from:-100 till:-12 text:"Homo floresiensis*" color:bleuclair $right
bar:espace8 width:15 at:-1750 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace8 width:15 at:-100 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:evenement9 color:noir width:20 $left from:-1750 till:-100 text:"Homo erectus" color:bleuclair
bar:espace9 width:15 at:-900 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace9 width:15 at:-700 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace9 width:15 at:-100 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:evenement0 color:noir width:20 $left from:-900 till:-780 text:"Homo antecessor*" color:bleuclair $right from:-100 till:-27 text:"Homo soloensis" color:bleuclair $right at:-700 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace0 width:15 at:-700 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace0a width:15 at:-700 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:evenement0b color:noir width:20 $left from:-200 till:0 text:"Homo sapiens" color:bleuclair $right at:-700 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace0b width:15 at:-700 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace0b width:15 at:-200 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:evenement0c color:noir width:20 $left from:-200 till:-95 text:"Homo helmei(1)" color:bleuclair $right
bar:espace0c width:15 at:-700 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace0c width:15 at:-200 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:evenement0d color:noir width:20 $left from:-700 till:-300 text:"Homo rhodesiensis" color:bleuclair $right at:-200 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:espace0d width:15 at:-600 mark:(line, bleuclair) bar:espace0d width:15 at:-200 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:evenement0e color:noir width:20 $left from:-600 till:-150 text:"Homo heidelbergensis(2)" color:bleuclair $right
bar:espace0e width:15 at:-230 mark:(line, bleuclair)
bar:evenement0f color:noir width:20 $left from:-230 till:-28 text:"Homo neanderthalensis" color:bleuclair $right
bar:ages0 from:-2600 till:-10 width:10 color:green at:-1600 text:"Paleolit"
bar:ages from:-7100 till:-5332 color:Mio at:-6900 text:"Miocén" from:-5332 till:-1806 color:Plio at:-3800 text:"Pliocén" from:-1806 till:-11 color:Pléi at:-1100 text:"Pleistocén" from:-11 till:0 color:Holo at:-100 text:"Holo."
(1): francouzsky: (ou Homo sapiens archaïque récent) (2): anteneadrtálci = předchůdci klasických neadrtálců
<timeline> ImageSize = width:650 height:400 PlotArea = left:20 right:70 bottom:20 top:0 AlignBars = justify Colors = id:period1 value:rgb(1,1,0.7) # light yellow id:period2 value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1) # light blue id:period3 value:rgb(0.7,1,0.7) # light green id:events value:rgb(1,0.3,1) # light purple id:Miocene value:rgb(1,0.8706,0) # 255/222/0 id:Pliocene value:rgb(0.9961,0.9216,0.6745) # 254/235/172 id:Pleistocene value:rgb(1,0.9216,0.3843) # 255/235/98 id:Holocene value:rgb(1,1,0.7020) # 255/255/179 Period = from:0 till:7000000 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:1000000 start:0 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:250000 start:0 BarData = bar:Timelines bar:buffer bar:Events bar:bar0 bar:bar1 bar:bar2 bar:bar3 bar:bar4 bar:bar5 bar:bar6 bar:bar7 bar:bar8 bar:bar9 bar:bar10 bar:bar11 bar:bar12 bar:bar13 bar:bar14 bar:bar15 bar:bar16 bar:bar17 bar:bar18 bar:bar19 bar:bar20 bar:bar21 bar:bar22 bar:bar23 bar:bar24 bar:bar25 bar:bar26 bar:bar27 bar:bar28 bar:bar29 bar:bar30 bar:bar31 bar:bar32 bar:bar33 PlotData= width:25 mark:(line,red) textcolor:black bar:Timelines align:right shift:(-75,0) bar:Timelines align:center shift:none from:5332000 till:end color:Miocene text:Miocene from:1806000 till:5332000 color:Pliocene text:Pliocene from:11500 till:1806000 color:Pleistocene text:Pleistocene
bar:Events color:events align:right shift:(-5,-10) at:5000000 text:"Split between humans and apes using molecular clock, about 5 Ma" width:7 mark:none color:events align:right shift:(-5,-4) bar:bar2 from:6000000 till:7000000 at:6000000 text:Sahelanthropus tchadensis bar:bar4 from:5800000 till:6100000 at:5800000 text:Age of bones found in Kenya, about 6 Ma at:6100000 align:left shift:(5,-4) text:Orrorin tugenensis align:left shift:(5,-4) bar:bar9 from:5200000 till:5800000 at:5800000 text:Ar. kadabba bar:bar11 from:4200000 till:5400000 at:5400000 text:Ar. ramidus bar:bar13 from:3900000 till:4400000 at:4400000 text:A. anamensis bar:bar15 from:3000000 till:3900000 at:3900000 text:A. afarensis bar:bar17 from:3000000 till:3500000 at:3500000 text:A. bahrelghazali bar:bar19 from:2400000 till:3300000 at:3300000 text:A. africanus bar:bar21 from:2000000 till:3000000 at:3000000 text:A. garhi bar:bar23 from:1800000 till:2500000 at:2500000 text:H. habilis bar:bar25 from:1800000 till:1800000 at:1800000 text:H. georgicus bar:bar25 from:13000 till:94000 at:94000 text:H. floresiensis bar:bar27 from:300000 till:1800000 at:1800000 text:H. erectus bar:bar29 from:250000 till:600000 at:600000 text:H. heidelbergensis bar:bar31 from:29000 till:230000 at:230000 text:H. neanderthalensis bar:bar33 from:0 till:200000 at:200000 text:H. sapiens bar:bar10 from:2500000 till:2700000 at:2700000 text:P. aethiopicus bar:bar8 from:1400000 till:2600000 at:2600000 text:P. boisei bar:bar6 from:1200000 till:2000000 at:2000000 text:P. robustus mark:none bar:bar4 at:1200000 text:Genus Paranthropus bar:bar8 from:1165000 till:2735000 width:47 color:period1 bar:bar8 from:1235000 till:2665000 width:37 color:white bar:bar7 at:4200000 text:Genus Ardipithecus bar:bar10 from:4165000 till:5835000 width:31 color:Pleistocene bar:bar10 from:4235000 till:5765000 width:21 color:white bar:bar21 at:4435000 text:Genus Australopithecus bar:bar17 from:1965000 till:4435000 width:77 color:period2 bar:bar17 from:2035000 till:4365000 width:67 color:white bar:bar33 at:2535000 text:Genus Homo bar:bar28 from:0 till:2535000 width:93 color:period3 bar:bar28 from:50000 till:2465000 width:83 color:white TextData = pos:(29,14) text:"Years" </timeline> |
The table gives a rough picture of the relationships between the various principal cultures of Prehistory outside the Americas, Antarctica, Australia and Oceania. It also serves as an index of the broad features of that prehistory to be followed through links to articles. Drawing parallels between the sets of information here and in the Timeline of glaciation might also be informative in some cases.
To see this table at its best, use your whole screen. Your software may permit you to extend it further but this would be useful only on a small screen. Set your screen resolution to at least 1024x768.
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