Benutzer:IgorCalzone1/Filmanalyse Hell or High Water

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xxx vergleicht den Film mit dem Film The Great Train Robbery von Edwin S Porter aus dem Jahr 1903, der is generally agreed to have been the first western ever made, masked men stole money at gunpoint and were pursued at length by a furious posse. That neatly sums up the plot of Hell or High Water, which may be set in the gloomy present but is a western in all but name if you're prepared to substitute Fords and Chevrolets for horses. + Hell or High Water reminds one at times of the Coen brothers' 'No Country for Old Men', a comparison that can only be complementary.

For all the methodical pacing and old archetypes, Hell or High Water is a thoroughly contemporary action film, complete with fast chases and flashes of dark comedy. But like the classic Westerns, it invites viewers to evaluate, one more time, the myth of the American outlaw, and the idea of criminals as heroes.

Western poetry xxx

In these new Westerns, the frontier is neither boundless, nor lawless — it’s bankrupt. And the only reinvention possible takes the form of an ill-fated struggle to take back some small measure of control over your fate.

Clint Eastwood nannte Western eine ‘truly American art form’. The frontier drama was an origin story for white American audiences — and it is telling how fondly those origins were presented. Der New Western xxx David Mackenzie meinte: “I wanted to embrace America [...] To assimilate, not just get wide-eyed about the landscape. [...] The whole film is about loss of faith in institutions” Mackenzie sagte weiter: “It’s cyclical,” Mackenzie says. “Ten years ago I tried to get a Western made and was told that no one went to see them. Now everyone wants them. In fact, while it’s still possible, I want to do another.”

Neo-Western ohne eindeutige zeitliche Verortung / zeitlos xxx “Hell or High Water” addresses changing times and the breakdown of community through the lens of old-fashioned good guys and bad guys. Here, though, the foe isn't a hyped-up embodiment of irrational evil but something far more specific, structural and utterly of its time.

Felix Zwinzscher: "Und hier ist der Punkt, an dem sich die beiden Ende des politischen Spektrums treffen. Eigentlich sind Cowboys Ikonen der Konservativen. Harte Männer, die fern jedes Nanny-Staates ihr Glück selbst machen. Reiter der Unabhängigkeit, die sich von niemandem vorschreiben lassen, ob und wo sie rauchen dürfen oder nicht."[1]

Visueller Stil

Landschaftsaufnahmen, Texas hart

In the badlands of west Texas,

aber the Texas in this film is a bleak, modern-day version of the classic frontier: bleached-out, wrung dry, economically withered, and largely abandoned. This movie presents the “West” as neither a land of eternal possibility nor a stage for moral anarchy, but rather as a broken promise — a place barely populated by dispirited people with nowhere left to turn. This is the frontier in foreclosure.

The landscape the good and bad guys cross is lined with abandoned homesteads and boarded up shops, and the difference with this recession is that entire communities may never recover from it.

Kameramann xxx makes West Texas' run-down towns and naked rocky plains look tragic and lonely. In his lens, Pine and Foster are as hard and enduring as the landscape. A witness to one of their crimes describes them both as "lean like cowboys," which more or less sums up the whole film: there isn't a wasted moment here.


Kritik an der Finanzwelt

Im Neo-Western „Hell or High Water“ rauben zwei texanische Brüder Banken aus. Zur Freude ihrer Mitbürger proben sie so den Aufstand gegen das Finanzsystem.[1]

Occupy Wall Street xxx Part heist, part western for the Occupy generation

Inside the socially conscious xxx story about fraternal bonds (blood-related and otherwise), social commentary about the way our financial system fucks over the little guy and the sense that certain things are coming to an end — both the ability to live with dignity when the game is rigged and the myth of the American West.

Disenfranchisement, the sense that institutions have abandoned folks xxx Hell or High Water's genesis sprang from two different sources: a visit to his old stomping grounds, where he saw closed-down storefronts and "empty house after empty house after empty house"; and seeing his uncle, noted U.S. marshal Parnell McNamara, forced to retire despite still feeling he had something to offer.

Bridges meinte xxx But then, is it righteous for banks to be loaning people money that they know very well can't pay it back … and then they can grab their oil-rich land? That gray area is one of the more cool things about the film, I think."

Der Hass der Protagonisten auf Banken überträgt sich auf den Zuschauer xxx Terry Newell mein in der xxx sieht im Film A Parable And A Problem xxx What is thought-provoking, however, is that the film’s core question is not about what is legal but what is just. Set in the hardscrabble life of West Texas, in which Toby notes that poverty is passed down from generation to generation, the only prosperous people are bankers. Aided by the law, which they no doubt have helped create, they have political and economic control. Newell meint, the film moves us emotionally toward the conclusion that sometimes justice requires flouting the law. und Hass auf die Bänker... How do we ensure the law promotes justice? And if, as in Hell or High Water, the system is unjust, is disregard of the law an acceptable alternative? Are the film’s Robin Hoods heroes, even though innocent people died? Terry Newell: Hell Or High Water: A Parable And A Problem In: xxx, 2. September 2016.

Auch xxx übertrage sich auf den Zuschauer: "xxx nun, wenige Monate nach dem Tod der Mutter, wird die Rückzahlung dieses Kredits fällig. So viel findet der Zuschauer im Laufe der ersten Hälfte des Films über die Motivation der brüderlichen Raubüberfälle heraus. Später wird nach und nach klar, dass sie den ganzen Stress und die Gefahr gar nicht für sich selbst in Kauf nehmen. Ihre Motive sind durchaus altruistisch, zumindest die von Toby."[1]

Pol Schock vom Luxemburger Wort spricht von einem Antikapitalistischen Western[2]


"Another way of looking at Hell or High Water is as a meditation on the America so many of us know but so few of us talk about, the America where people don’t get by, where people rob banks for $5,000. The America of the countless fading towns that leave no cultural footprint, where jobs are minimum-wage and part-time and a day where you find five bucks in a ditch is a good day." xxxx Horton ergänzt: "Where cities are hours away and vaguely unknowable. These parts of the country have been struggling for decades. They’ve been struggling since Eisenhower moved the roads. America has built up its cities and neglected its towns. The future is an urban gray, and this angers and saddens the people who don’t want it." Auch zu DT xxx Horton ein Verbindung: "They were angry and sad before Trump and they’ll be angry and sad whether Trump wins or loses. It’s fitting that it stars Jeff Bridges, who once upon a time starred in two important films about the struggle to survive in Forgotten America: The Last Picture Show and Fat City." xxx meint, der Film meditated on place, and in that meditation they revealed a lifestyle fading to black. Kaleb Horton: THE FORGOTTEN AMERICA OF HELL OR HIGH WATER. THESE ARE THE PLACES WHERE YOU CAN JOKE ABOUT ROBBING THE LOCAL BANK. UNTIL SOMEBODY ACTUALLY DOES IT. in: xxx, 1. September 2016.

auch xxxx Waffengesetze und der allgemeine Umgang mit Schusswaffen in den USA...Für Trevor Johnston vom British Film Institute xxx Perhaps the most memorable sequence of all, and one possibly betraying the directorial sensibility of an outsider confounded by the resilience of America’s ongoing gun culture, has the two siblings riskily knocking off a larger bank branch at a time when it’s filled with customers – the vast majority of whom are packing weapons. As the robbers take flight, these ordinary citizens spontaneously filter out into a posse/motorcade giving chase, the right to self-defence and the possibility of a restorative act of heroism seemingly hardwired into their DNA.[3]

Patriotismus und Rassismus

There's deep grief in “Hell or High Water,” as well as grudging, rueful wit and sinewy home truths about ethnicity in a pre-post-racial America. If the filmmakers are too obvious in their depiction of the Big Bad Banks, they still deserve credit for bringing style and solid values to a movie that winds up being less about crime, comeuppance and genre cliches than continuity, change, the cruel legacy of dispossession and the fight to create a usable past.

Hell and High Water makes no bones when it comes to the subject of the nation's class disparity and hard times. The robberies that the brothers commit have a personal impetus, involving the family home and the threat of foreclosure.

Every highway is dotted with billboards advertising debt relief.

Bridge's Comanche partner, played by the actor Gil Birmingham, laments how his people's land used to be stolen by armies, and now it's being taken by them, pointing to a bank they're staking out.

  1. a b c Felix Zwinzscher: Wie Cowboys gegen den Kapitalismus kämpfen In:, 13. Januar 2017.
  2. Pol Schock: Filmkritik der Woche: 'Hell Or High Water' Antikapitalistischer Western In: Luxemburger Wort, 17. September 2016.
  3. Trevor Johnston: Film of the week: Hell or High Water In:, 13. September 2016.