aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Seit 1996 in Australien und mein Deutsch wird langsam rostig.

Ingenieur Betriebstechnik B80a TGM Wien. Seit 2004 Medizin - Selbststudium


Since 1996 in Australia and my German is getting rusty.

Indusrial Management Engineer B80a TGM Vienna. Since 2004 Medicine - Selfeducation

English Reading List - Science, Medicine & History If a book is not on the list please do not assume that I have not read it ;)

Book Title 1.Name Author / ed. by Topic 1 Topic 2 Comment Links
The Cambridge History of Medicine Roy Porther History Medicine 1RD, 3RD -
History of Medicine I - Primitive and Archaic Medicine (Mesopotamia, Egypt) Henry S. Sigerist History Medicine 1RD, 3RD -
History of Medicine II - Early Greek, Hindu and Persian Medicine Henry S. Sigerist History Medicine 1RD, 3RD -
Archaeology of Disease Charlotte Roberts Keith Manchester History Medicine 2RD, 3RD
Eat to Live Joel Fuhrman - Medicine 1RD, 4RD -
The autoimmune solution Amy Myers - Medicine 1RD, 4RD -
Nourishing Traditions Sally Fallon - Medicine 1RD, 4RD amazon
GAPS - Gut and Psychology Syndrome -Diet Natasha Campbell, MD - Medicine 1RD, 4RD -
Put your Heart in Your Mouth Natasha Campbell, MD - Medicine 1RD, 4RD -
The Viva Mayr Diet Harald Stossier Helena Frith Powell - Medicine 2RD, 4RD - []
Food in History Reay Tannahill History - 1RD, 3RD amazon
Sex in History Reay Tannahill History - 1RD, 3RD amazon
Greece at the time of Pericles Robert Flaceliere History - 1RD, -
Awakening the mind - Dalai Lama - Medicine 1RD, -
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche - Medicine 1RD, 8RD zamstore goodreads
The Tibetan Art of Living Christopher Hansard Bsp Bsp 1RD Bsp
How to Overcome Depression - Sogyal Rinpoche - Medicine 1RD, 8RD -
It could be Allergy and it can be cured Phillip Alexander - Medicine 1RD, 3RD -
Clean Gut Alejandro Junger - Medicine 1RD, 4RD -
E Numbers Stefan Gates - Medicine 1RD, -
The Jigsaw Man Paul Britton - Medicine 1RD, worldofbooks
The Manipulated Man Esther Vilar - Medicine 2RD, -
Don't say YES when you want to say NO Herbert Fensterheim - Medicine 1RD, -
The Road Less Traveled M. Scott Peck‎ - Medicine 2RD, booktopia
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma Bessel van der Kolk - Medicine 2RD, amazon
In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness Peter A. Levine - Medicine 2RD amazon
DAU (~pain) Ed Dodge - Medicine 1RD goodreads
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert M. Pirsig - Medicine 1RD -
The Art of War - Sun Tsu Thomas Cleary History - 1RD -
The Science of Discworld 1-4 Terry Pratchett - Science 1RD, 2RD -
Drink Ann Dowsett Johnston - Medicine 1RD, 7RD -
Big Book - Alcoholics Anonymous - Medicine 1RD, 7RD free full text:


Cancer can be cured Father Romano Zago - Medicine 1RD, -
Guns, Germs, and Steel Jared Diamond History - 1RD, en.wikipedia
Gunpowder Jack Kelly History - 1RD, -
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660-1783 Alfred Thayer Mahan History - 2RD, -
The Naked Ape Desmond Morris - Medicine 1RD, 3RD -
Modern Essentials Essential Oils Handbook Aromatools - Medicine 1RD -
Myths and Legends of India Donald A. Mackenzie History - 1RD -
LINKED: Science Of Networks Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Science Medicine 1RD, 3RD, 4RD amazon
Defining moments in Science - - Science - 1RD -
The racist Mind Raphael S. Ezekiel History - 1RD -
Boudica Graham Webster History - 1RD -
Bsp Bsp Bsp Bsp Bsp 1RD Bsp
Book Title 1.Name Author Topic 1 Topic 2 Comment Links