
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

If you do Wiki research then there is absolutely no need to publish in printed closed access-journals. Here is a list of some open access journals from the Directory of Open Access journals. The selection is mostly limited to english journals for general research (of course you can also write about chemical articles in a journal of chemistry but this would probably be less general Wikipedia research - anyhow remember bradford's law of scattering).

Last review: 2006-04-26 (mostly based on LIS-Journals)

TODO: Review media journals and other fields (which?)

Social Sciences

  • Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) - social science research on computer-mediated communication via the Internet, the World Wide Web, and wireless technologies (since 1995) ISSN 1083-6101.
  • Journal of Online Behaviour (JOB) - the empirical study of human behavior in the online environment, and the impact of evolving communication and information technology upon individuals, groups, organizations, and society (since 2000) ISSN 1092-4790(?!?!).
  • IT&Society - social and behavioral impact of information technology on society (since 2002)

Knowledge Management & Education


Library and Information science

Library practice


  • Cybermetrics - study of the quantitative analysis of scholarly and scientific communications in the Internet (since 1997) ISSN 1137-5019

Other Languages
