Benutzer:Mario todte/Baustelle/unfertige Entwürfe Nr. 2

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Apollon of Olympia

Apoll of Olympia

The Apoll of Olympia was part of the group of sculptures, which was in the west pediment of the Zeustempels of Olympia. It was located in the center of these sculptural composition and therefore also as Apollon from the west pediment is called. It is one of the most important statues of the late archaic style around 460 v. Chr. is dated. The statue is in the archaeological museum in Olympia.

In the west pediment of the Zeustempels of Olympia the fight of the Lapiths against the Centaur was represented with the wedding of the Peirithoos. The Centaur Kentauren was in the Greek mythology wild forest inhabitants with a part of a horse and the other of a human. The fight of the Lapiths, a mythological people in Thessalia, against the Centaur served frequently as symbol the argument between Greeks and barbarians. Most figures of this richly moved combat representation were regained with the German excavations in Olympia since 1875 under the arcaeologist Georg Treu.

In the centre zone of the gables was located the juvenile Apollon, which turns its view to the Lapiths. With its stretched rights it seems to order stop to the frevelhaften act - the Kentauren had hurt the right of hospitality and had made themselves women robbing over the Lapiths. Nevertheless one may introduce oneself it only as feature. The fighting do not know anything from its presence, none the further sculptures of the pediment refer in their motion or in their gestus on the appearance of the God.

At the sculpture it is remarkable that its back, which had not been visible the viewer was more roughly worked on than the front. This again informed various about the Greek sculptor technology. With the discussion, whether that was certainly many younger Hermes of Olympia a Greek original or a Roman copy of a Greek original, this aspect had played a large role.

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