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LINQ to SharePoint

Exportieren von Listen und Inhaltstypen

Create Classes using SPMetal[1]

cd "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\BIN\"
All lists
SPMetal /web:"http://sharepoint/site/" /code:"SiteModel.cs" /language:"csharp" /namespace:"Company.Product" /user:"DOMAIN/USER" /password:"..." /serialization:"unidirectional"
Specific list[2]
SPMetal /web:"http://sharepoint/site" /code:OutPutFileName.cs /language:csharp /parameters:SPMetal.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Web AccessModifier="Internal" xmlns="">
    <List Name="ListName">
      <ContentType Name="ContentTypeName" Class="GeneratedClassName" />

Example: Get Published Documents

var uri = new Uri("http://spd-01:8080/personal/dijo/_api/");
var client = new DataContext(uri.ToString());
var documents = client.GetList<Documents>("Dokumente"); // class Documents is automatically generated
var publishedDocuments = documents
   .Where(d => d.PublicationLevel == SPFileLevel.Published)


  1. SPMetal. Abgerufen am 21. Mai 2014 (englisch).
  2. David Opdendries: Using SPMetal to gernerate code for a specific List. 18. Februar 2010, abgerufen am 21. Mai 2014 (englisch).
